Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Decreased Activity for April

So today marked the start of the Major League Baseball season in America for most of the Country, and in particular my town where I work, Detroit(Go Tigers!). My employer provides emergent and standyby/non-emergent medical services for Comerica Park where all the games are held for the Detroit Tigers. I have a car in bad shape and a lot of bills. So I have picked up every game humanly possible, and am going from 40-60 hours one week and thiry ish the next to about 70-80+ every week. Some days I will be pushing 20-36 hours possibly.

What this means in practical terms is I will likely be going from multiple posts a day and always on Skype, to basically be off Sundays and some Fridays, and that's about it. So likely a couple posts a week to one post a day. If i lag behind too hard core, or you need me in a thread, please poke me on Skype or via PM (preferably skype). I won't let this interfere with my FJ duties, but it will decrease my thread response time for RP.

This also affects the following characters:
Aitis Powarth, Ostanes, Shywooshk, Doc, and Lugaid Sigurdsson.
I don't sport.
However, I do understand LOAs and generally being busy. Just got out of a heavy work period myself (though that was school, not an official job or anything). Stay safe, try to have some fun, and make sure to stay hydrated. We'll wait (moderately) patiently for you to get active again. In the mean time we'll (sob aggressively and) enjoy what time you do spend with us.
Xander Carrick said:
My Iron Man(do) is leaving me!!

though to be fair I am having computer problems anyways. So good luck with the job man. And um.... I will never want your job.
It takes a seriously warped and demented devoted and caring individual to do EMS and like it... Some call us masochists angels

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