Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dead Screams


Iris Arani Iris Arani


There hadn't been a single night since she returned that she did not hear the call of that man's spirit. An echo in the Force that would always be with her. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis had left his mark on her, though for what purpose she could only guess. She had heard rumors of him gathering promising "students" only for him to turn them into mindless Hounds. Had she been on that path? Is that why she still felt him despite his death? She still bore scars from the Sith Tattoos she had worn for his ritual on Tython and during these dreams they burned.



Exogal. She recognized this place, though she had only been once. Through the Red Honeycomb and past the horde of One-Eyed summa-verminoths only pain resided. The seat of Solipsis' power and his hopeful Sith Empire. Thunder cracked above her, the sound of red-white streaks of lightning arcing down to touch down on the too flat, too grey landscape.

"Thaaaaaaaalia.....Temmmmmpessssssst," The wraith behind her whispered in her ear. Its voice was weak and barely audible over the hum of the wraith's lightsaber. Thalia pivoted to face her wraith, her feet sliding on the slick ground with ease. Here she did not have a lightsaber. But she'd had this dream before. She'd-

The wraith was not the tall winged shape of Darth Solipsis she had been accustomed to from her nightly terrors. The wraith was a mass of black writhing smoke. It held two red lightsabers, one in each hand.


"Temmmmmpesssssstttttt," it hissed, its eyes snapping open to reveal empty white sockets. Its gaze locked with her own and flashes of the dark Temple beneath the ground of Exogal flitted through her mind, halting on the one that had become all too familiar to her. Pain shot through her head and wracked her body as the scream echoed for eons through her bones.

Thalia woke, swallowing her scream. The Kyber Mountain's scream lingered though. It would for a few more hours she knew.

"Padawan Senn," came the too prim voice of the KJ droid standing guard over her cell. "Padawan Arani has come to visit you." Thalia groaned. Not from the visitation, she had been wanting to see Iris for a while now, but from the screaming and headache she would have to endure without the use of the Force their entire time. She dressed, in a simple Jedi robe, an old one at that, and some slippers. The droid escorted her out of her cell and into one of the small gardens attached to the medical wing where Iris was waiting.



She was here.

Iris turned her gaze around, glancing between the various rooms. The colors coming from them. Mostly just looking for Thalia. After everything that happened, she really just wanted to see the other girl again. She wasn't around for the trials. Wasn't around for when Thalia got brought in to this place. She should've been, but she wasn't. She was here now, though.

She was standing. Sort of pacing while she waited. No sooner did she start that though did she feel the familiar colors she'd tugged on on Tython. A bright smile took over as she waved.


Thalia Senn Thalia Senn


Iris Arani Iris Arani

A weak smile tugged at Thalia's lips, the headache still throbbing behind her temples. The gardens were supposed to ease the mind and soul of the patients held here and offer a "breath of fresh air" if you would. The Prosperity wasn't a prison ship, but even Jedi needed to restrain and hold prisoners, at least until the Alliance could take them off their hands. Or not, as it was in Thalia's case. The Prosperity, like any Jedi Temple, was also supposed to be a place of healing, of change for the better, and so she'd been given access to this area along with her fellow "dangerous" individuals, people the Jedi held to help heal the mind as a service to the Alliance. Many of the other patients walking the gardens weren't Force Sensetive and only a few had been a part of one of the Maw Cults, Thalia included.


She winced.

"Hey Iris." She'd always been a little taller than Iris but now she paused in her approach, eyes narrowing. "Did you...shrink?"


"How have you been! I know I haven't come by and I really should've so- Wait huh? Shrunk?" Iris, mid rambling apology, just stopped and blinked. Then looked at herself. Did she shrink? Was that actually something that could happen? In all her studies of anatomy she hadn't come across anything that mentioned a humanoid shrinking. Then again, was she even a pure blooded Keshian?

Was she actually shrinking?

The words weren't said, but the confusion to deep thinking, followed by more confusion and eventual panic was clear as day on her face. She laughed nervously after a second, mentally making a note to check her height when she got the chance.

"I don't uh, think so? Am I shorter?"

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn


Iris Arani Iris Arani

"I don't uh, think so? Am I shorter?"

Thalia smiled, the warmth she felt for the goofy older girl overpowering the thumping in her skull. She hugged Iris, lifting her a few inches off the ground.

