Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deadpool Movie Trailer

I had to get a discussion going on this. The Deadpool movie trailer released today on Youtube, and I would love some feedback from others about it. While I am not a huge fanboy of Deadpool, the movie does look true to the material, and I cannot wait to see it. If you have not seen it yet, I will link it below.

Thoughts, criticisms, ideas?
[member="ArcturusDM"] Epicness, though i hate the fact its not real trailers but they are funny.

If you have an errection that last more then 4 hours, pat yourself on the back.

Though , i do have to wonder if they can do it right with all the 4th wall goofyness he is known for. I mean when Stan Lee makes his cameo he has to be like whoa its Stan Lee and Stan Lee be like wtf you talking about lol
[member="Arumi Zy"]

I enjoyed both trailers honestly. The movie looks like its at least attempting to create Deadpool. If it goes well enough like Reynolds hopes, it will make for a great franchise.
I watched it, and, meh. It's a great trailer, and I'm sure it'll be a great movie (maybe?), but it just doesn't resonate with me. I don't have that feeling I got when I first saw the Iron Man trailer, that feeling of I HAVE TO SEE THIS.

Plus, it's not something my wife would enjoy, so I'd have to see it alone, which takes the fun out of it.

I'll take a pass.
[member="Celty Ikon"]
Merc WITH A MOUTH I believe it is.

[member="Asemir Lor'kora"]
I know how you feel. My wife is not into Star Wars so it looks like Im going by myself this year.

[member="Arumi Zy"]
The movie actually has parts of the concept footage in it. They changed parts but still, its there.

Well, it's more that she's not into R movies. She's actually a big fan of the Marvel movies, but I don't think she's going to like this one. And I already got her to promise she'll watch Star Wars with me. :D


Looking for freedom...
I love how he poked fun at the green lantern movie, about his suit being green and animated. Seriously, WHY DID THEY ANIMATE THAT?! heh heh heh

But I am very excited to see this movie! Can't wait!

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