Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Death, never expected, ever lurking.

She left the ramp of the ship, short sabers dangling from her waist, yellow hued eyes observing the skyline of Exegol. Though lowering to the horizon to observe that as well. She couldn't sense anyone. And she pushed forward, not even thinking that she was pushing ahead. She felt a certain amount of excitement coming her, The Dark Side of the Force was thick here, and she couldn't help but wonder what her Master, and The Seer had to teach her tonight. Master Kathal had suggested they were here to locate and find some ancient artifact, though hadn't further elaborated. Personally, she was curious to explore this mysterious planet. The Seer was an infinite pool of knowledge, and she soaked up all he had to offer.

She didn't go far of course, only walking about twenty feet ahead before stopping and glancing back towards the ship. A group of twelve seekers disembarked behind her, with her Masters behind them. She grinned, eyes flaring slightly at the sight of them. They were what she aspired to. Though, she only took orders from Kathal. It wasn't like the Seer was the type to order her around anyway. His intentions always seemed... Long. At times he spoke as if he would live forever, and some of what she had to ask him seemed trivial, and yet he answered. She respected him for it.

Then there was Kathal, her Master who had freed her from her weakling parents. She didn't even flinch the night he told the truth about her coming to be in his care. At that point, she was his instrument. She would do anything for him, and the Scions. Their goals were pure, they were TRUE Sith. One day, she would be like him, a fully-fledged member of the truth. She had already shed blood for them, and yet all she could think of was who would be the next to be marked. Her sabers thirsted, as did she.

"It's everything you claimed my Masters, The Dark Side is thick here... Why not live on this planet?"

She walked back towards them, splitting the dual row of seekers and falling in line behind her betters. Clearly his student was excited to be adventuring with them tonight. As she moved behind them, a bolt of lightning struck, close, but missing them. Causing her to peer curiously, then up towards the sky. Hopefully those didn't get too much closer.

The Seer

The Seer


Landing Pad, Wasteland
873 ABY

A deep breath and a sigh followed the disembarking. Thankful for the night and the obscurity around him, his eyes tracked the party. It was considerable for the task at hand, but Kathal insisted that the entourage be a part of the retrieval mission. At the very least, the journey across the Galaxy had been relaxing. Not that he ever truly relaxed outside of the Mountain, but it was enough for the time being. Looking at the group as the ramp closed behind him, he looked at the young woman and saw their future. “We should move. Even here there are dangers.

The beginning of their salvation.

A wise choice on Kathal’s part. Though, until now, Zephyr had only heard of her progress. Tonight would be the first Reckoning. He only hoped the investment was worth the effort and the consideration. Making his way over to the Human, he looked out at the land around them. Slowing his stride slightly to stop next to the Shaman, the man’s Apprentice made an obvious comment and posed an almost ignorant question. The lightning couldn’t have been timed better if he’d tried to make it himself. “Yes… it is. But, Exegol is home to others and, for now, it’s best to leave it to them. All good things in time. The Will cannot be rushed, my child.

His head turned to the side. “Kathal, are you ready to begin?” In reality, he was only here to observe the capabilities of the next generation. As far as he was concerned, this was Kathal’s arena and Crysis’ trial in the field. As long as things went according to plan, he'd have no reason to interfere with whatever lesson the Shaman planned for this little outing.




Kathal was annoyed as the small group departed the ship, though there was no outward showing of this. The black and purple robes he wore shifted about him as he walked down the ramp, the bronze armor around his shoulders, and the brass bone mask he wore glinting in the half light of the world. A streak of lightning illuminated his glowing yellow eyes as he stared down at his pupil. While he had chosen the planet for this mission, he had been agitated at the eagerness of not just his living weapon, but the Seer himself. While on edge at being away from Icarus, the Seer had been keen to see all the work Kathal had poured into Crysis over the past years. He was annoyed at being judged, but he also understood.

Everything had to lead to the betterment of the cause.

He grimaced at Crysis's statement, but knew what she meant. "This world is a beacon of the Dark Side, but tainted by the corrupted Sith of countless generations. The Sith are not without hope of salvation, but this world has been too long out of the truth path. The Dark Side you feel here is an insult to the true path." Turning to look at the Seer, he nodded his head.

"Yes, let us begin. You analyzed the maps, the plans and the theoretical objective complications. Lead on, Crysis."

The Seer Crysis Crysis
She was now behind them, walking slowly and letting her Elders lead. Listening intently, indeed hanging on every little word they said.

Yes… it is. But, Exegol is home to others and, for now, it’s best to leave it to them. All good things in time. The Will cannot be rushed, my child.

