Tenebris In Lucem
Clouds swirled lazily in a slow-motion dance against the deep blue background of the midday sky. The sun was currently hidden from view as one of the lumbering cotton looking beastly clouds came to settle in front of it. Jericho narrowed his eyes briefly at it and gave a light grunt of dissatisfaction as the cloud was ruining the light that he had been using whilst he was gazing and admiring the light upon the forest surrounding. It was a mild irritation but one he had learned to deal with in everyday life.
The large man rose up from where he rested and his sabers resting briskly on his belt. He stood up slowly placing his breathing mask over his face, as he guessed that it would be best to finished his well needed break. He finished up gearing up once more and put on his battletorn cloak. Once he was sure everything was back in their rightful places he brushed his shoulder and armor pads of gently enough that only dust and dirt came off. He tapped on his weapons as he always did to ensure that he was as groomed as he could be; which was pretty well considering that he hadn’t really washed his armor for the last few days. His short black hair though nicely kept was hidden under his white dirt covered hood.
Jericho took a deep breath of air and looked to the ground a hand had gripped his ankle. "Who.....What.....Kind of Jedi are you?...." Said the wounded bandit the hand was attached to. The sound of birds filtered through the air covering the large man's silence and the gentle scents of flowers in bloom caught the man’s senses and it filled him with ease despite being surrounded by fallen bandits and the smell of smoke and fire. He approached the little pond, ignoring the man for the moment and at the center of the he took a knee and splashed the part of his face that wasn't cover by his mask, he stood up once more. His eyes picked out the brief twisting shimmers caused by the fish that darted just below the water’s surface. All was at ease, at least for him.
What felt like hours seemed to pass by, when in truth it was mere minutes, before Jericho finally moved from where he had been standing. He stretched whilst groaning quietly as he worked the stiffness out of his bones and muscles. “You act like taking out a small army of bandits is just a warm up for you!” The wounded bandit spoke aloud as Jericho began to leave the gardens. Jericho knew what needed to be done when he was asked to rid the bandits. At first he tried to negotiate as his master had taught him, but the bandits attacked and threaten to burn down the nearby village and that he could not allow as such he had to take care of the situation in order to maintain peace to the best to his ability, for the better good. He had hoped that merely knocking out all of them would do the trick, enough to scare them off and avoid the village.
But that wasn't the case; "You think your all high and mighty now?! Huh?!" The wounded man shouted out at Jericho angrily. The wound man pulled out a whistle and breathed into it make a loud ringing noise. "When we threatened the village we were serious about our demands!" He said with a laugh as Jericho was surrounded by more bandits and mercenaries. Instantaneously to when the man called out more bandits, Jericho took out his two-sided saber and took to the stance of Shien.
After much personal debate with himself he took on board within his mind to play out battles and plan tactic to use. In his mind, the large man was reflecting past battle one in particular took hold of his mind. He was heading to the duelling pits up the bourgeoisie quarter of the hutt city. He hoped it would satisfy his restlessness as well as grant him the opportunity to train and remain in a fit state to fight. He flexed his muscles as a sense of eagerness pulsed within him as did the feeling of overwhelming nervousness with a hint fury in heart; perhaps this would be his lucky day. He closed his eyes for a moment.
Soon enough it was like arriving at the hutt duelling pits in tattooine and surrounded several men waltzed foreword arrogantly despite seeing to down men Jericho single-handedly taken out with spears and blasters slung over their shoulders. Despite Jericho's current odds, he still had a confident aura about him as he simply stood before the men and started to count. The large man opened his eyes and re-entered the world of reality began to count the number of people around. "110....111....113, 4, 5....." He counted in his mind. This was going to be troublesome. He took a hand and reached into his bag and counted his grenades and counted only ten left. This was going to be exceptionally troublesome.
But he had to hold his ground and take out as many out as he could, he was the defensive line for the village now. Still, trained in rough terrain like this, he was more than sure he had the advantage and the mud around the pond was going to slow them down. He was going to have to take the ones in the trees and take the high ground. Though force forbid some aid would be nice, Jericho took in a breath of the refreshing flower scent and spun his saber brilliantly and stood back into his strong stance, readying himself for battle.
