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Private Debrief Ex Gratia

Debrief Ex Gratia
Hosting Valery Noble Valery Noble

The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders were making a stir. Not only had they launched an unprovoked and unjustified attack on Contruum, they had now also been sighted on Onderon's jungle moon of Dxun. The Onderonian Crown Prince had been directly involved during the skirmish of Contruum and Iziz was now keeping close tabs on what transpired a mere shuttle ride away. Mandalorians had always made themselves at home on Dxun, but this time, they were far more of an active threat than they had been perceived to be in a long time.

Consequently, the mighty air defence turrets of the planet's walled cities were all manned and scanning for threats. The fleet stood on high alert: More ships lingered at or by Home Base than usual, patrols had been doubled and traffic going in and out of the system had been limited to a few major spaceports where thorough controls of goods and passengers were being made. Leaving the planet was easy, but lines of ships waiting for clearance to land had formed outside. Businesses suffered from delayed shipments, citizens stocked up on emergency supplies and planetary broadcasts informed the populace of the potential threat.

Even the Royal family was affected. The Queen had temporarily prolonged her visit in what had formerly been the sphere of the Silver Jedi. Vince who had faced the threat personally had personally reached out to the fleet to have them prepare for the visit of the Grand Master of the New Jedi Order. No searches or controls were to be made and she were to receive an escort to the landing pad, past the Sky Ramp and well within the inner walls of the palace.

He himself was injured too. A particularly nasty wound by his right arm had him wearing an unwieldy kolto patch to speed up the healing process. The usual parade uniform he would wear during a visit like this one was impossible to put on properly. While the left side looked as proper as ever, the right had the jacket hanging over his shoulder, covering his arm which had certainly not been able to squeeze into the jacket sleeve. Naturally, the jacket laid closed but remained unbottoned. The normal shirt which would be worn under the jacket had been replaced with a white tank top which was barely visible underneath the jacket. In this state, making any public appearances was out of the question: But a visit like this simply had to be welcomed in person.

Thus, he soon found himself by the landing pad where the Jedi was expected. Soldiers standing on guard stood by their posts across the grounds and a troop of 18 Palace Guards marched along the perimeter. Without ay servants attending him, the Crown Prince waited alone with his gaze directed to the skies. Underneath his healthy left arm, was a finely decorated box.

When the ship eventually approached, his hair would flutter freely on the wind. A joyous smile would turn into laughter: Evidently, the Royal had no issues finding happiness in the small things in life. Once the vessel had settled down, he flicked his head back to get some hair out of his face and produced a light blow to aid in the effort. A few strands would likely linger but his limbs were all preoccupied for the time being. Offering a stiff bow of the head, he would let out a friendly "Welcome to Onderon. I hope your journey here went well. You will always be a welcome sight on Onderon." A brief moment passed by before he quickly corrected himself "You, and any other representative of the New Jedi Order and Alliance Defence Force, of course"


Valery drew in a deep breath as the shuttle broke through Onderon's atmosphere. Over the last few years, she had visited the planet several times, but the importance of every visit paled in comparison to what started within its jungles. Onderon is where she had gone into stasis thousands of years ago, and was the very reason she was here now, in this time, and she couldn't feel more at home. She often felt like this is where she was meant to be, rather than her original time.

But today was perhaps another visit worth remembering. During a Mandalorian raid, Valery had met Vince Vince and their coordination fighting against the attackers had been wonderful. They had agreed to another meeting on Onderon for that reason, primarily to discuss the attack and what it could mean for Onderon and other planets in the region. But Valery was also hoping to just get to know him a little better.

Having solid friends and allies across the Galaxy was more important than ever before, given how many threats were out there.

After the shuttle landed, Valery waited for the ramp to lower and stepped outside. The wind blew up her hair immediately but with a quick hand running through her brunette locks, she tucked those long strands back behind her ears. Her eyes then turned to Vince and lingered for a moment, as she looked him up and down. A smile began to tug at her lips and she finally made her way down to greet him.

