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Approved Ranged Weapon DE-[X] Slugshot Revolver

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Manufacturer: The Nobody
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Large

[Image Credit: Raman Joldoshbek]


Size: 55 cm
Weight: 7 kg
Ammunition Type: .500 Slug Cartridge [Modified]
Ammunition Capacity: 6
-- Ammunition Special Feature(s): The DE-[X] Slugshot Revolver fires kinetic cartridges with a 13 mm diameter. The bullets are packed with an explosive chemical compound that detonates on impact.
Rear Sight Special Feature: A small holographic projector is equipped on the rear sight of the revolver. It displays the current number of bullets chambered in the gun at all times. The sight also outlines enemies in its view with a red border.

  • The DE-[X] Slugshot Revolver fires large, explosive cartridges to eviscerate opponents. It is also equipped with a holographic rear sight that displays bullet count and enemy outlines.
  • The Slugshot Revolver is a devastating mid-ranged weapon. In the hands of a reliable wielder, the revolver is capable of exterminating targets in one shot.
  • The revolver is large and almost unwieldly for most people. The recoil is incredibly punishing, and without a steady hand, a person could break their hand firing the weapon.
The DE-[X] Slugshot Revolver is an innovation created by The Nobody himself. He crafted this sidearm to aid him in combat scenarios and keep him company in his solemn isolation. It's well maintained, and capable of firing devastating slugshot cartridges with little wear to its internal components. Due to the strong metals making up its frame, it remains relatively safe from wear and overuse.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: The Nobody's personal firearm.
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: The Nobody
Model: DE-10 Blaster Pistol (Modified)
Modular: No
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Revolver
Material: DE-10 Blaster Frame Reference, Durasteel Frame, Modified Dallorian Alloy Barrel (Snub-nosed), Beskar Firing Pin & Hammer, Rear Sight Hologram Display
Ammunition Type: Slugs - .500 Slug Cartridge
Ammunition Capacity: Small
Damage Output: Extreme
Recoil: Very High
Ranged Class: Revolver
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