"Storms its good to see you," she said before putting her back down. "Everyone else I've talked to since...Since Tython has been either ancient or Corin Trenor Corin Trenor " She shuddered.


Iris blinked in surprise as she was lifted right up. A half laugh escaped her as she glanced back down. Watched Thalia, her smile. The colors had changed. Brightened. So too did Iris's own smile. Ah, yeah. Iris did her best not to make a face at the mention of Corin but, well. It was obvious she didn't have the highest opinion of the guy.

"Ah, yeah. I'm sorry. It must not be fun having no one really to talk to.. Ahh I really should've come by sooner!"

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn


Iris Arani Iris Arani

The KJ droid acting as chaperone was clearly upset, its photoreceptors blinking furiously with one hand on its lightsaber and the other outstretched as if confused if it should be grabbing Thalia or not.

"They're thinking of letting me out soon," she said softly. She didn't think she deserved it. Not at all, but she was just a Padawan, they were the council.


What Thalia said should've been good news. But the colors said anything but. Iris watched her for a moment, watched the colors. Then reached out to pull Thalia into a surprisingly gentle hug. "It's okay to stay if you don't want to leave yet. If you don't feel ready."

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn


Iris Arani Iris Arani

The hug was much softer than Thalia's. It came from a different place, though she wasn't sure what that place was. Suprised, she found her arms wrapped around Iris and her face buried in Iris' mop of brown hair and smiled at the warmth building in her chest.

"We'll see," she said breaking the hug off and wandering off towards some exotic-looking shrubs. "Someone needs to make sure the other padawans are in tip-top fighting shape. And no padawan's a better duelist than me." She reached out and gently touched the purple shrub, its leaves closing and pulling away slightly at her touch. They were much like the plants on Pamarthe, hiding away from the harsh storms and hungry animal life. Was she like this plant? Sometimes, she decided.

"But I think there's something I have to do before I can call myself a Jedi again." The pain from her vision still burned like dying coals at the base of her skull.


"Oh? So I took on the best and survived?" Iris's question was genuine, but she still had the smile. Always had the smile. There was nothing that made her more excited than to know Thalia had come back. That no matter how much darkness tried to consume her, she found her way back. Almost back. Her smile dimmed a moment as she nodded.

"What do you need to do?"

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn


Iris Arani Iris Arani

"Oh? So I took on the best and survived?"

Thalia snorted.

"Barely. And twice because you had help." She felt uneasy about making light of almost killing who was now, undoubtedly, one of her best friends. But if Iris could do it...Well, it emboldened her just a little bit.

"I'm not sure. I feel this...Pull. I keep having these visions of-" she stopped herself, pausing to reconsider how much of her visions and how involved in the Maw she had been, "Visions of this place. And every time, he is there. Sometimes, I'm there too." She didn't need to say what she meant by that, she hoped. "And there's this mountain of pain, and screaming. It feels like," she gripped the edge of the planter and leaned forward.

"It feels like when I bled Doxmite." She still wasn't sure what had happened to the lightsaber and its sentient focusing crystal. She wondered about the ethics of doing that to begin with but her arguments fell flat even to herself when she considered that regardless she had torn the thing's mind to pieces.


"You'd be surprised what I can do now that I'm more used to the scars."

Maybe that's something they'd have to do at some point. Spar. It could be a lot of fun! .. Probably not fun. Even Iris couldn't keep a smile at the thought. It wasn't fear or sadness, but.. Determination. It'd be good for them both to fight again, at some point. Resolve the unspoken trauma to them both. Or maybe just for Iris to show how helpless she wasn't anymore.

".. Scolipsis?" She could assume that's what Thalia meant by he, but she didn't know everything about Thalia's time in the Maw. Just a shadow she'd seen in their fights. Looming over her, watching. Could she even see it now?

Ah. Domxite.

There was a hesitation before Iris pulled out the rainbow gem. Domxite had never left her person. But after Tython, after.. After what happened with the others, the gem had stopped shining. Stopped.. Anything. No colors came from them. She held her friend in her palm, her gaze focused on it.

"Carnifex did something to us on Tython. .. I get dreams too. Every night. A shade growing closer every day. Sometimes when I try to paint it shows up. And Domxite's been.. Dormant, all that time." She closed her eyes. "The mountain wants your help, is my guess. It's like Domxite, alive. In pain. It's calling to you. .. What will you do?"

