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Faction Defense Initiative | Empire of the Lost

Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

Location: Above Pammant, onboard The Nucleus
Objective: Get ready for the demonstration.
Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Open to more EOTL members​

It was a supreme opportunity for the randomized route of The Nucleus to take them through the Pammant system of Moff Tane's domain. While Karl invited the other higher-ranking officers to this demonstration, he did express that an encrypted recording would reach their desks the next day. The only one who responded to his communique was Moff Teckla Tane, whom he had done work for in the previous month designing both the Stork and the Spearhead at her behest. The Nucleus and its two Ardent escorts placed themselves nearer to the edge of the system so as not to disturb the planet itself. Karl was overseeing a few janitorial staff who were busy clearing a viewing deck for the incoming Moff(s). The transparisteel viewport overlooked what Karl would be showing off, a brand new Avril defense platform surrounded by four Hawk satellites. He hoped that Moff Tane would be impressed by the demonstration enough to endorse his defense initiative for widespread adoption amidst their war with the Sith Order.

Commodore Keegan, the commanding officer of The Nucleus walked in behind a distracted Karl, "So are you prepped enough for the demonstration Captain?" This startled the old engineer,

"Oh, Kriff!" Karl said placing a hand above his heart. "You know more of that and I could have a heart attack, Keegan. And you know you can call me Karl in front of the crew, everyone does."

"Oh I doubt it, you've always been a healthy old bastard," Keegan said with a smile. "I just wanted to check in, you want me to command the defense platform in this demonstration right?"

"Yes, you'll be in charge with the station's commander..." He looked down at his datapad, "Lieutenant Commander Tarrow, acting as your second. The ship will be in capable hands while you're away, right there." He said while pointing out the viewport towards the Avril.

"Alright, I'll head out now in preparation for or guest's arrival." Keegan offered a quick salute to Karl even though he was above him in rank, which Karl reciprocated. Respect has a way of doing that he supposed.

Karl lifted his arm-mounted comlink, "Unit Twelve-CA, are you on approach?" There was a short pause before an answer rang through.

<< Affirmative, right on schedule.>>


He let his arm drop. He walked over to the viewport and looked out, allowing himself to decompress a little. He wouldn't show it, nor would he confide in anyone, but he has been putting himself under a great deal of stress trying to make up for lost time. Even though he knew that he didn't need to. His ultimate goal was still to become Director of Imperial Engineering, though again, he knew that it would be a slow rise for someone like him. After all, he'd only just joined recently, but within a month he had already pushed out more designs than even he thought he'd be able to. This demonstration, and ultimately the defense initiative was meant to ensure the safety and security of the Empire; while also increasing his rapport with Moff Tane, and maybe putting him on the radar with the other Moffs once they received his recording or showed up. Most of the preparation had been finished, now all that he waited on were the arrivals to the system and The Nucleus.
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Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: Advanced the defense of Imperial Territories
Location: Teckla’s Private hangar of the Spearhead-class Destroyer Imperial Hammer
Outfit: White Moff Uniform
Equipment: See Bio
Forces: Clone “bodyguards” (For show only)
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss


Teckla hated being summoned. She had work to do prepping the Crusaders for taking Zigoola. Teckla’s decided site for the group’s headquarters, training facility and in the short term a test to see if her charges would be able to maintain control under the heavy bombardment of the darkside. Though she herself was certainly leaning towards the dark, the Crusaders were a Force neutral organization. Not all members would accept the push of the darkside and use it properly. She had to know who that would be and how to conquer the distraction. The Sith would be wielding the darkside to every advantage they possibly could.

The source of this meeting was enough to bring Teckla from her deep plotting. Captain Karl Von Straus had come through not only for Teckla and the Crusaders but for the whole Empire in his development of new warfare technology. He had something new to show off and had conveniently chosen Pammant as the test site. This coupled with the Empire putting a foot to a hornet’s nest on Sanctuary made the unveiling of a new defense station in the Calamiri sector worth the Moff’s time despite delegating a good deal of administrative duties for her territories to her aid Skyria Kyrtan Skyria Kyrtan

There was a soft jolt of the ship returning to realspace from hyperspace as it arrived in the Pammant system. ”Moff Tane we have arrived.”

The Moff and Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders nodded and looked out the magshielded entrance to the hangar. She saw the large defensive platform along with the Hawk satellites and smiled. ”Inform Captain Von Straus,” Teckla spoke into the open comm at the entrance to her shuttle. ”I am on my way and am eager to see what his new designs are capable of when I reach the Nucleus.”

