Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dear Mrrew

Dear [member="Mrrew"],

The Tion Trade Nexus will be undergoing renovations to improve trade accessibility. As one of our tenants, the Beast Hunters' Guild is uniquely situated to benefit from the changes. I understand that your schedule is highly variable, but if you happen to visit the Guild facility on board the Nexus, I'll be on the Nexus myself for the next couple of weeks, testing the next generation of AEL gear. I'd like the chance to drop by your office and discuss opportunities.

R. Merrill
CEO, Akure Executive Interstellar
Well, this was interesting. The CEO of Akure Executive wanted to meet with him? He would make time in his schedule. And at the Tion Nexus... He did remember that he had bought some space there, and was renting some as well. He was meaning to get around to moving his office there... He would handle all the paperowrk there, and have the ship as a headquarters for the hunters... Why hadn't he done that yet? He couldn't remember. Another thing for the to-do list. But he'd do that later. He wasn't exactly sure why the CEO of AEI wanted to meet with him, but it was sure to be interesting, and he was looking forward to it either way. Plus he might get a glimpse at the new AEL products.

To: [member="Rave Merrill"]
From: Mrrew, CEO of the Beast Hunter's Guild

I can certainly find time to meet with you. I'll make my way to the Tion Trade Nexus as soon as possible.


She dropped by the Guild offices as promised, whenever was convenient. The Nexus was as close to a home as she had these days, apart from the secret Fort Elsa on the even more secret world of Kelsier. Her sample case, the one she'd used to sell things in the early days, held a variety of small bone talismans and an odd garment, a poncho of sorts.

She'd met Mrrew a time or two on the Absolution, but only in passing. They'd done a good deal of business over the comms, though, and made plenty of deliveries to each other. The Guild's tikulini-hide jackets were only the latest.

"Pleasure to meet you formally." The small woman extended her hand to shake. "I'm Rave Merrill."
The Guild's office at the Nexus wasn't much to look out. Mrrew had never really got around to setting it up... it was mostly empty, with a small stack of crates in one end, and a large desk and chair on the other. He was beginning to wonder if it might've been a better idea to meet at the AEI offices... He shrugged. He was looking forward to meeting [member="Rave Merrill"]. Her company was part of the inspiration for his own- plus it had been his first large sum of credits, selling Terentatek hide. If her company had never existed, he probably would still be on Kashyyyk. Plus AEI gear had probably svaed his life on pretty much every one of his hunts.

Mrrew turned as [member="Rave Merrill"] appeared, raising his own massive hand to shake hers. He was getting more careful about not crushing people's hands. "You as well." The Togorian spoke with a smile, showing his massive fangs. "I'm Mrrew."
Well. Kriff. That was unexpected. Mrrew sighed. He had left the Rebel Alliance, just recently, for a reason. To avoid things like this. Apperantly that wasn't working. It was pretty much pointless to play dumb- the bounty hunter probably told his employers everything. He made a mental note to feed that guy to a Terentatek next time he saw him.

"Not anymore."

The Togorian frowned, waiting to see how Rave would respond.

[member="Rave Merrill"]

"That," said Rave after a long pause, "is very good to hear. Force knows I'm a moderately terrible person, Mrrew, but I do my business like anyone else, and with more ethics than most; my sins don't affect others in any grand diabolical way. So you can understand how I was more than a little disturbed by how your former associates selected their targets. I won't insult you by asking for names, planets, anything like that. What I want is to talk with you about closer relationships with AEI and with the Nexus. Akure owns four percent of the Nexus' real estate; the Guild currently rents one percent and owns one percent. Let's talk about space utilization, the plans you have for this facility. I'm curious as to whether you're interested in expansion."
Mrrew looked visibly relieved that he wasn't about to be interrogated again. It was obvious that associating himself with the Rebel Alliance was more harm then good at this point. What had he really accomplished with the rebels, in the long run, anyway? It simply wasn't worth it anymore- there was too much at stake. And now onto the type of things he was hoping this meeting would be about. Closer relationships with AEI? AEI was a huge, and wildly sucessful, company. Relations with them could be fantastic for the Guild. He dd have plans for the space he rented... sort of. He had plenty of ideas- but much like his plan to move his office into the 1% he'd bought* he never got around to putting them in action. Prehaps now with more hunters joining the Guild to handle the orders, he'd start on expansion projects. Or, prehaps, this meeting would present better ideas.

"Always. What do you have in mind?"

(*Didn't I buy one percent of your five percent in an auction? Not sure. If not, Ignore the part where I mentioned it. :p)
[member="Rave Merrill"]
OOC/ You're totally right. Updated the property register to match, and edited my post.

IC/ "The plan is to put a modular Mandalorian Shokita-class station right beside the Nexus, and use it for...containment. Cells rated to withstand terentateks, even leviathans. Big stasis freezers for things already slaughtered, and a transfer point, so we don't leave our more active merchandise running around the Nexus." A wild exaggeration -- AEI's facilities were pretty fething secure -- but he'd get the point. "You do a great deal of business in large animals. It occurred to me that we could both profit if I gave you a long-term preferential access rate, and a guaranteed percentage of the containment units. You need a place to deliver the goods that isn't your own offices. So do we."
(ooc: Ah, glad i'm not going insane. :p)

Well... that could be useful. It wasn't rare for the Guild to obtain 'extra' creatures. Animals captured after the client cancels an order, or extra creatrues the hunters dragged in. They had several Terentateks and a Tuk'ata, if he recalled, holed up int he cages at the Alaris Prime training facility... Not a very good place for them, but better then running around the jungle until the Guild had a use for them. Not to mention the extra Crimson Exogorth that they threw in an asteroid field in the middle of nowhere in the Kastolar sector until they ever had a use for it. This could be extremely useful. However, as with any buisness deal, there had to be something [member="Rave Merrill"] wanted out of this as well. He doubted she'd just give the Guild storage space. Either way though, this sounded fantastic.