"Of course," Valery said, her smile turning into a playful smirk. A welcome sight, huh? She subconsciously bit down on her lower lip at the thought and looked him in the eyes, "I'm glad you agreed to meet again. I was quite impressed with your skills out in the field, so I'll have to learn more about where that comes from." She grinned and briefly eyed the guards before she turned back to him.

"But we have much more to discuss, hm?"

Vince Vince

Debrief Ex Gratia
Talking to Valery Noble Valery Noble

Vince's cheerful resting face grew brighter as she spoke. "That is high praise coming from you." he spoke honestly, having heard of her exploits from a young age. When her eyes returned to him from the trip over to the guards, his gaze rested upon her with a warm glint "Should you come visit again, we could visit the Chaussidier Military Academy or - if you are up for it, the Beast Rider clans of the Silwa Heights."

The words would be allowed to linger for a bit before he offered a small nod and the Jedi moved the conversation along. The Royal offered another nod: They did, indeed have a few points to go over. "We do..." he trailed off. With a bit of a sleight of hand, he allowed the decorative box to drop from underneath his arm to then catch it with the same hand a small stretch below. She had said that he could thank her later; now, the Prince was following through on just that. "But first, I would like to extend my gratitude for Contruum"

The box contained a holster and an elegant and simple blaster pistol commonly seen among higher ranking naval officers. It also happened to be of the same model as the one holstered by the Crown Prince's own belt. "It is symbolic, of course. I hope you will never need to resort to using it."

Not too many moments went by before before his now liberated arm went up to brush the few wild strands of hair away from his face. His brows rose a few millimeters once they no longer had to shield his eyes and the smile grew a little brighter. The left arm found its way down to rest on the pommel of the officer's saber which hung by the belt. With his head tilted down to her, his eyes curiously gauged her reaction.


"I'd love to visit both places, but I'd hate to keep a Prince from his duties." She spoke with a somewhat teasing edge to her tone and smirked to make it clear she was joking, "I was planning to stay a little longer because it has been a while since I last visited Onderon, and the planet is important to me. If you find yourself with spare time, I'd gladly spend it in good company." She knew it was a bit last minute, so her expectations weren't high. Royalty was usually kept pretty busy and with the recent Mandalorian raid, she was certain that his advisors and other politicians wanted to focus on that.

But she'd regret it if she never at least made the offer.

On the topic of their encounter with the Mandalorians, Vince produced a box she hadn't even noticed before. He spoke of offering gratitude, and she immediately recalled the moment she had shielded them both against incoming missiles. It was kind of him to remember.

Once the box opened, Valery looked at the pistol and holster inside and couldn't help but smile, "Wow, it's beautiful," she said, her eyes shifting up to show her gratitude, "Thank you very much. I uh, wish I had brought something along for you as well now." She smiled more sheepishly all of a sudden, her cheeks blushing red from embarrassment. He had helped her just as much as she had helped him, so she should have brought a little gift to thank him.

Maybe she could make up for it next time she visited.

"But thank you, I do really appreciate it" she said again before she closed the box and looked at him, already with her usual confidence showing again. This was a good start to the day and she looked forward to seeing what else it had in store.

"Should we head somewhere to discuss the raid first?"

Vince Vince

Debrief Ex Gratia
Talking to Valery Noble Valery Noble

Against the backdrop of the high walls, armed guards on patrol, meticulously tended hedges, beautiful flowerbeds and the grand palace, the Crown Prince sure stood out. Their surroundings projected a proud regal atmosphere. Although Vince's uniform and powerful build underneath it added to the impression, his trusting eyes and lingering smile tore down any chances of him having a distant and regal facade. With a degree of eagerness, he nodded "Sure!"

His face shone brightly but it was obvious that he worked to reign in his enthusiasm. First, he offered a smile, then he closed his mouth and did what he could to temper his enthusiasm. More controlled, but still warm as ever, he continued "We had planned a trip to Coruscant but with the situation in Dxun, we concluded that it is best that I remain on Onderon until the Queen returns."