Oh but they could slaughter them and take it for their own couldn't they? The Seer had told her The Force responded to the will of the strongest in the past. Though Kathal had quipped then that only went as far as being alive to do the willing. Kathal and the Seer were the strongest pair she knew. And her life was all but forfeit for her Master, he knew that. Still though, Crysis was still but a child. And had childish mannerisms at times. Unable to see the whole picture as her Master did. Her skills were primarily up close and personal, laughing as she extinguished lives.

Kathal, are you ready to begin?

She looked from him to Kathal, always like this when they spoke... When they allowed her to be privy to their conversations anyway. Mostly they treated her as a youngling. It caused a persistent driving anger than she was more than certain Kathal knew about. These two men were her lives. If she lost them?

She didn't want to think about that. It would never happen.

"This world is a beacon of the Dark Side, but tainted by the corrupted Sith of countless generations. The Sith are not without hope of salvation, but this world has been too long out of the truth path. The Dark Side you feel here is an insult to the true path."

She nodded, eyes fixated on the side profile of his features, until her face soured into a grimace. Just like that, she went from some adoration for what she was feeling, to disgust. A few simple words changing her perspective, as his words always did. Whatever he was mentally, surely she would follow soon behind.

Turning to look at the Seer, he nodded his head.

"Yes, let us begin. You analyzed the maps, the plans and the theoretical objective complications. Lead on, Crysis."

He wasn't looking at her, so she trailed off a bit until she heard her name. Her head snapped to him, lekku moving to rest from the sudden jerking motion. He was letting her LEAD!? She hid her glee, a sneer of malice given, followed by a grin and a nod.

"Yes, my Master..."

She said, quickening her step and moving to the front of the column, a certain gusto in her step. Once there she would lead them forward. It was unexpected, as usually she followed. This was her time to impress, to show she wasn't just a child, and could be useful to him, and the true path. She would die before she disappointed him.

At the front, she walked roughly thirty feet ahead of the dual column. Well out of audio range to any words spoken between The Seer, and Kathal. Eyes and ears open, expectant, and observant. Ahead of them, about half a mile or so, a looming structure was painted black against an even blacker night sky. As she looked up, that lightning streaked the sky yet again. Hitting the building, and causing her to smirk in anticipation.

She hoped something got in their way... She took a certain pleasure in culling man and beast alike under her Master's watchful gaze.

Kathal The Seer



Kathal glanced at his student, his golden eyes narrowing for the briefest of moments as her emotions ran rampant. Each flicker of rage, frustration, hatred and contempt rolled across his mind as if observing the colors of a sunset. As Crysis Crysis moved ahead of the two Scions, Kathal began to speak aloud, though not specifically to anyone in particular. He knew the mind of his cultivated weapon, and he could guess as to what she had been thinking before moving forward with the mission.

She was filled with eagerness, trepidation, and a desire to succeed. Perhaps a simple lesson would help focus her mind.

"The nature of the Dark Side is one of emotion, personal strength, and a commitment unlike anything the Light Side could hope to understand. Strength for most adherents of our kind is the most important aspect. With strength, mighty empires have been forged countless times. The mightiest warriors, the most powerful warships and the grandest of armies have marched from one side of this galaxy to another. And yet, in short order, they all return to this." He gestured briefly to a ruined structure, collapsed into the side of a cliff.

"Strength is but a foundation. Anything built upon strength alone will eventually wither and fail. We could take this world, potentially. With blood and fire we could purge the heretical Sith from the soil of this world, but we would not be able to remain. More would come, and in time our show of strength here would amount to nothing. The Scions of the Truth would be weakened, and for nothing but a barren, lifeless world. Strength must be but one tool in your arsenal, student. One upon which your cunning, guile, and subterfuge can be added to."

Turning his attention fully to Zephyr, almost pretending like Crysis was not present. "It won't be long before the time comes for her to create her first Netherblade. As ceremonial as it would be, given the weapons she already has, but it is the proper way to complete her education at the Leviathan Temple I believe."

The Seer

The Seer


873 ABY

With his hands clasped behind his back, he walked alongside Kathal and a few Scions that followed as backup for the young Apprentice. Truthfully, they might’ve been insurance. Whatever their role, the primary function was to support Crysis during the mission. And, hopefully, ensure she escaped alive and in one piece.

Silently, he listened while Kathal decided upon giving an impromptu philosophy lesson. There was something for him there as well, just as there was likely something for Crysis. Strength alone would not be enough to sustain them, or even to sustain their cause. It was indeed a foundation, but a cracked one. Strength could come and go if it wasn’t supported through other methods.