With that she entered her shuttle and made her way across the divide of space to the talented engineer’s ship. Once ushered to the Captain’s presence she gave the old man a confident smile. ”It is a pleasure to see you Captain,” she said with a slight nod of her head. ”Though I’ll be honest. If this demonstration goes well there may be a promotion quickly following. Your designs have been a boon for the Empire. And we will need them as threats seem to be swarming around us. I usually focus my efforts on offense. So let’s see if your platforms can ease my political concerns of protecting what we have already won.”
1 Impetum Heavy Cruiser the Imperator

Aboard the bridge Darth Rasnuhl floated crosslegged as he meditated during the jump. Much had been on his mind since the loss at Tion, the data gathered by all who participated would be invaluable in the future. The construction & continued resettlement of his people to the two territories within the Empire and the new capital on Odacer-Faustin. But his two official territories of Stygeon Prime, & Odacer-Faustin lay at the edge of Empire of the Lost space, defense would be nice. And if this Imperial engineer was as good as he claimed maybe he would work with Illithor Du'thra Illithor Du'thra of Du'thra Engineering on another defensive platform for his side of the Empire.

His meditation peering into the possible future came to an end when the first officer spoke in her quiet Zabrakian accented common "Lord Rasnuhl we have dropped out of hyperspace near the Nucleus as ordered. Momentarily you may board your shuttle." Ah yes we have arrived. "Thank you, carry on." The message had been clear on where to meet, it was also clear the man had been working with Teckla Tane Teckla Tane which wasn't a problem. Just more of a curiosity that he hadn't approached the council off the bat. No matter, soon we shall see what this science vessel & what cloth Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss are made of.

With post haste and leaving his cloak behind Darth Rasnuhl only intended to take to the meeting one Marine who was to take notes on a holopad. As the leader of his people he lead from the front & body guards weren't helpful most of the time. The modified nu-class shuttle quickly traversed the gap and landed in the much larger science vessels hanger where Darth Rasnuhl disembarked with his Marine turned scribe in tow. Talking to one of the vessels staff in the hanger Darth Rasnuhl is quickly lead to the meeting point. After the turbo lift came to a stop and down a short hallway Darth Rasnuhl entered the room seeing Moff Tane talking what who must be Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss

Walking over and giving a slight bow to both "Moff Tane, Karl Von Strauss I presume. I have heard you have been hard at work innovating, that is exactly what is needed. I look forward to see what you have. And if you are amenable to working with the company that has been supplying my forces with new ships on a defensive platform design." Then Removes his helmet revealing his scarred Zabrak face. It was important to see face to face with those who you work with.
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
Location: Testing Sight, aboard The Nucleus
Objective: Greet Guests and finish preparing for the demonstration.
Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl

Karl was downloading the Yggdrasil project's demonstration on the holo table he had the crew bring in when he got a communication from the bridge.

<<Sir, the Imperial Hammer has entered the system and Moff Tane is on her way.>>

"Thank you. Please ensure they are brought up through the approved route, most of this ship is still meant to be a secret, and I'd rather not piss off the head of security." He said finishing the sentence with a small chuckle. Although security had a right to be wary, this ship still contained a vast majority of imperial scientists working on secretive projects. But, Karl wanted to show off a bit; he designed The Nucleus after all, and not many other people who weren't stationed on it had seen it yet.

Before Moff Tane arrived Karl received a second message from the bridge, <<Sir, The Imperator has also arrived in the system. Darth Rasnuhl will be arriving shortly after Moff Tane.>>

Moff Tane, while only being about a head shorter than Karl, brought an air with her: determination. She showed as such with her quick greeting, getting down to the nitty-gritty.
”It is a pleasure to see you Captain,” she said with a slight nod of her head. ”Though I’ll be honest. If this demonstration goes well there may be a promotion quickly following. Your designs have been a boon for the Empire. And we will need them as threats seem to be swarming around us. I usually focus my efforts on offense. So let’s see if your platforms can ease my political concerns of protecting what we have already won.”

Karl saluted her, "The pleasure is all mine Moff Tane. I hope the Spearhead is treating you well as a command vessel. It is perhaps one of my best designs in form and function wrapped up in a quadanium bow." He gestured with a smile and a head nod to a seat nearer to the window and began walking her towards it, "I appreciate the compliment, I'm only doing my best for the Empire. And it's my hope that these designs will also do their best in defending it."

Right as they reached the seating Darth Rasnuhl entered the chamber,

Walking over and giving a slight bow to both "Moff Tane, Karl Von Strauss I presume. I have heard you have been hard at work innovating, that is exactly what is needed. I look forward to see what you have. And if you are amenable to working with the company that has been supplying my forces with new ships on a defensive platform design." Then Removes his helmet revealing his scarred Zabrak face. It was important to see face to face with those who you work with.

Returning the bow to the Darth he raised his head, eyes connecting with the Darth's own. Not as a sign of disrespect, quite the opposite in fact, Karl had always respected the Sith he had fought with during his tenure in the First Order. Karl was also raised by noble parents who taught him that eye contact was important when meeting your betters, as a show of respect, and that you weren't part of the weak, licentious crowd of other imperials. He would however make sure it wasn't long enough to be awkward. He thought the sith would appreciate it, after all he removed his helmet for this meeting.