A soft smile remained on his lips as he looked down to her opening the decorated box. A gentle shake of the head was offered when she mentioned the idea of giving something back. "We are pleased that you like the gift. You are very welcome." He was powerless to stop the seemingly happy chuckle that escaped him before continuing "It is good that you did not bring a gift of your own. It was I who wanted to thank you."

Moving on, he let out an eager "Certainly" and raised the left arm from the pommel to highlight the entrance to the Palace. With a bit of an apologetic look, he spoke "Normally, we would offer you an arm on an occasion like this one. Please excuse us, that is unfortunately not possible today" his eyes ventured down to the right sleeve which rested idly by the side of his jacket.

As the duo moved, the young Crown Prince would offer a few comments on the paintings they passed by. Some depicting his ancestors, important battles and significant events. Towards the end, a few wall segments stood empty; but it was not something he commented. Instead, he continued towards a door which was promptly opened by the guards who stood by it.

"Welcome to the Lavender Hall. This used to be the office of King Semnet the Builder's favourite room." A portrait of the King hung above a desk by the far end of the chamber. A desk which Vince sat down by. Compared, he sure looked like a far more capable warrior; but years of hard work was clearly depicted on the older Monarch's wise eyes. "He laid the foundations for Iziz current outer walls behind this very desk."

A servant quietly approached. She offered a deep curtsy before looking to the Jedi and then the Prince "Would you like some refreshments? Something to drink perhaps?"



Valery blinked at the sudden excitement in his tone, but her expression quickly shifted into a smile. She was glad that he seemed so enthusiastic to spend more time with her. Their battlefield chemistry had been good and allowed them to make a difference for the people of Contruum. Now, she was eager to find out if that fighting bond could extend beyond it. Always one for making friends, Valery was hoping to build up a good relationship with the Onderon Prince.

"I wished it had been better circumstances that kept you here, but I'm quite eager to get to know you better. I hope I'll make for some good company." She dipped her head politely, but she couldn't stop her smile from revealing her own excitement. Perhaps they'd have time to visit the places he mentioned, or even go out into the Jungle if his guards allowed it.

Valery had grown up inside a much more dangerous jungle, so she could easily keep him safe!

Once the gift had been accepted, Valery felt a little shy at first, but Vince was quick to reassure her. Accepting gifts had never been easy for her — she preferred to give them — but she didn't want to make his gesture feel any less special and kind than it was. She appreciated it more than she could hope to show with words alone.

"Quite a gentleman too, hm?" She smirked and looked at his right arm. "But it's alright, I understand." Valery chuckled and stayed close to his side, knowing guards would be surrounding them as they moved. Still, she managed to look around and spent some time appreciating the art and architecture of the palace. Not for too long, though — the Prince drew her attention to him more than the paintings ever could.

"It's very beautiful. Iziz has always been one of the most impressive cities to me. Especially because it was built so close to nature without completely disrupting it." Sitting down on the opposite side of his desk, Valery placed her hands in her lap and looked around again. At least, until a servant appeared and asked for a drink.

"I'll uh, take what the Prince chooses. Alcoholic or not," she said with a polite smile.

Vince Vince

Debrief Ex Gratia
Talking to Valery Noble Valery Noble

A sentiment of contentment lingered after the two had made some preliminary plans for, at least part of, her additional time on Onderon. It was far from unlikely that it would be reported on by the Iziz Daily and a few other news outlets. The 'Crown Prince forging closer ties to the Alliance' headlines were likely to fuel anxieties about his future ascension to the throne among numerous members of the extended royal family. But then, in light of recent conflicts, there would likely be broad public support for it.

Amused brows rose as she mentioned him as a gentleman. First, he offered a "Thank you" for her understanding and his eyes ventured up from the empty sleeve to meet hers. "Onderonian nobility cares deeply for tradition and chivalry." for a brief moment, he trailed off with a smile, not quite offering any real indicators as to where he stood "Very different from the Jedi temple, I imagine?"


