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Defense Against the Dark Arts [TJO Training - Sponsored by CSA]

I breathed in.

This was not what I was used to doing. I didn't really like the idea, but I knew it would help me come to terms with my "Monster Syndrome" that I have acquired. It might just help me with the idea that even though I am a Dark Jedi, I can still help the Jedi who Veiere was training within his order. Maybe, just maybe I could let go of my past by teaching others to fight it earlier on. After helping Lady Kay with her own demons, and being her support group, I think I need to do something about myself now. Thalia suggested I do this, and so I spoke to Veiere about it. He liked the idea, but knew that some Jedi would not like to be taught by someone who was a Darksider.

I gave him an idea.

If the CSA were opening a training session of fighting against dark siders to the Jedi order to take part if they wished, then any Jedi who came would be coming of their own accord, and thus would not be held responsible for having a Dark Jedi teaching Jedi on an otherwise "sacred ground" of the Jedi Temples. Thus it was done on the training Grounds of Commenor, and the CSA.

If you were here, Then you were here alone, and training on your own. The Jedi Order was not making this a mandatory study session, but it would be helpful with so many Dark Jedi, and Sith and Witchmasters out on the loose. I knew a few right off the bat who I would not want to get into a tussle with.

Walking into the room where everyone was waiting, I introduced myself as soon as I walked in.

"Welcome to your first class of Defense against the dark arts. I am Atheus, and I will be your teacher through these sessions. To answer any questions right off the bat, Yes. I am a Dark sided individual, teaching you, Jedi and an assortment of others, in how to defend yourself against others like myself. If you have any more questions, speak now. Otherwise, class is in session."

[member="Alexandra Feanor"],

[member="Jagen Wren"],
[member="Saran Drast"],
[member="Teynara Jeralyr"],
[member="Zephyr Carrick"], (Jayce Amoren)

[member="Veiere Arenais"],
This was quite strange. Never would I have thought that I needed to attend a class about defending one's self from the dark side, where the teacher, the man leading it all, was a Dark sider himself. It was strange. This Atheus I have heard in the CSA for being one of the more shady individuals that answers only to the King and Queen of Commenor, yet he is not actually part of their military nor government. He aided the CSA, and it seemed he would also be aiding us in very limited forms at the Jedi Order. Why was this man teaching us how to defeat himself?

Still, I came prepared. bringing a notebook, and pen to make sure I learned how this was going to go down. It seemed like this was not going to be about fighting. At least for now. However, there was some gleam in the man's eye as he spoke that he was not opposed to get physical with students who attempted to question his motives.

Instead of asking that question, I just took a seat at one of the desks as the man moved from the door to the front of the room. His huge frame towered over myself. I was fairly tall. Able to handle myself. However, Atheus could clearly do that and more. He seemed to be a man built and born for action and war. I guess that's why the title of "Titan of War" was thrown around. As tall as a Titan from mythology, and built for pure war and destruction. However, the age in his eyes showed me he had more to him than meets the eye.

I would stay silent for now. Just listening, and learning.



Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Though others might have been wary of the so called teacher it did not bother Tin'tinag, she was once a darksider and had dealt with people far more, devious then the supposed [member="Atheus"] dark master. Perhaps she'd be able to help out with the training, as the Twi'lek still retained her saber staff made while on Mustafar and knew a couple of darkside powers.

It didn't help the the Twi'lek still preferred to wear darker clothing, but the main reason for being here was to learn, and grow stronger in the force. It would only be a matter of time before she'd have to face her past, and once that time came, the result would be different.

Their teacher was plainly a warrior of many battles, probably had a lot to teach, "Its seems very obvious your a darksider, what type of Jedi would wear a mask like that". A little josh to beak the ice, she was more then willing to be taught be the Dark Master, though wondered why he had accepted such a task, "I have a question, whats your reasoning for doing this".

Impertinent question, Teynara thought reflectively, pale-blue eyes flickering over to gaze at the yellow-skinned Twi'lek that now calmly challenged the man that had volunteered to run the session for them. A person's motivations don't matter so much if there's no negative consequence to be had from them. For herself, she was simply glad for the opportunity to engage in training from an expert on the subject: the sort of education she was used to.