"Darth Rasnuhl, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm glad news of my designs have reached your ears." He said with a joyous tone. "I'm sure you will like what you see here and if you'd be willing after the demonstration, we can talk more about a contract with the company." There was a pause as Karl remembered the name, "Du'thra Engineering, correct? I'm a fan of their Cynosure Nidus destroyer, form and function, just what I like."

Not sure if there were anymore guests joining them, Karl waited for either of them to cue him to start the demonstration, not wanting to be rude.
Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: Advanced the defense of Imperial Territories
Location: Viewing chamber aboard The Nucleus
Outfit: White Moff Uniform
Equipment: See Bio
Forces: Clone “bodyguards” (For show only)
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl


Captain Von Strauss’ greeting of a salute was received quite well by the Moff. She stood tall and gave one of her own in return. He continued with niceties that Teckla was becoming more used to as her position within the Empire became more settled. People were happy to see her until she gave them a reason to regret her presence. ”Admiral Rimmer has given rave reviews of the Spearhead Captain. Something that you should receive with great pride. I look forward to the coming days when the Hammer leaves our enemy’s ships in smoldering messes.”

At the gesture towards a more comfortable viewing area Teckla was more than happy to follow the Captain’s lead. She took a chair with a good view of the demonstration field and waited patiently to be shown the new design and how it would keep her territory safe. The possibility would come with quite a bit of peace of mind as she didn’t entirely trust the Quarren to protect their planets themselves, and she had duties with the Crusaders that inefficiently split her focus. If these platforms were successful she could focus more on establishing the Crusaders’ base of operations trusting the defense of the Calamiri Sector to Von Strauss’ inventions. ”In light of what the Sith proved capable of at Tion, we would do well to focus energies on dedicated system defenses. You are right thinking Captain. Another mark for you in my assessment.”

Teckla wasn’t sure who to expect for this demonstration. Any high ranking officer or planetary governor would have been wise to come. When Darth Rasnuhl arrived it was not terribly shocking. His territory was very close to both the Mandalorians and the Sith. Defense would be incredibly important to the man, and he had proven to be capable and wise in previous battles.

”It is good to see Moff Rasnuhl,” though Teckla had no distaste for the dark side, the use of a Sith honorific title for one of her own allies was more than she could stomach with an ongoing struggle against the Sith putting strains on her own assets as well as throughout the Empire. ”The Captain has made quite the impact on the war machine of the Empire. As I was just telling him it has reached the highest levels and he should be expecting a proper pat on the back for it. I’m sure you will be quite impressed with his engineering prowess.”

Von Strauss’ interaction with Rasnuhl was even more impressive to Teckla. While the invitation to this demonstration was directed to Moff Tane, it was openly sent to the other powers that be in the Empire. For Von Strauss to recall Rasnuhl’s manufacturer’s models and pick one to compliment was impressive, though not surprising. Teckla made a point of knowing what each and every army she could come in contact with consisted of be it friend or foe. Von Strauss obviously had the same dedication.

”Feel free to begin whenever you are ready Captain. Unexpected late arrivals will be treated to something special once things get rolling I am guessing.”
Objective: Advanced the defense of Darth Rashunl's edge of the EOTL
Location: Viewing chamber aboard The Nucleus
Personal: Soldier scribe

"Darth Rasnuhl, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I'm glad news of my designs have reached your ears." He said with a joyous tone. "I'm sure you will like what you see here and if you'd be willing after the demonstration, we can talk more about a contract with the company." There was a pause as Karl remembered the name, "Du'thra Engineering, correct? I'm a fan of their Cynosure Nidus destroyer, form and function, just what I like."

Karl's reputation that reached Darth Rasnuhl matches his interactions, appreciating the warm welcome. "I am glad to make your acquaintance as well. That is correct, a rare Star Destroyer designed for bringing overwhelming fighter craft."

”It is good to see Moff Rasnuhl,”
"It is good to see you as well. Especially in a more preferable formate than that of the trial... and its grand build up to the inevitable forgone conclusion." He pauses for a moment face going expressionless "You can call me Moff, Warlord, Darth, it matters little. Each denote a higher station than lowly."
”The Captain has made quite the impact on the war machine of the Empire. As I was just telling him it has reached the highest levels and he should be expecting a proper pat on the back for it. I’m sure you will be quite impressed with his engineering prowess.”

Sitting down with his appointed scribe not far behind "I see, I got the message and from what I see before me. Also from what you say, I can definitely say that I am excited to see what they can do."

This was the best part of being in the EOTL so far. Getting to rub elbows with others that more or less carry a very similar belief in the force. Although the rest don't know how the mantra goes for now, the freedom in all of the force is far better than being stuck in the Light or just in the Dark.