Once inside and seated. he produced an appreciative nod upon hearing her words on Iziz. From the grand windows, a cityscape with towering anti-air emplacements could be seen within the boundaries of a wall with jungle creeping up on it outside. The official parks inside the boundaries of the city were relatively orderly to stand in contrast with the wilderness outside. Naturally, a few buildings had been constructed outside of the wall too; a small number of residential buildings along with a number of speeder stops, military outposts and a number of shops, thus creating an area where the city and jungle could truly start to blend together before the hard boundaries set by the walls. Mountains stood tall in the distance with a mass of white clouds covering most of the skies above.

"We are glad." was all he could say before the servant interrupted. She offered the Jedi another curtsy as she expressed her wishes.

With a chuckle, Vince let out a jestful "And I was only going to ask for a cup of coffee." The man leaned back against the chair, causing it to let out a long squeak under his weight. First, he let out a long hum before his face lit up once more "Mrs. Luagosh; will you please bring us the tea that the Duke of the Hereket introduced? The one from-"

No more specificity was needed. Before the Prince could complete the sentence, the servant produced another curtsy. Once Vince had stopped himself, she offered pleasant "Of course, your Highness"

The Royal offered a thank you to the girl before looking back to the Jedi "It is a rich tea from the south. Similar to what one might find on Amar" an awkward smile was offered as he stayed true to his open and honest nature "We made a pledge to not drink for a year after an incident earlier this summer." Continuing without much of a pause, Vince sat up straight as if getting back to business "As we were saying: We are glad that you enjoy Iziz. Coruscant is a most impressive planet, but it does offer a bit of inner peace to return home after a long week of service. Most of us likely have a location which holds a special place in our hearts."

"Not too different. We have traditions going back thousands of years and we have our own etiquette classes. I will admit though, it used to be a lot more strict." Back in her own time, you'd always bow to greet fellow Jedi, regardless of rank. You'd always use their rank when addressing them, paired with their last name. Now, Jedi still referred to her as Master Noble, but bowing wasn't too common and Jedi who knew her well enough just used her first name.

She had no problems with it.


"Coffee or tea sounds wonderful. It's a little early for drinks, anyway." Valery smirked and turned to the servant to offer a grateful dip of her head. She always wanted to make sure to thank the staff at places like this. They were people, so she wanted them to feel valued and appreciated for the work they did.

Turning back to Vince, Valery relaxed in her seat and listened to him. Already, she wondered about this incident he referred to, but perhaps their conversation regarding the Mandalorians would bring it up. All these things together were what put Onderon in a difficult position.

Maybe it'd be a path to them joining the Alliance.

"Don't get me started on Coruscant," Valery joked. "I grew up in a Jungle, so being surrounded by that much steel and metal feels as far away from home as a planet can." Looking around again, Valery smiled, "It's probably why I've always liked Onderon. It feels... familiar to me."

Vince Vince

Debrief Ex Gratia
Talking to Valery Noble Valery Noble

Perhaps he too, would like to see where she came from at some point. The culture of a Jedi temple truly was alien to many of those who weren't part of the order. It was not a question for the present, however.

The comment she felled on it being too early for a drink caused the young Royal to let out a light laugh. The servant who nodded back to the Jedi with a smile also had her lips twitch up as she kept herself from laughing too. "The reporters of the Onderon Gazette made sure we truly learned that lesson a month ago" he spoke with a mischievous smirk, clearly referencing the incident that caused him to make the pledge earlier that summer.

Hearing her comment on Coruscant, the Prince brought his arm up, resting his elbow on the desk and bringing his hand to cover the beginnings of a rather amused smile that was forming on his lips. He did not have to hide the amusement for long, however: His arm fell in in front of him as he listened to her with interest.