Teynara herself wasn't overly familiar with the concept of 'the Dark Side', spoken of by the Jedi in hushed tones, or with the sort of import reserved for things that had significance, but were nonetheless to be mentioned as little as possible. An antithesis for what the Jedi refer to as the 'Light', but vaguely so, she noted inwardly. All she'd been able to determine was that most Jedi considered the Dark to be 'evil' in some fashion, or at the very least, held it in deep suspicion. Odd, considering that the Jedi have always encouraged their students to seek knowledge rather than wallow in ignorance. That in itself had been part of her reasoning for signing up to these lessons.

Tin'tinag's statement had been suggestive of a fair amount of prejudice on her part: the idea that no Jedi would dress as their instructor had was hardly accurate. There's something more to that, but she hasn't elaborated on it. True, there was something...dangerous about their teacher, carrying a presence that lacked the passive serenity that their Jedi teachers projected, but there was also something more worldly in that. So rarely can the world be seen in black and white, she thought quietly. Too many shades of grey in-between, and very few ever manage to live within the absolutes.

"No questions from me, Master," she said softly, bowing in polite greeting to the instructor. True, he did look a little odd, but that was true even among the Jedi of the Order: she'd seen everything from a burly Beorni to a diminutive Kushiban that looked more like a child's stuffed toy than a warrior. "I'm curious to see what you have to show us."

So far only two others had shown up for the lesson: the dark-attired Twi'lek, and the blonde Human male that she'd often noted hauling around a sword and shield, as though summoned from a time well beyond the modern civilised one. For herself, she was attired in typical clothing for her: a grey tunic belted at her waist with a black leather belt, and a matching ankle-length skirt, her feet clad in slightly-heeled boots that accessorised perfectly with the belt she wore. Her long blonde hair fell in ringlets around her shoulders, rather than bound up, even though it was a training session.

"Just hope we're ready for whatever you're going to throw at us," she added with a faint smile. Probably not, in truth, but that's all part of training, isn't it? All they could do was try their best to adapt, and see what lessons they might learn as a consequence.

| [member="Atheus"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Tin'tinag"] |​


Short people are closer to Satan
[member="Atheus"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"]

Vee hurried into the room, late as always and, as usual, unprepared save for her weaponry and medicine. This damned new place was an absolute harpy to navigate, and Jayce hadn't even bothered to walk with her to the place! What kind of friend was he?!

(In truth, what happened was Vee got nosey and wandered off, leaving her fellow Jedi behind and probably wondering where she'd gone. Honestly, it wouldn't have been surprising if he decided not to bother looking for her; she'd find her way back....eventually. Like now!)

The girl's wheezing from the sprinting she'd done was only amplified by her mask's filtration system, sounding like a rather raucous ocean, beating against the sand. Or, y'know, the type of heavy-breathing monster one would find hiding in their closet, or under their bed, or outside the door, or....


She murmured an apology, mixed with a " 'scuze me" as she moved past the black-clad figure up front, plopping down beside Jayce. Before she settled in, Vee reached over and flicked his arm in a nonverbal way of saying, "Thanks for waiting for me, you dirty svaper." Hopefully he'd get the message.

After taking out her annoyance on her friend, the young human unclasped her utility belt and set it on the table. The way the desks were built was uncomfortable as is, but with her medications and lightsaber jabbing into her patooty? That wasn't gonna work. Honestly, the sooner she got herself situated, the better, or else she'd never be able to focus.

Speaking of focus.... Beneath her lenses, the girl's brown eyes latched onto the stranger up front, soaking in every detail. Something about him put her off... but that was quickly remedied by the mask! In spite of herself, the young Knight couldn't help but wonder, was it aesthetic? Did it help him breath? Was he like her, needing a mask since childhood? Quite frankly it wasn't necessary for Vee to have the whole gas mask shindig, she really just needed a filtration system for respiratory functions, but she thought it was pretty cool, and besides it was the one she'd had for ages, no way would she get rid of it now! Not unless she absolutely needed to, anyway. Besides, she couldn't afford it, not even with the Jedi compensation, and--

"If you have any more questions, speak now. Otherwise, class is in session."

