A brilliant fire
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Weapons: Lightsaber
Tag: Aldric Laurent
"We should probably come up with a name for the ship. Just a registry seems a little... boring?" She spun around in her chair as they traveled through hyperspace to reach their new target. The light freighter they were on currently had been their latest purchase — something they could use for longer journeys and missions, but also live in for weeks on end if necessary. Today, it would finally see its first proper use with a mission through the Cloak of the Sith, a dangerous stretch of space that would help them reach the final target of a series of assignments that began on Nar Shaddaa not long ago.
In a way, it was this mission that had brought them close and now, together, they were going to end it.
"Do you want to fly us through the Death Wind Corridor, or should I?" she asked when she stopped spinning and turned to him with a grin. The dangerous-sounding name was a backdoor into the region, where they'd be landing on a small moon. Their target, a Dark Jedi whose identity is currently still unknown, would be there on a secret base somewhere. He was the source of everything that happened on Nar Shaddaa, Sleheyron, and likely many more planets.
She expected him to be guarded and for there to be other defenses, but she was certain that their arrival would not be so easily predicted. So with hopefully some surprise on their side, she felt confident they could handle this with just the two of them. "I have a feeling we might need the top cannon as well if we run into trouble, so we should think it through." Her coordination and reflexes with the Force could be useful in either the pilot or gunner seat, but Aldric's own skills could never be underestimated either.