A quick glance once more shot out of the window and onto the jungle and mountains in the near distance. "We have more things in common than I expected" he mused. Of course, he had not grown up in the jungle, that was public knowledge. But so was his seeming fondness of the Beast Riders and apparent affinity towards living the military life far removed from the numerous estates and palaces which would otherwise have been available to him.

Kind blue eyes lingered by hers for a little longer, as did his steadfast smile. When the eyes were drawn away and the smile faded, the usual sense of positivity remained on his features. The Prince opened one of the desk's drawers and produced a datapad which he handed to her. Despite assuming a more formal tone, his words still carried a subtle cheerful bounce to them "Grandmaster. We have written a report on our part of the battle of Contruum. There are some references and examples drawn from our recent experiences here on Onderon. The destruction they caused on the ground was savage, but what truly concerns us is what they did in the skies. If they manage to muster a fleet, then we are truly in danger. The Crown wishes to share the report with you. On a personal note, I wish to convey that it was a rare pleasure and honour to fight by your side."

It felt uplifting to see him smile, or to hear both him and his servant chuckling. She never really thought of herself as overly funny or even just amusing, but the feeling of making someone laugh was great. It made the conversation feel alive, and the passage of time began to completely escape her. Even if they had work to discuss — including some rather serious matters — she was enjoying the time she spent with the Prince of Onderon.

A rarity for her because most of royal blood weren't this relaxed.

"Is that so? Maybe we'll have to go into the Jungle sometime. Or, if you dare, I could show you the one on New Cov." He'd be able to see the secret Jedi Temple there and explore a dangerous Jungle the same day. The very Jungle she grew up in, and the Temple she had called her home for many years.

But she didn't want to get ahead of herself too much. Royalty was always busy and she didn't want to hype herself up for it too much, only for him to be too busy.

She could hope, though.

With the topic shifting to their work, Valery grew a little more serious but retained her smile. She listened to the Prince and nodded along, agreeing that it'd be a problem if this new enemy gained a fleet. But... could they really stop it? The Alliance was already at war with two major galactic powers, so dedicating resources to fight another wasn't easy.

"The pleasure was mine. You don't often come across royalty that knows how to fight." She flashed a wink and sat back in her chair, "Those reports will be useful though. With your permission, I'd like to share them with Alliance military command. Maybe I can convince them to do something."

Debrief Ex Gratia
Talking to Valery Noble Valery Noble

A single, intrigued brow rose with an amused smirk as he heard the mere utterance of the word 'dare'. It was clear for anyone to see that he was about to respond immediately - but before letting any words slip out, he chuckled heartily whilst leaning back in his chair, letting it squeak as his weight shifted in it.

"Taking stepping up to become our Ambassador to the Galactic Alliance, that scared me. The mere prospect of ever having to take on the mantle of King..." he trailed off: For some words simply had to be considered very carefully. His lips formed a thin line, indicating that he would say no more. But his words revealed more than enough for the Jedi to draw her own conclusions. The thin line soon turned into the smile which would be familiar to her by now "But a jungle doesn't scare me, whether it is here or on New Cov. It is a deal" he said, stumbling over the last word as if having intended to say another.


Despite the serious topic they were touching on, the lighthearted mood which the young Royal seemed to be carrying with him did not cease for a moment. With a nod and open hand-gesture, he agreed to her proposal "Of course, when we gave you the reports, we also gave you our trust." But then, she had likely sensed that his trust was already hers from the moment they fought together on Contruum.

As they spoke, the servant from before reentered the room with a small cart. Wheeling it over, she started to pour the tea into cups before placing them in front of the Jedi and the Prince. Once more, he thanked her before she offered them a curtsy and departing. For a few moments, his gaze fell to the tea before rising back up as he picked up on her comment from before "Unfortunately, your sentiment appears to be accurate, the one on the increasing number of royals who cannot fight. We fear that it is because of the weight of succession." There was a reason he had been appointed Ambassador: One which Onderonian media had speculated about diligently. Finally, he paused, offering her an opening to share her own thoughts

She had him now.

