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Approved Starship Deep Space Particle Accelerator Station

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  • Classification: Deep Space Manufacturing Facility
  • Length: 40,000 meters
  • Width: 40,000 meters
  • Height: 80,000 meters
  • Armament: None
  • Defenses: Extreme - 10 meter thick Durasteel/Alusteel Armor with Impervium alloy for exterior armor. Heavy shielding.
  • Hangar Space: Docking bays for various transports and even capital class vessels to both receive and export various materials and other supplies.
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very Low - Note the size, and now that it's essentially housing something that shoots particles at various fractions of the speed of light, and think of the amount of power left over for engines. Yeah, it's not fast bud.
  • Speed Rating: Very Low - See the Maneuverability rating
  • Hyperdrive Class: Very Slow: 10 - This thing isn't meant to move.

  • Creation of Artificial Elements and Isotopes: This station was designed with one purpose and one purpose only in mind, to create new sources of hard to find isotopes and elements to further research and development into power generation technologies and provide a sizeable source of these elements/isotopes to the CIS proper.
  • Extremely Safe: This station is meant for deep space operations and as such keeps the equipment away from many large celestial bodies, which reduces the risk of outside effects to environments or planetary bodies should anything happen on the station. For example, a malfunction occurring and oh I don't know causing the particle accelerator to catastrophically fail and go nuclear with enough force to crack a planet's crust.
  • No offensive capabilities - It's a civilian station meant for researching and manufacturing artificial sources of elements and isotopes to further power generation technology. It doesn't have its own weapons on board to defend itself and as such relies on whomever might be in the area to defend it along with on board security staff, which while they are trained and armed by The Dire Wolves Mercenary Company, are still not enough to fend off cruisers and destroyers literally just parking outside and shooting the station.
  • Flies like a brick - It's a massive station. Enough said.
  • Also, take a real close look at the last strength. Specifically, the last part of said strength. That's on the station. I don't need to say anymore do I?
This station is a masterpiece of one Dr. Ryan Alphonse. It's designed for one thing, to house and facilitate the use of the Particle Accelerator to create and research new technologies and materials to further advance everyone in the CIS. This station is housed inside a heavy hull and extremely heavy shielding. The power plants under this thing's hull are massive however, mainly designed to feed into the Particle Accelerator and Molecular Furnace, having the added benefits of being able to supply the shields and other systems with an overabundance of power as a result. Inside this station you can house and field about 10,000 souls, with another 6,000 droids on board performing various duties to fix and maintain the station along with 650 combat drones to assist the security forces. The Cargo capacity of this station is also massive, coming in at half a million metric tons, with enough consumables to feed and sustain the crews on board the station indefinitely due to the presence of the hydroponics farm, and molecular furnace. However it only carries enough fuel to sustain itself for four years without refueling. This station's primary function however of developing and producing new materials, elements, and isotopes to further research and development to creating new technologies, is facilitated by the various docks both along the center spire, but the smaller docks on the smaller of the two rings, giving the ship ample space to efficiently run both small transports through the dock yards, but also other ships. And all of this is monitored and kept extremely safe as one of the primary weaknesses of this ship is the on board particle accelerator. And should something happen to cause this thing to malfunction and potentially explode the results would be catastrophic. This is why whenever there is even so much as a glitch in software for anything on the station it is immediately dealt with by crews because even the possibility of the particle accelerator exploding is an extremely real thing. And as such, there are no risks taken on board without extreme calculation and thought being put into them. This station is meant to house the best and brightest and as such has all the amenities of those who are such high thinkers could possibly need or want. This includes various recreational facilities, housing, entertainment, cafeterias and even restaurants that cater to every possible taste. This station is to be a dream post for any researcher, and will be on the forefront of research and development going on in the CIS.
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The Monster The Monster

A massive civilian station solely for manufacturing this rare Isotope. No armament, hella defenses, and it is literally a giant brick in the sky. The ratings and weaknesses pan out perfectly, and the description lays out this bad boy with its intent perfectly clear.

Nice submission. Approved!
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