Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dead Rising - 857 ABY

857 ABY
Creaking emanated from the vessel as it slowly drifted in space, the center among other vessels - a dead fleet of sorts that seemed darken against the backdrop of the twinkling of space. Within the vessels there seemed no life, quiet and unnerving for any whom may board in search of treasure of salvage. It was difficult to know just how many years had passed; though for those that inhabited the vessels time was easily passed.
A small hiss began to fill a room, before becoming a roaring font of steam, the heavy lid upon the sarcophagus slowly sliding open to reveal what remained within. The woman's hand reached out, grabbing hold of the side as she pulled herself forward and gasped for a moment. Falling to her knees, she reached out as a heavy cough wracked her body, before she pulled herself to her feet. Falling forward again, she panted heavily, holding herself up against the bulk head of the door before pulling herself through to the room beyond.
The darkness of the room was welcoming as she took a moment to regain her bearings. Slipping down into the heavy chair, she leaned back, permitting herself a moment to relax and gain her composure. With a heavy sigh she sat forward, looking over the desk as she ran a finger through the dust that had accumulated over the years of disuse.
Reaching over she pressed a series of commands into the tablet that rest within the table. The lights of the room flickering as programming began to rush across the screen, the vessel letting out a loud roar as its engines fired up and begun to awaken. Leaning back in her seat, she looked over the screen again, a familiar name flickering across it causing her to tap it for a quick moment.
A soft smile crossed her lips as she read the name out to herself, [member="Jairdain"], and began to wonder just what her old friend had been up to in the years she had slumbered. A soft groan escaped her lips as she stretched again, feeling the strain of the process to awaken as she pulled herself from her seat. Moving towards the heavy cabinets, she pressed firmly to reveal the various drinks, her hand reaching out to pick up the decanter.
With a heavy sigh she set it aside, knowing that what it had once kept was no longer viable. Of course she had always ensured that there was always the sanguine liquid on hand. Pressing a button near where the decanter sat began to a sequence, a heavy hiss escaping as steam poured from the cabinet. A soft smirk crossed her lips as she looked at the decanter as the carbonization process was reversed.
Pouring herself a glass of the sanguine liquid, she returned to her seat, wondering if her old friend would come to her or if she had once more become alone in the galaxy.
After a few years had passed, Jairdain was still quite involved with Commenor. One person was missing from things though. A woman she had met very soon after her time had started as the advisor to Brad. Things had certainly changed since then. Brad had gone missing, she had taken on the role as Regent of Juniper until their son came of age and she still had her duties with the Silver Jedi. Not to mention the twins she had with Solan.

For a time her life had been hell, now though she had come back to reality and lived a comfortable, happy life.

When she returned to her home in Juniper City, there was a message waiting for her. Hearing who it was from brought a smile to her face and those memories she had of Amelia came back. Sending a reply back and agreeing to come to her, Jairdain arranged for things to be taken care of here. Her children would stay with Kay while she was away and she packed up a bag for her visit with her old friend.

Coordinates were given and Jairdain told them to her ship and they entered hyperspace. The life of the galaxy around them filled her senses, but she waited to see her friend. When her ship arrived, she brought it into the hanger that was waiting for her and walked out. With a relaxed and familiar motion, she moved down the ramp and nodded to her friend.

"It is good to hear from you again, Amelia. Where have you been?"

[member="Amelia von Sorenn"]
The hanger bay was dark, coated in a thing layer of dust as starfighters rest all around the two. Where the dust once had been, the shuttle had kicked it up and thrown it about, though it would settle soon enough. For now that was not the main focus, and merely caused the woman to brush a bit of it from her shoulder before returning her golden hues upon the young woman that stepped from the shuttle. With a nod in return, she kept her arms behind her back, though at least she was somewhat presentable.

Rather than just show up as she had been, she had taken the time - then again she had the time between the message and arrival - to change. The old armor was familiar and in some ways it was relaxing to be held within its confines once more. The heavy helm she normally wore was permitted to remain on its stand in her private chambers; she didn't expect to be attacked by an old friend - though stranger things had happened. With a soft sigh she stepped forward, closing the distance between the two and permitting a smile to grace her lips if only for a moment.


She said simply, and it was the fact. She had been asleep all this time, slumbering as the years went by and time changed the galaxy. She was certain though that nothing had really changed in the time she was away and that somewhere out there the galaxy was still burning from conflict. Perhaps though it had settled; though these were details she would always discover now that this old friend was here.

"Shall we?"

She questioned, stepping to the side and extending her arm out before turning towards the heavy blast doors at the far end of the hanger. She stopped for a moment before looking back at the shuttle, then to Jair.

"You may want to inform them to keep the shuttle closed for their safety. You will be fine as long as you remain at my side."

Her attention then turned, golden eyes falling upon a few forms within the hanger before offering a soft snarl to chase them away.

The dust that been stirred up by her arrival wasn't entirely missed by the blind woman. She could smell it in the air and when Amelia answered her question, she nodded. Through the years they had known each other, Amelia had never tried to lie to Jairdain and she still trusted her to not do that. If she did try, Jairdain was confident in her own ability to see through the lie, but she did not press her friend to know if that was the case or not.

"Unless you or your people have developed a taste of droids, there isn't anything on board that is in danger."

Walking up to Amelia when she stepped to the side and motioned, she accepted the arm her friend held out to her.

"What had awoken you, Amelia? I will do what I can to help you with whatever you need."

As long as her requests did not go against anything Jairdain worked for, then she would help Amelia. Knowing her friend though, she did not expect any requests that were too great or out of line.

[member="Amelia von Sorenn"]

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