"Ready when you are Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss "
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
Location: Viewing Chamber, aboard The Nucleus
Objective: Begin the Demonstration
Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl

”Feel free to begin whenever you are ready Captain. Unexpected late arrivals will be treated to something special once things get rolling I am guessing.”

"Ready when you are Karl Von Strauss"

"Of course." He pressed a few buttons on his holopad turning off the lights and closing the door. Not locking it, but closing it so there was no light intrusion from the hallway. He placed himself in front of the transparisteel viewport, but off to the side so his guests could still see the demonstration. He took a deep breath, mostly to be ready for the large amount of technical jargon that was about to be said, but also to calm his nerves. He held out his hand,

"Let's start with the smaller of the two, the Hawk." He pressed another button and the holotable he had placed alighted with a small picture of the satellite. "The Hawk is a small, corvette-sized, autonomous stationary defense satellite. It is outfitted with Ifrit turbolasers, Leviathan point defense, and a missile launcher. They are meant to be a threat to smaller-sized vehicles, such as starfighters, but not punching above smaller frigates. While autonomous, it still needs to be connected with a home base. Something with a vessel database; allowing for some oversight, although never needing a crew to operate it."

He flicked away the holo of the Hawk to replace it with the massive Avril. Then began his small description of the platform. "The Avril unlike its small cousin, is much larger." There was a bit of emphasis on the much part of the sentence, hoping for a small laugh from either Moff. "The Avril was designed with two things in mind, one, absolute dependability, and two, bolstering a defensive force. The design of the Avril allows for more than fifty percent of its armament of turbolasers, ion cannons, concussion cannons, and masers to be towards the enemy during engagements and if one side is depleted, rotating to show an entirely new side of weapons. Additionally, its seventeen squadrons and numerous point defense systems bolster its ability to effectively defend its planet."

Behind him in almost perfect unison, a stream of twelve starfighter squadrons exit the Avril taking up defensive positions around it. A few smaller satellites also exited the station going much further than the squadrons, but that was a different part of the demonstration.

"Now I know I could stand here and talk technical specifications all day, but you came here for a demonstration, and a demonstration you shall have." Karl turned around holding up his comlink, "Commodore Keegan, is the platform ready for the demonstration?"

A voice rang out through the room. <<Yes Captain Von Strauss, ready and waiting.>>

Karl put his handheld comlink away and held up his wrist-mounted one as he turned around to face the Moffs, "Unit Twelve-CA, please initiate phase one."

Within seconds, a few squadrons of pirate snub fighters exited hyperspace near the station. Almost immediately the satellites began firing, starting the live-fire demonstration. The Avril followed suit with its smaller weapons, and its squadrons beginning to circle the station in a defensive pattern.

"Now I didn't want to harm actual pilots, so all the fighters you see out there friendly and otherwise are being piloted remotely by two teams here on The Nucleus. Their weapons have been set to the lowest power setting and will disable after only a few hits making sure no imperial assets are damaged. The snub fighters, however..." He said with a darker tone as a few were blown up behind him by the station and satellites' impressive firepower.

"I will now take any questions you have before continuing onto phase two of the demonstration. Please, ask away." He said with a smile. A dazzling light show continued behind him.
Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: Advanced the defense of Imperial Territories
Location: Viewing Chamber, aboard The Nucleus
Outfit: White Moff Uniform
Equipment: See Bio
Forces: Clone “bodyguards” (For show only)
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl


Rasnuhl giving permission to refer to him by his Imperial title would have been irritating on any other day, but Teckla was focused on experiencing the defense platform’s capabilities and whether or not Teckla’s subordinates could be left a few of these platforms allowing Teckla to focus on settling the Crusaders rather than protecting her territories from Sith and rebels. ”I agree the purpose of this meeting holds much more value than our last time together. And you may refer to me as Moff, General or Grandmaster,” she replied with a faux smile that she was slowly learning as she annoyingly dealt more with politics than war.

As Rasnuhl added his approval to begin the demonstration Teckla leaned back in her seat and watched. Through the Force she touched the consciousness of the Crusader’s lead admiral aboard The Hammer. She didn’t think that the performance of the defense platform would be beyond her vast military experience, but having someone who was more versed in space battles a mere thought away was a comfort. As the room dimmed and the doors closed, Teckla could feel a degree of nervousness from her guards. It made an honest smile form on her face before she calmed the clones’ thoughts simply enough and waited for the Captain to start.

Von Straus indicated that the support platform would be the first demonstration. It made sense to Teckla, you don’t start with the most impressive show of force, even in a presentation like this. Build to a strong crescendo. But if the past work of the Captain was any indication the Hawk would not be something to scoff at. Teckla smiled at the description. Defense for the defense platform. It was actually quite brilliant. It reduced the need for the Avril to rely on capital ship support from the navy. A smile grew on Teckla’s lips as the main satellite was described as significantly larger. But the Moff was quite eager to see the goliath platform in action.