Valery leaned forward and looked him in the eyes, as a grin spread across her lips. A small sign to let him know that she felt it was a moment of victory for her. He had accepted her offer to go into the Jungle, either on Onderon itself or on New Cov, all because she challenged him just a little. It was the kind of spirit she both appreciated and enjoyed, likely because it mirrored her own. Life was too short not to embrace a little adventure, right?

"If I may be so bold, I'll hold you to this deal, Your Highness." Valery winked and finally sat back in her chair, her spirit high and her smile never fading. "But teasing aside, I do believe you'll make a fine King someday. You're a good person and you show great care for your people, so the only bridge left to cross is experience." Which he was quickly gaining as well, considering how involved he was with all the current problems that threatened Onderon.

He'd be the kind of King she respected.

Back on the topic of the Mandalorians, Valery dipped her head with gratitude, "I'll see to it that these reports reach the right people. Thank you, for your trust." He had spoken on behalf of himself and his staff, but really, this trust had started back on Contruum and it was much stronger than something that would have formed after just a meeting.

They had fought together and protected each other.

Valery briefly went quiet, as the servant entered the room and offered their tea. She thanked the woman with a smile, and waited for her departure before she focused on Vince again.

"Well, I don't believe leaders have to be able to fight. There's a risk you take when your Prince — your future King — is fighting on the frontlines." Valery paused, raising the cup to her lips for a small sip, her eyes still focused on him, "But personally, I think it's... admirable. I was very pleasantly surprised when I saw you in action."

Debrief Ex Gratia
Talking to Valery Noble Valery Noble

A nod and a hand gesture was enough to convey an easy 'By all means' without uttering a word. The tone of the conversation soon shifted as the woman sat back up. In response, Vince shifted his weight a little and threw her a curious glance. His consistent positivity never truly hid the fact that he was a royal - it just happened to often overshadow it by beating expectations. Still, he continued to maintain a nigh on perfect posture, never cursed and often employed the Royal 'we'. But hearing her kind words, he allowed his built shoulders to fall whilst putting a hand to his now slouching chest. Clearly touched, he offered a heartfelt "Thank you"

The hollow smile which followed was unlike the usually happy one he displayed; a hint that he was not quite sure if he believed that he would indeed become a good king like she said. Instead of bringing it up, he left the topic there for now.


He had allowed her to continue speaking after thanking him for the trust. Rather than interrupting her, he had simply offered a slow nod with an elegant hand gesture whilst mouthing an 'Of course'. Both of their pair of eyes conveyed that there were more to the trust they spoke of than what could be established through a single diplomatic meeting. No words were needed to establish it further.

Yet another nod was offered when she mentioned having a monarch or future monarch fighting on the front lines. It was the same weight of succession which he had also touched on too.

"Grandmaster, the Admiration is mutual" he was quick to respond as a warm smile formed on his lips and in his eyes. "Fighting shoulder to shoulder with a Jedi is a rare privilege. One as skilled as yourself even more so. This time, it may very well have saved my life." The cheerful outlook ceded ground to a few short moments of contemplation. He let out a short hmmh before chuckling lightly "Perhaps we should seek Jedi allies more often."

While quiet, Vince made it very obvious that he listened intently with the gestures of his hand and head. He just didn't want to interrupt her and she appreciated it. Everything about him was this wonderful mix of politeness and an adventurous spirit. One moment, he had accepted a challenge to explore dangerous Jungles, the other he sat like true Royalty and gave her a chance to speak freely, before offering his own thoughts.

It made him even more attractive.

"I'm very glad that I was able to impress," Valery said, her smile genuine and her cheeks also full of warmth. It gave them a slightly rosy color, but nothing too obvious. It took a careful eye to see anything but confidence and calmness in her eyes or body language, and she liked to keep it that way. She wondered what the Prince would notice though.