Oh. Um. She glanced at Jayce. Some days, she wished her telepathy skills were noteworthy; Vee's handwriting was terrible, she didn't know sign language, and her mask amplified even the smallest noise she made. She really, really wanted to ask about the instructor's mask; but she was also rather painfully aware that said instructor might not tolerate off-topic subjects. Thus, for now, she kept her mouth shut and worked on steadying her breathing.
As another student with a full mask, respirator and all, came in a little later than the rest. I could only assume she was a species that required a mask, or was badly injured with her lungs and found it difficult to breathe without aid. I didn't judge as I myself wore a mask for many reasons. Thinking as such, a Twi'lek spoke up about me clearly not being a Jedi because I wore a mask. I tilted my head as though I could agree with her. A Jedi normally doesn't hide their face. I did notice that the girl with the mask poked the blonde boy she sat next to. Friends? And I could clearly see his own clothing and armor. He was no typical Jedi either. Pointing to him, I spoke.

​"Would you so easily write off this young man to not be a Jedi, even though his clothing is reminiscent of a commoner? As a Dark Jedi, I have made more enemies than allies. I hide my face to protect my identity, and those I care for, or work for. To answer you on why I am doing this, it can be stated simply from your own Code. Ignorance yet knowledge."

I would let this student think it over a moment, and would leave it at that. However, I could feel the nervousness from various students. However, I did feel an aura of acceptance from a blonde female. She seemed eager to learn. As much as I would have found it good, My darker half wanted to throw her into an abyss of darkness and see how fast she learned. I resisted that thought, and smiled behind my mask.

"Fear not, for I am only teaching you how to defend yourselves. In fighting, politics, war, or even laborious tasks, knowledge is half, or even more than half of the battle. While your physical ability does play a part, Knowledge, and wisdom will be the largest factors in your survival. I am here to expand your knowledge."

While I spoke, I pulled a small datapad from my butt pocket. Clicking on a few items, up on the wall behind me flashed a light, and then a listing of various force powers. Names of these powers were mostly darker. Things that even I had learned over a long period of time. Sith Alchemy, Force Destruction. Force Drain, Rend, Force injure/choke, and more.

"This list I have composed are of abilities or skills that are darker in nature, or what previous Jedi have deemed... inappropriate for a Jedi to use. However, that does not mean you don't have to learn about it. You can use all of these abilities. Yes, Jedi can use the dark side of the force. However, its not a question of can someone use it, but should you use it. Is it appropriate for a person learning of the Lightside of the force, to learn how to literally consume the emotions of others to power your own powers? Or is it needed for a Jedi Knight to use the pure destructive force of the Dark side to simply clear their path?"

I looked down a bit, trying to gather my thoughts for only a moment. I could feel some confusion from the students, and even feel intrigue of their minds. Being someone who could consume the emotions of others to strengthen myself, I could tap into many emotions that others felt. Still, the idea to do so now felt as though I could throw them into the deep end and see how well they survive.

"These powers are tools for you to use in the defense, protection, and survival of your own, and other's lives. You should always, always intend for your powers to aid you in whatever you may do, but to not let it destroy who you are. You can't let emotions, or the thought of revenge, or even the death of others encompass your thoughts, and actions. It will lead down a path that many do not wish to take. Now with that in mind, I speak this as a warning. If you feel yourself succumbing to these emotions or thoughts, you are free to remove yourself from the class, or tell me, and I will help you in preventing it from happening again."

"Does anyone have questions or concerns with this?"

