Lev Orlova
An irredeemable soldier haunted by his sins.
While the private soldier had gone into hiding a few years ago, it didn't take a lot of deductive skills to find out where he was. Where do cold, xenophobic, and stand-offish species tend to congregate? Towards each other. And seeing as there are no significant off world populations, the best place to start was his homeworld. Lev was very careful, but there was one part of his routine that would bring him into the "public," though this was not your average law abiding crowd. Whether through bribery, extortion, or other means, it had come to pass that the hunter had learned of this one part of his routine: once a month, he would go into the criminal underworld of Pyligorod and bet on the blood sport arena. The air in this place was especially toxic, taking on a lot of the air pollution from the local factories, even to a somewhat disagreeable degree to the carbonmonoxide breathing Czelosmertians.
The old man, by Czelosmertian standards atleast, pulled up the long lapels of his dark peacoat and stuffed his hands into his pockets. It was an especially cold night. Keeping his eyes in front of him, he walked by two men pummeling each other without a care in the world. Refuse lay in piles along each side of the street, and a noxious wind blew 'tumbleweeds' of rubbish here and there. The occasional burst of flames from the smoke stacks far above would cast a crimson orange light down on the denizens of this terrible place.
Moving through the crowded alleyways, past groups of drunk men huddled around barrel fires for warmth, crowded, loud, and rowdy bars, Lev came to a T-junction at the end of the alley. There was a double door entrance at the end of the street, with a pair of armed brutes standing guard, they were patting down everyone that came by, taking any weapons and sliding them into a locker. A holo-sign shone above them in Yaziksmert,"RATCHEV'S RING" with a bloodied fist wielding a club as its logo.
Lev approached one of the guards, slipping him about 500 credits. The guard took the credits and lazily patted Lev down, his hand brushing over the blaster inside his jacket carelessly. He waved Lev on in. Descending the stairs, the din of a large crowd of men echoed from below. Stepping over an unconscious body, the mercenary entered a large warehouse-turned-arena.
In the center was a large arena that was once completely white or grey, but was stained black and red in various places from the constant explosions and spilling of blood. There were several pieces of cover inbetween the two corners. A cheap ray shield separated the rambunctious crowd from the participants. While the arena was bathed in light, the patron area was dimly lit, smoky, and full to the brim with untrustworthy characters. Cursing, laughter, and yelling were all that could be heard. He approached a holoterminal to briefly inspect who was fighting tonight. Making a quick judgement of who was the better fighter, he entered his lot. Placing 1000 credits on the man, he took his validation ticket and waded into the crowd.
As he made his way to an open part of the balcony on the second floor, the speaker system buzzed and crackled. A brassy voice declared in Yaziksmert,"Welcome, bratya! Tonight's fighters are not going to leave you dissapointed!" Lev tuned the speaker out, he had heard the same drivel a thousand times before. Finding an empty spot of the second floor balcony to lean on and observe the duel, he checked his watch briefly. Should be home in a few hours, he thought, he had an easy protection job tomorrow and he shouldn't be too hung over for it.
[member="Koda Fett"]