As if reading her mind Captain Von Straus announced the beginning of the demonstration, widening the grin on Teckla’s face. She knew the power of the Force, but there was something about blowing stuff up with new tech that increased her enjoyment of a day. When the “enemy” fighters arrived Teckla was eager to see just what would happen. As she expected the “pirates” were easily overwhelmed and explosions throughout the field filled Teckla’s eyes. She had given a nod of understanding to the statement that the fighters were manned remotely. She would have preferred the Imperial fighters manned, making it as close to real as possible, but on second thought she figured live remote piloting was likely more difficult a task not less. ”Impressive Captain,” the red-haired Moff responded when the demonstration was complete. She felt a slight urging at the back of her mind and nodded her head. ”I think the demonstration speaks for itself. I assume there is a mock damage report of the action. If you wouldn’t mind sending it to The Hammer for my people to review.”

Teckla was sure that Von Straus would openly share this information. If he refused, or was simply not maintaining such reports for the demonstration that would not cause the Moff to dwell on it. She was ready to move on. And was quite certain that despite the request Admiral Rimmer’s staff would have enough data for him to make his own reports. ”The Sith won’t be bringing snub fighters. I’m ready to see what will happen when a larger force attacks…”
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane

Darth Rasnuhl knew how people viewed the enemy Sith, and understood their mistrust of the labels, especially one such as Moff Tane. Some of the Imperials were of the "human supremacy" flavor of Empires past... who fit that mold he wasn't sure.
”I agree the purpose of this meeting holds much more value than our last time together. And you may refer to me as Moff, General or Grandmaster,”
Darth Rasnuhl nodded in agreement "I will call you Grandmaster after we have had a chance to spar. Until then I will leave it as Moff Tane."

The door closed and the lights dimmed, his soldier turned scribe prepared to take detailed notes & recordings of the demonstration to run through the Ai cluster. Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss stated that they would start with the Hawk, a platform meant to be used to fill in the gaps of bigger defenses. An excellent strategy going back to the days of armed footmen using long weapons to stop a charge of enemies on Dewbacks.

The Avril on the other hand is much, much larger. This gets Darth Rasnuhl's attention much more, there is a trade lane to control & keep the Sith from incurring upon. Excitingly fighter squadrons exit the station and take up positions. Karl intercoms with another of his crew and the demonstration begins in earnest. It isn't but a moment before snub fighters drop in from hyperspace and the show begins. The two different stations work together beautifully in a hail of fire the crafts explode.

Darth Rasnuhl looks at Karl "Impressive, I can see where these stations would come in handy." The stations would come in handy, Darth Rasnuhl could see where paired with Vultures & Tri-fighters, that it would be a formidable surprise. Especially if the Sith had encountered Avril stations before with different fighters.

He looks at Karl "I assume the fighter bays can be configured for all droid compliment with a higher unit count?"
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector
Location: Viewing Chamber, aboard The Nucleus
Objective: Demonstrate
Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl

Karl waited expectantly with his hands clasped in front of him. He could see the grin forming on the face of the red-headed Moff and the thoughts behind the eyes of the ever-present Darth. The Moff asked her question first,

”I think the demonstration speaks for itself. I assume there is a mock damage report of the action. If you wouldn’t mind sending it to The Hammer for my people to review.”

"Oh, of course. I understand the need for raw data, this is not only a demonstration for me, I am also collecting data to use in my next iteration of the Hawk and Avril, or a new project altogether. I believe that your Admiral is receiving the raw combat data from the station, as well as simulated damage reports from the satellite and station as if the 'pirates' were using fully powered weapons. Your Captain should also be getting the same." He says while looking towards Darth Rasnuhl.

The second question came from the Darth himself,

"I assume the fighter bays can be configured for all droid compliment with a higher unit count?"

"Yes, the station's hangar bays are quite modular and can fit whichever complement you desire. I simply used TIE Vipers, because they are readily available and have a high squadron count. I would've like to show off my own fighter designs, but they've already had their time in the spotlight above Sanctuary."

Karl pressed another few buttons on his holopad, enlarging the model of the Avril on the holotable. The larger reductor concussion cannons and plasma disruptors blinked with a yellow color to draw attention to them. Karl took a deep breath in and began again as Moff Tane said,

”The Sith won’t be bringing snub fighters. I’m ready to see what will happen when a larger force attacks…”

"As you probably noticed the Avril did not use its heavier array of weaponry when helping the satellites with the snub fighters. Why? Because it is my belief that some problems require surgical precision, and others require a heavier hand wielding a heavier instrument rather than a scalpel. Additionally, when defending its best not to reveal your full hand to a scouting party." He said while flicking another image onto the holotable. It now showed that an enemy fleet was arriving within the next couple of moments. Leading him to another point of the Avril's.