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn


Iris Arani Iris Arani

The name caused her to flinch, the memories of the Sith Lord sending a chill through her body. She didn't like talking about him. They didn't know what it was like, the feeling of having someone else in your mind all the time, watching. His influence was part of the reason why the Council had even considered letting her rejoin the Order. She had done terrible things as Tempest, but it had truly been like there were three people inside her mind and she was a backseat as they flew her off into Oblivion.

She turned around to look at Iris and Doxmite. It wasn't the purified white of a healed kyber but it also wasn't red anymore. There was, an absence of color. If a crystal could look ashen and sick, that's what it reminded her of. She winced. When had that happened? She said Tython so it must have been after she'd lost consciousness.

What did she have to go through to get me home safely?

Thalia cupped Iris' smaller hand in her own and ran a tender thumb over Doxmite. This was her fault.

"I don't know," she admitted sullenly. "The Council have me here until we reach Coruscant and after that they'll surely have someone looking after me. Probably Corin or one of the other Council Padawans," she paused, eyes widening at what she had just said. "N-not that I think you would spy on me Iris," She quickly took her hands away from Iris' and turned again to face the plants, heat burning the tops of her ears.

"I just meant that it would be hard to get out from under the eyes of the Council right now. There's nothing I can do."


"If they asked me to watch you, I would. I'd also tell you. I'm.. Not sure how this all works, you coming back. But if they'll let me help you, I absolutely won't hesitate to."

Iris didn't exactly consider it spying to begin with. But she understood if Thalia didn't want that. No body wanted to be babysat, that much Iris had figured out. Especially after she'd been injured. Her gaze stayed on Domxite, watching them in their slumber. At least what she hoped was their slumber. She frowned, just a little. The colors around Thalia.. The other girl already knew what she wanted and needed to do, didn't she?

".. How can I help?"

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn


Iris Arani Iris Arani

She looked nervously at the KJ droid standing just a few feet behind them and then to Iris.

"Not here, not now." She shook her head, her curly hair bouncing in frustration. "Wait- No what are you saying? I can't bring you into this. Iris, your Master is on the
stormin' council." Not only that though. It would be dangerous enough running from the Jedi. But flying through the Red Honeycomb zone without a path engine, Sith Wayfinder, or navigational data was going deadly, and likely a one-way trip. She couldn't ask Iris to be a part of this.


Iris blinked as she glanced towards the droid. Then nodded slowly. Right. Other ears.

<You want to go back to the mountain. It doesn't matter who my master is, I want to help.> There. Telepathy would work well enough to keep the conversation between them. Iris didn't seem at all weirded out by the fact she was talking in people's heads. She just smiled and nodded.

"I think it would be good to do."

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn


Iris Arani Iris Arani

<You want to go back to the mountain. It doesn't matter who my master is, I want to help.>
There was a flash of pain. Panic. Exogal. Tempest.

She acted without thinking, her hand wrapping around the neck of the exotic plant behind her. She swung, her eyes wild. The plant tore at its root pulling with it soil and stones from the display. Betrayed.


The colors turned, and Iris moved. Her hand came up, protecting the side of her head as the potted plant cracked against it. Pain. It surged through her arm. Blood leaked into the cloth where shards of the pot hit, but she didn't seem to care. Instead, her gaze shifted to the droid close by. She knew what was coming. It wasn't Thalia's fault. It was Iris's. Her other hand came up.

The droid flew, crashing into the far wall before it could shoot. It crumbled onto itself, going inactive shortly after impacting. Blood leaked from a cut across her cheek as she looked back to Thalia, offering an embarrassed, worried smile.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn


Iris Arani Iris Arani

"Stay back!" Thalia cringed away "Stay out of my head..." her voice was a whimper. On the far side of the room the doors hissed open as the other patients were quickly ushered out of the gardens and several more KJ-Series droids entered the room along with a Jedi Temple Guard, his enigmatic mask boring holes into the two padawans. The masked man's gaze shifted from them to the crumpled KJ and he sighed.

"Those are getting harder and harder to replace you know," he said, his voice heavily modulated by the mask. He stepped forward and snapped together his guardian blade, the twin yellow beams of light erupting from the hilt. At the same time, the KJs activated their practice sabers, their blades various shades of Jedi.

"Padawan Arani, step away from the patient. We will make sure she returns to her room safely."

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