[member="Alexandra Feanor"],

[member="Jagen Wren"],
[member="Saran Drast"],
[member="Teynara Jeralyr"],
[member="Zephyr Carrick"], (Jayce Amoren)

[member="Veiere Arenais"],
Looking over my shoulder to see Vyr walking into the class a little late, my smug smile appeared for a moment on my face as she nudged me for leaving her behind. Truth be told, I was so focused on getting my own materials for the class, that I hadn't thought to go and grab her from whatever trance she was in about this temple. I just sat there and cleared my face as the Twi'lek that I had met earlier was almost poking fun at the mentor Atheus.

I didn't expect the man to point me out and my attire. I dressed to be comfortable, and dressed for necessity. Not to fit the dress code of the Jedi order with their tunic and almost slack like pants. I could fight just as well in my own clothes. I didn't need baggy or expensive cloth just to fight. I did get very nervous when I was pointed out. All the attention was thrust upon me. However, his words seemed to defend me, as well as himself. Even explaining why he wore his mask. His reasons were solid, and sound. I had to respect that. Protecting his loved ones, even though he may seem like a bad person, he was still very much a person with a heart.

Atheus then went into a whole conversation with the class. Even asking rhetorical questions that he would answer a second later. Taking notes, I wrote down entries such as, "A Jedi is not about powers, but how he uses them." , and "The Dark Side is consuming, and corrupting on every level." It was true to an extent. Even noticing that the powers that the man had listed behind him had one that caught my eye. Force Rage. One that my father likely used almost two years ago. I had a flash of his hate filled eyes as he was striking down my grandfather. Coming back to reality, Atheus asked if we had any questions or concerns.

"So are you going to teach us how to use these powers, or are you teaching us how they work so we know how to combat them? Uh... Jayce is my name.... Sir?"

I was a little tongue tied trying to put my name in. I felt rude not telling him my name since he was sharing information with us. Or that I used the prefix sir as a sign of respect because he was my superior in likely every way. I didn't know if we would be formal, or informal. Nor did I know if we should call him Master, or Teacher, or just his name... Either way, I still fumbled over my words. And I hated that about me. I couldn't speak to people who I felt inferior to, or to people who I liked. I hated it. I would have to try to get over it sometime soon. Nothing is worse than a Jedi trying to help others when they are stuttering and barely slipping their words out.

[member="Teynara Jeralyr"],


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
She kind of had to eat her own words when another student entered in full mark and dark robes, even though her statement was meant to be more of a joke then an actual deductive reasoning. Said new student sat next to Mr armor, seemed like and odd pair. Her attention was quickly brought back to the lesson when the teacher addressed her question.

"Make a note add more sarcasm to my joke, but it was more that the mask that gave you away, your over all look, battle scars, clothing and a dark aura emanating from your person". "Before you ask, yes I'm skilled at sensing peoples force signatures, it was one of the first things I was taught when indoctrinated into the Disciples of Ren, it made hunting Jedi easier". "People can wear what ever they want, individuality makes it easier to identify them, dead or alive".

She continued to listen as [member="Atheus"] eplained how half the battle was knowledge and understanding, she could not agree more. Most of the time being smarter then her opponents was how she won a fair share of battles and was not stranger to using, unorthodox tactics in the process. She watched in interest as he pulled up a data pad and proceeded to show the students the different dark side powers, 'Hmmm, see that, been on the receiving end of that, used that one'.

She listened to his lecture more interested then before, it was defiantly possible for a Jedi to use the dark side, and its affiliated power if its method was known. He seemed very intent on warning the padawans about the dangers of the dark side, what it can do, its corruption and destructive powers, even if using it for good said actions changed you from the inside. Tin'tinag had dealt with it before initially upon joining the Ren she was timid, but soon grew a back bone against the other apprentices and sought her own power, plotting to kill the other disciples and install herself as Kyrel Rens top student.

"I have a question, though I have had to deal with such emotion as you have said it still find it hard to keep them in cheek, its one of the reasons I'm a smart ass, do you have any advice that would benefit me".