"Now, I do not blame you if you didn't see these deploy with the fighters, but now I'll highlight them for you. Commodore Keegan, can you please activate the psuedointerdictors, so that we may show our guests this particular feature since we won't be able to show it off how I originally intended." He said with a smile and his darker tone.

<<Yes sir. If you look out past the station, you might be able to see a few quick blinks of red lights. Those are psuedointerdictors, mini satellites that effectively trick hyperspace systems into thinking there is a gravity well, when in fact there are none. We've placed them in positions that will make their systems exit hyperspace in an advantageous spot to do a full weapons test.>> Blinking lights can be seen. <<As the Captain said, this isn't the original intended use for these. These are meant to trick fleeing enemies into thinking that they are trapped withing an interdiction field, allowing for our fleets or starfighters to close in on a cornered enemy and finish the job.>>

Right as the Commodore finished a small CR90 corvette dropped out of hyperspace quickly ducking straight down. Then a fleet consisting of a Vindicator Heavy Cruiser, three Raider Corvettes, and a Nebulon-B Frigate, erratically dropped out of hyperspace in a precarious spot. Right into a massive killzone supported by all Hawks and the Avril. The larger turrets of the avril rotated in their barbettes and let loose a massive volley of fire on the fleet, supported by the Hawks. Their fire teared into the fleet.

"Now, this is phase two. You may have questions." He pointed out the transparisteel window to the corvette that exited hyperspace first. "The CR90 corvette is a trusted aid to me, Unit Twelve-CA. He was the one who initiated the conflict with this pirate fleet, and it is a real pirate fleet. He allowed himself to be chased here to show you what my defense stations are capable of. And to show you that I do not mess around. Also, please don't be alarmed, I wouldn't have allowed them to set foot here if I didn't think I could squash them."

He walked to a smaller side table and picked up two holopads and handed them to his guests. The holopads showed a combat report of two older imperial ten-fives, and the Duchess before its retrofit. Anyone that read Karl's file would know the contents of this report, although the fleet here is only a smaller section of what Karl and his son faced before joining the Empire. Karl waltzed over to a chair that was setup for another guest that didn't show and he sat down, fingers interlaced before him.

"The Vindicator is captained by a pirate known as Deltwin Pharalogos. Him and his merry band recently found a cache of old imperial vessels, those you see before you. He is also one of the pirate captains that banded together to see me killed before I joined the Empire. He and several others came together to destroy what I had left. It's all in the report, a massive pirate fleet against three aging First Order vessels, being outnumbered four to one, and barely escaping if it wasn't for my sister." He let what he said stew in the room for a moment, the battle raging outside. He sighed and then stood up. "Fortunate for them, their deaths will come quick. Not what I had planned, but it took me this long to locate them. They get what I give them at this point."

Karl had his back turned towards the Moff and Darth, looking out the window. The pirate fleet was hit unexpectedly but were holding decently well. The massive barrage from the Avril at the start had destroyed one of the Raiders, crippling the others. The pirates scrambled their own fighters launching them as soon as they could, directly into a crossfire from the four Hawks. Those that survived were quickly hunted by the remotely piloted Vipers. The Vindicator and the Nebulon were punching back doing damage directly to the Avril and its Hawks, but ultimately they were outmatched. After a few minutes of battle Commodore Keegan's voice echoed in the chamber.

<<Sirs, the pirate Pharalogos is surrendering, he wishes to leave with what crew he has left. Our scans of their vessels indicate that we could end this if you wished.>>

Karl turned around looking at Moff Tane. "Moff Tane, since this is your sector, I believe it's your right to decide." He knew how this looked, a demonstration turned execution, it was quite selfish, maybe even making Moff Tane question her earlier comment about promotion. Of course Karl's worries could be completely false, he didn't know if this sort of demonstration was exactly what she hoped for, or if it was what Darth Rasnuhl hoped for either. But also it was the pirates fault for even thinking about following their hunt into Empire space; if it wasn't Karl's demonstration, it would've been one of the patroling fleets.
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Grandmaster of the Imperial Crusaders


Objective: Advanced the defense of Imperial Territories
Location: Viewing Chamber, aboard The Nucleus
Outfit: White Moff Uniform
Equipment: See Bio
Forces: Clone “bodyguards” (For show only)
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl


Rasnuhl required a show of power before he would call Teckal “Grandmaster”. The red-haired Moff found that amusing. However, since he was not a Crusader she really could not have cared less if he accepted that title or not. Teckla could tell by his connection to the Force that a spar would be quite interesting. His reputation suggested he might even be able to beat her, but Teckla was not one to focus too hard on single combat. The true power came with leading an army. ”I would welcome the chance to show my prowess and prove the title was not something handed to me without merit.”