Crysis was correct. This place was rather potent. But, it was also twisted. Distorted almost beyond recognition within the Force. False gods and false idols. His eyes shifted just ahead of focus. “It would be, yes. Once her training is complete. Do you believe her ready for the initial bonding process? Is she strong enough to withstand it?

He watched her and the way she moved. Confident, though inexperienced, and extremely eager to be at the helm of mission. He wondered if she knew that the lives of the Seekers and the weight of succuss or failure now hung entirely on her shoulders. He called out, “Crysis, give your troops a rundown of the mission. What will they be looking for? Who will go where?

Twisted. Distorted. False...

Crysis while initially finding this place to be comforting, now resented it, desperate to get her mission completed and away from this place. Kathal promised her the strength to defend herself, and these days she never even bothered to consider what she was, exactly how she had come to be in his care. Though periodically, every now and then when he punished her for her shortcomings, those memories flared... And she hated him. She hated him with a white-hot fury, but then he did things like this, gave her command, and her feeling turned to admiration once more. Had she been keen enough to see it, one might call this an abusive relationship, but it was one she sunk into all the same.

One she enjoyed. One that she would excel in, eventually becoming strong enough to be her own woman. One day. Most of the time, she simply adored Kathal.

But all those thoughts were for another time. As she led their march into the looming horizon, she listened to her Master speak, ears, body, and soul open to his wisdom.

"The nature of the Dark Side is one of emotion, personal strength, and a commitment unlike anything the Light Side could hope to understand. Strength for most adherents of our kind is the most important aspect. With strength, mighty empires have been forged countless times. The mightiest warriors, the most powerful warships and the grandest of armies have marched from one side of this galaxy to another. And yet, in short order, they all return to this." He gestured briefly to a ruined structure, collapsed into the side of a cliff.

"Strength is but a foundation. Anything built upon strength alone will eventually wither and fail. We could take this world, potentially. With blood and fire we could purge the heretical Sith from the soil of this world, but we would not be able to remain. More would come, and in time our show of strength here would amount to nothing. The Scions of the Truth would be weakened, and for nothing but a barren, lifeless world. Strength must be but one tool in your arsenal, student. One upon which your cunning, guile, and subterfuge can be added to."

As he spoke, her strut only intensified, incensed by his speech. Stance widening. After all, what could stop her in this instance? She was begging for something to kill. Her distance from them increased, so she wasn't able to hear the bit Kathal spoke to the Seer about the Leviathan blade. They were nearing the library, and had now began to walk into a narrow corridor. Unless they planned to go around, it was the most direct path to the objective. Likely, the path they would take back.

Her Montrals picked up something, and her head snapped up, body becoming rigid and glancing up towards the top of the cliff above. Her breathing instantly picked up, anticipating violence, but would stare angrily at... Nothing. She saw nothing there. She had stood there for about seven seconds, the dual columns had narrow slightly, and came to a stop near her, looking up at what she was looking at. Again, nothing anyone could see, though she had certainly felt movement.

In that time, when the entire column compressed, they were close enough now that she could clearly hear her betters.

Crysis, give your troops a rundown of the mission. What will they be looking for? Who will go where?

Her head snapped in their direction, nodding once to the Seer as he corrected her inactivity regarding the soldiers. Once more, she glared up above, then would address the stopped formation.

"We are here to recover an artifact from the library ahead. The item is likely a holocron, so it isn't huge, but we take anything of value. For the Dominion!"

While smaller, her scratchy, gruff voice commanded respect; the lethality behind it arrant.

"This is a hostile planet, so keep your wits about you once we get to th-.."

She looked to one of the troopers in column, noticing him somewhat inattentive to what she was saying, anger boiling instinctively.

"Do you need some focusing on our objectives?"

The trooper snapped on her, noticing he was being called out of the dual column.

'No, its just.. The Lightning.'

He responded, signifying he was clearly worried about it striking again.

"If you're hit, you're hit... You will all respect me in the same way you respect Lord Kathal, and the honorable Seer; deviate, or fail and you'll have less than lightning to worry about."

She barked at him, regarding the dual columns, then ending her words on him again.

"We have no allies on this planet, so don't bother trying to discern friendships. We're going in, getting the item, and getting out. Do you all understand!? A Yes Crysis will suffice!"

She yelled at them, fangs baring as she spoke.

'Yes Crysis!'

The columns sounded off, and her eyes briefly snapped onto her betters before turning around and stomping off through the passage. As soon as they left the chasm, she began pointing out positions.

"Four there, keep an overwatch on the entrance..."

She took a few more steps, noting another spot where they had high ground.

"Four there, watch for any threats! The rest of you... With me..."

Crysis said, pulling her sabers from her waist and holding them, not igniting them, but keeping them at the ready.

Kathal The Seer

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