[member="Jayce Amoren"] l [member="Atheus"] l [member="Vyr'ago"] l


Short people are closer to Satan
[member="Tin'tinag"] [member="Jayce Amoren"] [member="Teynara Jeralyr"]

Vee could tell Jayce was getting flustered, and she briefly reached out to touch his arm in a reassuring manner before withdrawing again. The girl couldn't help but frown. She assumed one of the other students had brought up the question of the man's attire, but if anyone least looked like a Jedi, it would have been herself, would it not? With the full-face mask, the black robes... The thought had certainly crossed her mind more than once that her aesthetic resembled the Sith of olden times moreso than Jedi.

Slightly shaking her head, she waited for the Twi'lek to finish speaking before blurting out, "Is it really Sith Alchemy anymore if a Jedi uses it?"

...well that wasn't exactly what she wanted to ask. To be fair she didn't even know what question she wanted, she'd just happened to think about that, tuning out the rest of what Atheus had talked about before phasing back in, listening to the Twi'lek, and then letting her mouth run ahead of her brain.

Oh well. The man wasn't likely to kill her just yet.
Tiland wandered into the room, humming quietly to himself, tearing his gaze from the plant he was studying as he noticed the others had gathered around. He nodded to them and slipped to the back of the room, frowning slightly as he studied the list of powers on display, and leveling a striking gaze to the man standing at the front. He was clearly a Dark Jedi, yet he sensed no harmful intent coming from the man, so he stayed at the back of the wall, leaning against his staff. fingering his beard.

This would be most interesting, to hear a lesson on the Dark Side from one who leaned to the Dark himself. Quite unorthodox, in fact, but so be it. Darkness swarmed across the entire galaxy. It seemed reasonable to teach these students more about what they would face. He was all to acquainted with the Dark. It was part of his DNA, his home culture, and the life that he had been trained in, and faced so often in his travels. Perhaps it would be best for the students to learn about it before they faced it in the wild.

But then, could anything really prepare someone for an encounter with a master of the Dark and their intent to destroy, corrupt, and kill?
First came the question of the young man. Mentioning his name was Jayce, I nodded for a moment as I gathered my words, and thoughts. Finally setting upon what would prove best to answer him, an still allow room to answer more if he wished.

"Yes and no. I am providing you the knowledge of not all, but only some of these abilities. Rend for example, is very easy to accomplish for anyone having a grip on the use of telekinesis. Simply pulling an item apart by grabbing from two ends, and literally tearing the item, or even person, apart. However, knowledge of an ability such as Destruction, or Alchemy will never be taught. Spoken about, yes."

The Twi'lek seemed very talkative. She liked to voice her opinions well, and even mentioned the Knights of Ren. A group of Force users who were... almost forced into servitude of their Leader. Seeing her here now, made some sense, and why she seemed a little darker than the rest. Instead of answering with a snide comment like I would have anyone else, I too was trying to be more... nice. If that was a goal.

​"In my own past, I have had difficultly controlling my tongue, and emotions. There is no easy answer to control already rampant emotions and tempers. It will take time, and dedication. However, what has helped me is to think of your emotions as a habit. One way to remove, or to replace a habit, is to make a good one that cancels out the one that is considered undesirable. Example, Making a snide comment, instead try to make more critical comment that will be along the lines of a critique, or neutral reinforcement of someone. There are many different examples that I could come up with if we had all of time to do so. If you wish to know more, meet me after class."

As I was answering the woman's question, an elder man walked in, and leaned in the back. Likely a Knight or a Master of the force. I could feel his concern of emotions. Even one to question me and my purpose here. Letting it slide for now, I moved to the masked girl's question.

"No. Alchemy is alchemy. Alchemy is also referred to Sith Alchemy because of its very dark, and very corruptible nature. Sith Alchemy is the practice of taking an item, being, or creature, and contorting it, twisting it into something completely different. There is a very rare beast called a Terentatek. They are massive creatures that feed upon the dark side of the force, and when alive, would guard tombs of Sith Lords that still had the force flowing through their halls. Many speculate, but can't quite prove if these creatures are manipulated Rancors that were altered by a Lord using Sith Alchemy, or if they are Species of Rancor that fed upon the force and malformed into what they are known as."

Walking closer to the students, I reached over to my right hand, and removed a ring I wore. Holding it up for them to see, I continued.

