Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Decreased Activity

The Eternal Queen
So, as it says above, I'm not going to be quite as active during the next few months. I have rehearsals every week for my new job, then after that, I have shows every weekend, all weekend long. I'm going to be tired and honestly, a little strained. I will do my best to keep up, but if I take longer than usual, well, now you know why.
Love you all. Sorry if I've been snippy, those of you that RP with me more frequently. Stress is a thing that happens and unfortunately, sometimes I take it out on the wrong people. :/

Anyways, be back up to normal speed in... about six months. Until then, I'll be around, just not much.


Well-Known Member
[member="Feena Mason"] Damn. Just was going to start a thread between Feena and her brother. You suck!! Jk. Hope it all goes well. Don't over work yourself to hard.
The Eternal Queen
[member="Lord Daemos"], I would be more than happy to do a thread! I'll just need people to be understanding of I take a bit of time to reply now and again.

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