Xevek Nekonis
From The Shadows
Death's Embrace
Image Source: http://darksouls.wikia.com/wiki/File:Tumblr_nztpqwWVF51skceqmo1_1280.jpg (Spoiler Image Source: https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/188799409355424381/)Intent: To create a Cloak for the Pale Assassin of the Sith Assassins.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Darth Lykos.
Model: N/A.
Affiliation: Pale Assassin/Aspect of Death.
Modularity: No.
Production: Unique.
Material: Shell Spider Silk (Inner Layer) and Cloth (Outer Layer).
Classification: Other.
Weight: 1.1kg.
- Blaster: 4
- Vibroblades: 4
- Lightsabers: 2
Special Features: (Is it resistant to certain weapons? Does it include special sensors? Even if you've discussed your features at length in the Description line of the Base Template, this is a good place to list them.)
Strengths: Able to hide the user in the Force and from sight.
Weaknesses: It does not have much in the way of armourment.
Description: This Sith Rune empowered Cloak was created for the sole purpose of laying over the shoulders of the Pale Assassin within the Sith Assassins. Calling upon the moniker given to the Pale Assassin, the Aspect of Death, this cloak obscures the wearer within both the Force and the Physical realm. Created by Darth Lykos, his inspiration came from a small religious passage from his home Clan, taught to him during his younger years. "Death is but one form of Nath's will. He is it in all forms and all truths, everything you know of Death is known of Nath. The destruction He brings is but the ending of a finite cycle. He is never seen, never glimpsed nor felt 'till it is time, for He is never to be noticed by any who have not passed into His embrace. Unseen and unnoticed 'till His destructive gaze must fall upon your Mind, Body and Soul." As such, this Cloak calls upon the passages that speak of Nath being unseen and unnoticed.
The cloak is lined with the Sith Rune Cluster comprised of Swatak, Xerilof, Kilthor and Sith Master and it is these clusters that grant the Cloak its strongest, main and most practical ability, the ability to obscure the user both physically and through the Force. Swatak and Xerilof serve as the Rune that create the effect, their meanings combined being listed as "Hide, Cover, Make Blind To" and "Create Illusion, Disguise User"; Swatak is focused on the physical while Xerilof is focused on the mind. Sith Master serves to empower the Runes, focusing them. As does Kilthor, however, it also enables the wearer to define the potency of the Clusters, making it possible for them to almost fully deactivate the Clusters and reveal themselves.
The cloak itself is not designed to be strongly armoured, in fact, it's purpose is to either be worn over a set of armour or to be worn by someone not concerned with armour. However, the Shell Spider Silk does serve to offer some manner of defense.
Death's Embrace was also not designed by Lykos to be worn alone and is in fact accompanied by Death's Claw.