"This ring has been altered by the Dark side of the force. it was crafted by Sith Alchemy to create a desired effect."

Putting the ring back on my finger, I flexed my hand for a moment, and then reached out into the open air. Calling upon the sword. It formed into the air as I grasped down. From it came a brightly glowing sword. Bringing it up to show the students, I continued again.

"The ring is called a Talisman of Calling. Where I have created the ring to summon the weapon I now hold. However, should I destroy the ring, the sword is also destroyed in the process. Jedi do not use Sith Alchemy because it alters and manipulate something against it's "will" or normality. Instead, Jedi have a process called "Force-imbuement." Instead of altering the item, it only enhances it."

Releasing the sword, it vanished into a grey mist, and was gone. I could have told them more on how the sword and ring combo worked, but I wouldn't reveal all of that, since I only knew of myself who used any weapon that was like this. No need to explain something that is rarely ever used in this day and age.

"Think of it like this. You want to become physically stronger. Two ways that people can do this. Cybernetics, and training their body to physically become stronger. Cybernetics alter your body into something else. Training your body to have more muscle mass, and to be stronger on its own, is enhancing your already natural strength. That is the difference. You, Jedi, will never use Sith Alchemy. Force imbued items are likely the best way to go for any item that is altered by the force. Likewise, there are many other powers that are similar in nature, but act differently due to what side of the force they are on. However, that is a different discussion for a later date. Now that I have answered those questions, Lets get into class."

Walking over to the board, I grabbed a pen, and marked out on the board Sith Alchemy. Then circling Force Destruction.

"Now, From the name alone, what do you think Force Destruction does? Now let me be clear, it does destroy items, but how do you think it does this?"

[member="Tiland Kortun"], [member="Vyr'ago"] [member="Tin'tinag"], [member="Jayce Amoren"], [member="Teynara Jeralyr"],
Atheus really out did himself. Answering my question, following up with Ting's(?) question. He explained that we would learn about the ability, and that is all. Some abilities would be easy for us to do, as he mentioned Rend, while others like Sith Alchemy would not be done because of some reason. Complication, or was way to dark for us to handle at the moment. As of answering Ting's question, and even mentioning her own problem being one of his. Seemed to fit the bill and fill in some of his story. Loose cannon that is trying to have some semblance of control. Sitting there, He looked to the back of the room. I took a moment to see an older man lean up against the wall. Never seen him before, but I let it slip my mind.

Atheus went into why the Jedi would never use Sith Alchemy. Reason being was that Alchemy completely corrupted whatever was affected, while as Force imbued was an enhancement on what was already there. His example of cybernetics made some sense. Cybernetics altered the person, and could even harm the person. Where as if you trained yourself day in, and day out, you would have less risk to harm yourself, and still gain strength. With that, he ended question time. And went onto the lesson. Learning about these abilities and what they do. Asking about destruction.

My first thought? A bomb.

"Destruction is associated with explosions and demolitions. So would it be like Rend, but instead of two different directions, be in all directions and just rip everything apart?"

Solid answer right? I guess we will just have to see how the answers go from here.

[member="Atheus"], [member="Tiland Kortun"], [member="Vyr'ago"], [member="Tin'tinag"], [member="Teynara Jeralyr"],
Arabi slipped in quietly as the instructor was speaking. It gave her time to assess the situation while everyone's attentions were occupied. She recognized [member="Tiland Kortun"] from sitting outside the Jedi Enclave waiting on Veiere to arrive. The rest of the people present were new to her. The Cathar woman was always eager to learn new things and as a woman who was not very offensive, learning more about what things she would have to be on the defensive side against was a good place to start. She wore classic Jedi Robes and if examined through the Force, she exuded a calm nature. She listened intently to his words and his demonstration.

"So are you saying that a good defense for Sith Alchemy used in this manner is to find the object and destroy it?" she asked, her dark eyes alight with interest. How would one destroy a Sith Alchemy created object? Would it require a special weapon? She was curious.

[member="Atheus Voidwalker"]

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