Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deadman wonderland

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
So I was watching one of my favorite animes titled as such and I thought why not write a fun little RP. The story is basically an illegal event on a moon near Atrisia where anyone brave enough to compete for a legendary prize of five hundred million credits. A maze filled with criminals and crazies and the freedom to kill them or any other contestant. Please join and have fun anyone is able to join and I hope to see you there


So.... everyone else miss the part about 500,000,000 credits?

Or for you Sith lords out there, mass murder?

No? Nothing? *okayface*

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
I loved it as well really inspired me to write something because of it. I had to raise the prize money and I regret doing it. But hey mass murder is always great.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Well This is my first RP I've written on this site and it's going rather well at the moment I'd say, I'm going to speed it along I don't like things to drag on forever

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
The smuggler is a great guy and I'm thinking on splitting the take between both of you. While sith master over there can murder as planned. But I have about two more events in mind before we get to the last part of the challenge to claim the prize

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
It was actually coincidence, but I guess you just lucked out lol. If the smuggler doesn't post in an hour or two I will advance the plot
@[member=Rexus Drath]

Sorry, can't really post more than once per day on most days. I will try to check the site more often, but I can't promise too much.

If things have to move on without me, I understand. I will catch up when I can.

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