"And if you're ever in need of Jedi assistance, just give me a call. I can leave my comm codes," Valery offered. "Onderon might one day be approached by the Alliance if it doesn't already request to join on its own. It wouldn't hurt to start building up a relationship." But even if Onderon never joined the Alliance, Valery was more than willing to help when the call came.

"I can also introduce you to others in the Alliance if you'd like."

Debrief Ex Gratia
Talking to Valery Noble Valery Noble

His eyes left hers for a few brief moments. During that time, they moved from cheek to cheek, down to her lips to lips and then back up the same way. His brows closed together with an endearing expression. Whether a bit of warmth would appear on his own cheeks or not would be hard for the visitor to tell: For the Royal quickly stood up and walked over to one of the grand windows with his hands clasped behind his back. It would not be until a few more moments had passed that he looked back with a warm "We believe it comes naturally to you."

As the conversation continued, they ventured into a topic on Onderon's future. With another hand gesture, waving her towards him, he spoke a gentle "Please, join us."

Once she stood closer to the window, the immense distance between the palace and the common areas could truly be grasped. For elevated high above the city, with the Skybridge as the only link, they were located far above the people of Iziz. While individual Monarchs might have wanted to be closer to their people, the Monarchy and its ancient institutions were hard to modernize without sacrificing the essence of its being.

"Down there" he nodded to a large square below, his voice low, warm and strong enough for a deep resonant sound. This was not the voice of the Crown Prince in official business, but rather one of a young man sharing a few of his woes. "That is the Mizret Square" It was something of a tourist attraction: Located in the Merchants Quarters, it was where General Mizret had once - a long time ago - gathered his forces to protect the Queen from an impending Beast Master attack and had since become something of a symbol for the Onderonian identity. And on Onderon - and particularly in Iziz - it was common to have public discussions to form public opinion in town squares, rather than conducting them via large news media or via the holonet.

"They are discussing whether we should apply for membership or not. It is something which they have not been able to agree on for a long time. To ever have the Queen or their Crown Prince bow down for a foreign power..." he trailed off, shaking his head "... it is controversial. And then, there are the other, potential claimants to the throne." This time, he did not pick back up where he had trailed off. The dangers were obvious by the mere mention of claimants.

His gaze eventually ventured from the square outside to her. Muscled arms and broad shoulders hung low as the Warrior felt the heavy weight of the burden that came with being part of the Monarchy. Vince could only muster a thin smile "It is good that this is a matter for the Queen." The same faithful eyes that had met hers on Contruum were still there as he produced his comms device from a pocket and handed it to her for her comms codes. "Thank you" he said, allowing the words to carry a few meanings at once.

Seeing his eyes dip down to her cheeks and lips, Valery only felt more heat rising up from her chest. Rosy turned to crimson, but she doubted he noticed, as he turned away and walked over to the window. Valery remained where she was for a moment, steadying her breathing and spending a second looking at him, as he thoughtfully looked across the city. Only when he asked her to join him by the window, Valery walked over and stood beside him, her gaze sweeping over the square down below.

The view was stunning from up here.

He explained what the people were discussing there — a choice with great impact on the future of his planet. Joining the Alliance should be something Valery supported, as a defender of it, but she also understood that some planets chose to remain neutral. It offered some autonomy that was easily lost in the bureaucracy of the Senate.

But now, with war on the horizon for all of the Galaxy, perhaps they didn't truly have a choice anymore.

"It's a matter for the Queen to decide, but one that you'll have to support as well one day. Whether you fully agree with it or not." Leaving the Alliance was possible, sure, but it wasn't an easy task. Joining came with commitments, and planets couldn't just turn away from one day to another.

"But I trust Onderon's leadership to make the right call for its people." Valery smiled and turned to him, accepting the comms device to give him 'her number'. The thought made her smirk, but it was important that he'd be able to contact her with Mandalorians raiding border worlds.

After offering the device back to him, Valery turned to the window and drew in a calm breath. A moment of peace that was suddenly interrupted as her emergency comms unit began to beep.


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