[member="Asha Seren"] (kinda forcing you into this one now lol)
[member="Kiskla Grayson"] (nooooow tossing you in
The large man rose up from where he rested and his sabers resting briskly on his belt. He stood up slowly placing his breathing mask over his face, as he guessed that it would be best to finished his well needed break. He finished up gearing up once more and put on his battletorn cloak. Once he was sure everything was back in their rightful places he brushed his shoulder and armor pads of gently enough that only dust and dirt came off. He tapped on his weapons as he always did to ensure that he was as groomed as he could be; which was pretty well considering that he hadn’t really washed his armor for the last few days. His short black hair though nicely kept was hidden under his white dirt covered hood.
Jericho took a deep breath of air and looked to the ground a hand had gripped his ankle. "Who.....What.....Kind of Jedi are you?...." Said the wounded bandit the hand was attached to. The sound of birds filtered through the air covering the large man's silence and the gentle scents of flowers in bloom caught the man’s senses and it filled him with ease despite being surrounded by fallen bandits and the smell of smoke and fire. He approached the little pond, ignoring the man for the moment and at the center of the he took a knee and splashed the part of his face that wasn't cover by his mask, he stood up once more. His eyes picked out the brief twisting shimmers caused by the fish that darted just below the water’s surface. All was at ease, at least for him.
What felt like hours seemed to pass by, when in truth it was mere minutes, before Jericho finally moved from where he had been standing. He stretched whilst groaning quietly as he worked the stiffness out of his bones and muscles. “You act like taking out a small army of bandits is just a warm up for you!” The wounded bandit spoke aloud as Jericho began to leave the gardens. Jericho knew what needed to be done when he was asked to rid the bandits. At first he tried to negotiate as his master had taught him, but the bandits attacked and threaten to burn down the nearby village and that he could not allow as such he had to take care of the situation in order to maintain peace to the best to his ability, for the better good. He had hoped that merely knocking out all of them would do the trick, enough to scare them off and avoid the village.
But that wasn't the case; "You think your all high and mighty now?! Huh?!" The wounded man shouted out at Jericho angrily. The wound man pulled out a whistle and breathed into it make a loud ringing noise. "When we threatened the village we were serious about our demands!" He said with a laugh as Jericho was surrounded by more bandits and mercenaries. Instantaneously to when the man called out more bandits, Jericho took out his two-sided saber and took to the stance of Shien.
After much personal debate with himself he took on board within his mind to play out battles and plan tactic to use. In his mind, the large man was reflecting past battle one in particular took hold of his mind. He was heading to the duelling pits up the bourgeoisie quarter of the hutt city. He hoped it would satisfy his restlessness as well as grant him the opportunity to train and remain in a fit state to fight. He flexed his muscles as a sense of eagerness pulsed within him as did the feeling of overwhelming nervousness with a hint fury in heart; perhaps this would be his lucky day. He closed his eyes for a moment.
Soon enough it was like arriving at the hutt duelling pits in tattooine and surrounded several men waltzed foreword arrogantly despite seeing to down men Jericho single-handedly taken out with spears and blasters slung over their shoulders. Despite Jericho's current odds, he still had a confident aura about him as he simply stood before the men and started to count. The large man opened his eyes and re-entered the world of reality began to count the number of people around. "110....111....113, 4, 5....." He counted in his mind. This was going to be troublesome. He took a hand and reached into his bag and counted his grenades and counted only ten left. This was going to be exceptionally troublesome.
But he had to hold his ground and take out as many out as he could, he was the defensive line for the village now. Still, trained in rough terrain like this, he was more than sure he had the advantage and the mud around the pond was going to slow them down. He was going to have to take the ones in the trees and take the high ground. Though force forbid some aid would be nice, Jericho took in a breath of the refreshing flower scent and spun his saber brilliantly and stood back into his strong stance, readying himself for battle.
[member="Asha Seren"] (kinda forcing you into this one now lol)
[member="Kiskla Grayson"] (nooooow tossing you in