"That could definitely be useful... Until now we've been using our enclosures on Alaris Prime. Needless to say, there's not nearly enough room there. What's the catch?"

She handed him a datapad.

"These are our estimates of how much you'd be using the facility. You'd get quality at a discount, saving...this much-" She indicated various numbers. "-which is pretty fething large if I do say so myself, and even at your discounted rate, we'd offset out upkeep costs by...this much. That's not the kind of take we could get from renting the space out at full rate to others, but we don't want to share our station with parties who may have...other interests. It's a security issue. Our accountants assure me that our best course of action is to approach the Guild and offer a long-term discounted contract. It balances profit with security. Mutual benefit."

She gave him as long as he needed to examine the numbers, or adjust them.
Mrrew scanned the numbers briefly. Everything looked fantastic. He'd be able to use more storage space then he'd ever need, where he was sure teh animals would be taken care of untli they were needed, for a price l;ower then what it took to take care of them in the tiny facilities on Alaris Prime. And there seemed to be no catch. After scanning the small print for a moment, just in case, Mrrew smiled. "Everything looks fantastic."

[member="Rave Merrill"]

"It should; we've been at this a while. But don't make the decision on the fly. Take a week or two, go through the deal with whoever does your books, look over modular Shokita-class stations -- I've included data on the configuration we've chosen -- and then get back to me. I'm confident you'll still like the deal as much in a week, but if you're anything like me, quick decisions always lead to second thoughts. Take a week, get back to me."

Running around Tion space was generally considered to be hazardous to one's health, especially if one had access to things they Really Really Wanted. Thus, as Jorus waited to intercept Mrrew on his way out, he wore a Tenloss Warrior Helm to cover his face, and a taozin amulet to mask his Force signature. He'd shown up at the Nexus in an unremarkable Income E-25. Dull was the name of the game.

If and when Mrrew emerged from this meeting, Jorus would drop him a note with a docking bay number.
Mrrew nodded to [member="Rave Merrill"]. The one who 'did his books' was just an accountant droid, and he doubted he'd have any problems with it... He certainly didn't. But if Rave wanted him to take time to decide, he was fine with that. Though he heavily doubted he'd change his mind. He would have more room to keep the 'extra' animals, as well as orders clients aren't ready to have delivered yet, for cheaper then he was spending on trying to do the same thing on Alaris Prime. This was one of those nothing to lose, everything to gain situations. "Then i'll contact you in a week." Mrrew nodded again, before making his way back to his ship.

Where he found a note. What was this about? He doubted it was from Rave, if she needed anything else she would've siad it in the meeting. No name, no reason, just a docking bay number. He was suddenly reminded of the bounty hunter that had ambushed him not long ago. He considered ignoring the note... but it could've been something important. Mrrew sighed, and walked into his ship. He would go. But it didn't hurt to bhe prepared first. H edoubted he could carry his rifle around, but maybe his pistol? Then again,a b outny hunter probably wouldn't ambush him on the Trade Nexus... But whyu didn't they leave a name? Or a reason? It was extremely susipcious. A moment later, however, Mrrew was on his way to the docking bay, pistol in it's usual holster on his belt.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]

The docking bay held an unprepossessing E-25 starfighter, and a man in battered armor beneath an equally battered trenchcoat. The Tenloss Warrior Helm remained in place. The trade nexus had its share of cameras and eyes.

"Does the trigger still stick on the second round? Don't say my name."

Total non sequitur to anyone else. Sounded like a code phrase. In point of fact, it was just a reference that only one man could have made -- the man who'd given Mrrew a certain double-barreled shotgun made of Mandalorian iron.
A man in battle armor and a helmet. Bounty hunter was looking more and more probable. However, the man's question completely threw him off. ... He'd only used the shotgun [member="Jorus Merrill"] gave him once or twice so far, hadn't had a relaly good reason to use it yet, but he'd used it enough to get the reference. It was the captian of the ship that voyaged to Companion Esk, with Mrrew as one of the crew members. But why was he here, all dressed up in armor? He was obviously trying to hide his identity, hence why he didn't want his name spoken allowed. Why? The only logical response Mrrew could think of was to answer his question.

"Yep... couldn't figure out how to fix it."
Mrrew's eyes followed the direction [member="Jorus Merrill"]'s helmet turned, and then focused back on his visor. Really, he barley knew anything about who Jorus was. An explorer, captain of a ship it seemed. Very little.


A ring flickered through the air toward Mrrew. He always wore his own, currently visible as a bulge under his glove; a second such ring had gone on auction a while back, and he'd bid the fastest starfighter in the galaxy for it. This one, he'd had sized up for Mrrew's hands.

"If you're interested in doing the occasional gun run for the genuine article, I can't promise success, but I can promise it wouldn't be about me."

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