Karl explained what data was calculated from the demonstration and that it was being shared with her people aboard The Hammer. She looked out into the viewport and saw only the assets that represented Imperial might. That was her measure of a successful test. She knew that none of the fighters had done near enough to cause catastrophic failure to the large station or the support satellites. Her view on war was not to concern herself with the cost of fixing what had been damaged. She was concerned with the numbers that survived after victory that would be able to move on to the next. ”Thank you Captain. Once I receive a report from Admiral Rimmer there may be some suggestions. But this has been very successful in my view.”

Rasnuhl questioned the adaptability to droids, which Karl answered with a rather easy yes. Teckla all but ignored this possibility. She might not be well versed in fleet tactics, but she knew that she could not influence a squad of droids. That was why she got in league with Velran Kilran Velran Kilran in the first place. Clones were just as programmable, but they still had a consciousness that could be manipulated with the Force. Karl’s expression of pride in his own designs for fighter craft filled Teckla with even more confidence in the engineer and brought a smirk to her lips.

When discussion turned to larger scale threats, Karl pointed out that not all of the armaments of the defense platform had been activated in the previous display. Teckla nodded. She might not have been skilled in fleet tactics, but she knew an idle weapon when she saw one. The explanation of why the weapons were idle was one that brought another smile to Teckla’s lips as well as a happy nod of her head. Not because she couldn’t guess that the big guns would have been wasted on snub fighters, but because of the picture that the Captain weaved with said explanation. ”Ground tactics in space. Never show your hand until you are forced to, and keep as much as possible in reserve.” At the reveal of the “enemy fleet” Teckla cracked her knuckles and prepared for another show. One she expected would be even more enjoyable. The mention of psuedointerdictors caught Teckla’s attention. She knew the theory and use of interdictors, she was curious about the pseudo part, and how they would be used in a planetary defense.

The explanation came over the comm from the commander in charge of the defense platform. Using them to dictate the position that enemy reinforcements would arrive was pure genius. Teckla couldn’t help a bit of a laugh as she considered the possible uses she could have for such a device in her own battles. ”Mutli-function tools are always the most valuable. Quite ingenious Commodore, and Captain.”

Teckla hated seeing Mon Cala ships being used in the name of the Empire, they had been quite the thorn in her side since she had aided the Quarren in taking command of the sector. The admission that the pirates were real, making this essentially a live fire exercise was quite intriguing. The fact that Karl was so confident made her eager to see what would come next, however she was not stupid. She used the Force to be sure that every being on The Hammer was ready for action.

Karl’s familiarity with the pirates made Teckla a little more comfortable in the situation, but she wasn’t going to have her people stand down until she was sure that the coast was clear. The fact that the demonstration would be used to dispose of an old foe filled Teckla with mirth. Her smirk would be quite noticeable as she looked half-heartedly at the report supplied. She was familiar enough with data pad technology to send it to Rimmer for a review in case it had some bearing on the performance of the platforms.

The battle was relatively quick with the platform’s commander announcing the pirate’s intention to surrender. Teckla gave a nod as Karl deferred the fate of the pirates to her, being that it was her territory. ”I do not abide pirates, Captain. And I have little need to feed them while they rot away in my prisons. Since this is personal for you I will look the other way if you wish to make their deaths slower in your own way. Otherwise. No quarter will be given.”
Tags: Karl Von Strauss Karl Von Strauss | Teckla Tane Teckla Tane

He got a reply from Moff Tane that was what he had hoped.
”I would welcome the chance to show my prowess and prove the title was not something handed to me without merit.”
"It can always be arranged. A friendly sparring match can be arranged at anytime. Whether it be in a neutral location or not matters not to me." Moff Tane from his interactions thus far seemed more apt to be a general, or even a warlord rather than the position that she now held. Much like the interactions from Katherin DuPorcelen Katherin DuPorcelen in the Moff chambers.

Karl was quite good at what he did, that was evidenced by the ease at which his operation ran.
"Oh, of course. I understand the need for raw data, this is not only a demonstration for me, I am also collecting data to use in my next iteration of the Hawk and Avril, or a new project altogether. I believe that your Admiral is receiving the raw combat data from the station, as well as simulated damage reports from the satellite and station as if the 'pirates' were using fully powered weapons. Your Captain should also be getting the same."

"Yes, the station's hangar bays are quite modular and can fit whichever complement you desire. I simply used TIE Vipers, because they are readily available and have a high squadron count. I would've like to show off my own fighter designs, but they've already had their time in the spotlight above Sanctuary."
At the data remark Darth Rasnuhl looked over his shoulder at the scribe, he nodded back. "Excellent, I use droids extensively to augment my forces. I only have so many living souls in my corner of the Empire. The ability to throw neigh infinite droids into the fray usually levels the playing field."

Darth Rasnuhl cared about his warrior cultured people, a fact he makes more prevalent after the whole sale slaughter in the Tion system. It's a contrast that he will draw as much as possible to show the stark divide between him, Darth Rasnuhl. And all those other Darth's running around killing for no other reason than they can.

"Now, this is phase two. You may have questions." He pointed out the transparisteel window to the corvette that exited hyperspace first. "The CR90 corvette is a trusted aid to me, Unit Twelve-CA. He was the one who initiated the conflict with this pirate fleet, and it is a real pirate fleet. He allowed himself to be chased here to show you what my defense stations are capable of. And to show you that I do not mess around. Also, please don't be alarmed, I wouldn't have allowed them to set foot here if I didn't think I could squash them."

"The Vindicator is captained by a pirate known as Deltwin Pharalogos. Him and his merry band recently found a cache of old imperial vessels, those you see before you. He is also one of the pirate captains that banded together to see me killed before I joined the Empire. He and several others came together to destroy what I had left. It's all in the report, a massive pirate fleet against three aging First Order vessels, being outnumbered four to one, and barely escaping if it wasn't for my sister." He let what he said stew in the room for a moment, the battle raging outside. He sighed and then stood up. "Fortunate for them, their deaths will come quick. Not what I had planned, but it took me this long to locate them. They get what I give them at this point."
This was quite a turn one that was welcomed. It was only right that a talented man like him would use a weapons demonstration to take care of a thorn in his own side. Darth Rasnuhl just nodded his head in agreement, there was no fault there.

”I do not abide pirates, Captain. And I have little need to feed them while they rot away in my prisons. Since this is personal for you I will look the other way if you wish to make their deaths slower in your own way. Otherwise. No quarter will be given.”
Then Moff Tane spoke, excellent a three for one meeting. How rare the day had become indeed.
Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector


Location: Viewing Chamber, aboard The Nucleus
Objective: Destroy (Optional Music for the destruction of pirates)
Tags: Teckla Tane Teckla Tane | Darth Rasnuhl Darth Rasnuhl

”I do not abide pirates, Captain. And I have little need to feed them while they rot away in my prisons. Since this is personal for you I will look the other way if you wish to make their deaths slower in your own way. Otherwise. No quarter will be given.”

"As you wish Moff Tane." He said with his darker tone and a slight bow. "Commodore, please show off the final stage of this part of the demonstration and extinguish the flames of these pirates. On the Moff's orders, no quarter."

<<Orders received, beginning rotation. Full power to weapon and thrust systems.>> Within seconds of the Commodore's orders, the sides of the station began to glow with a dark orange as their engines powered on. The station lurched forward, rotating around the pirate fleet while simultaneously opening fire on whatever remained of the pirate fleet. This showed off its feature of 360 degrees of defense when above a planet.

The pirates fought back; the vindicator attempted to jump to hyperspace but was only foiled by the everpresent psuedointerdictors. The engines were the first to explode in a fiery display that trickled to the front of the ship. The nebulon was able to disable one of the Hawks before it too succumbed to the overwhelming firepower on display. The pirate fleet was ripped asunder within the next ten, or twenty minutes before all that was left was the station, its satellites, and the husks of Karl's past.

"Well, that was exciting. Unfortunately, that is the end of that segment." He once again did a slight bow. "The reports from that battle will be made available to your crews. Thank you for watching, but now if you'll join me at the larger holo table towards the center of the room that is where we will continue. I will answer any lingering questions you may have about the station or the satellites."

He moved towards the holotable and inserted one of his code cylinders into it. "This next presentation is only in holo form as none of them are fully built yet. I've been keeping this project close to my chest as it does have a secretive part." He would wait until everyone joined him at the table. "Of course, this is of the highest security level, but it is my pleasure to reveal to you the Yggdrasil."

He pressed a button on the holotable next to his cylinder. The holotable came to life showing a planet with a planetary defense shield, a shield gate, and two generator towers. However one of the towers was not noticeable at first glance as it was on the bottom of the image. Karl pressed a few more buttons and names appeared next to the corresponding part. The shield gate was marked Alfheim. The first generator tower was marked Jotunheim. And the second tower was marked Nilfheim.

"This is the Yggdrasil Planetary Defense Shield Complex. It is made up of three items, Alfheim, Jotunheim, and Nilfheim. Each part brings a layer of redundancy to the complex. Alfheim is responsible for scanning every ship that comes through and stopping the ones that might be a threat. She is equipped with her own set of shields separate from the planetary one. She is also in charge of closing the gate if threats are detected." Karl zoomed in on the gate. "She's strong enough to take a beating from a line of capital ships before going down. And when I say a line, I mean four larger cruisers."

Karl would wait at this point for any questions. The Yggdrasil had a few parts that would take a bit to go through; he wanted to make sure his guests understood all of it rather than assaulting them with the full scope of the complex all at once.

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