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Approved NPC Dehlia and Luc-Remi Bloom

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Name: Dehlia and Luc-Remi Bloom III
Loyalties: The First Order
Role: Mother and Father to Deja Bloom [PC]
Age: Dehlia and Luc-Remi Bloom III are 53 and 57, respectively.
Species: Human
Force Sensitivity: N/A


Development Threads
None at the moment, but threads will be linked here as they are written


Avatar Credit: Gillian Anderson and Madds Mikkelsen

Dehlia Bloom is statuesque. Blonde, tall and attractive. She looks young for her age, which is no accident. The holonet personality shells out a considerable number of credits to appear pristine. Her clothes are never off-the-rack, but rather, finely tailored. Her cosmetics are custom and her hair expertly styled. A classic beauty, the sight of her offends few and impresses nearly all.

Luc-Remi Bloom III is similarly clean, crisp and professional. Like his wife, he wears his age very well. His visage is stony and static yet enigmatically alluring. His stylistic tastes are impeccable and his suits, immaculate. He is fascinating to behold from afar but usually too intimidating to approach.

Dehlia Bloom, aka “The Entrepreneur”
Usually the center of attention, Dehlia is a self-confident doer who is focused on immediate results. Being a public personality, she likes crowds. One-on-one, she typically dominates the conversation. Dehlia is a practiced chameleon and knows precisely how to craft her persona to get what she wants. Outwardly, she projects unwavering poise and warmth. Privately, however, she can be malicious, unstable and cold.

Luc-Remi Bloom III, aka “The Mastermind”
Known to his subordinates as a visionary navigator, Luc-Remi values knowledge, competence and logic. Confident in his own abilities, he usually acts without consulting others. He is an exceptionally original and creative thinker but exclusively expresses himself in unemotional ways. Luc-Remi is not prone to compromise and hard to persuade. In his universe, there is no democracy. There is obedience or exile.

Weapon of Choice
The Best Defense is a Good Offense: Dehlia and Luc-Remi prefer to be in complete control each and every interaction. In order to do so, they use surveillance and security droids at both their places of work as well as their residences. The couple has been known to hire personal body guards for public appearances. Especially Dehlia, who endures periodic meet and greets with her fans. Luc-Remi, on the other hand, trusts his own skills more than the skills of other. Therefore, he frequently carries a small yet powerful concealed blaster pistol on his person.

10 + to Charisma: Dehlia and Luc-Remi are expert communicators. While Dehlia appears friendly and adaptable to get her way, Luc-Remi’s style is that of bewitching intimidation.
It’s Who You Know: In the galactic network of streaming holonet media, the Bloom couple are two very well connected individuals.
Money Talks: Dehlia and Luc-Remi are not above using their wealth to gain anything and everything; access, influence, silent authority…

Bloom Brand Wellness
Celebrity psychologist Dr. Bloom has built her career on exploiting insecurities and reinforcing perceptions of inferiority and shame. She has been known to “discover” new psychological disorders by which the working-class galactic public had no idea they were being plagued. Thankfully, The Dr. Bloom Show and Dehlia’s publishing company Bloom Holobooks, is there to peddle quick fixes and unrealistic expectations.

Bloom Books Notable Best Sellers:
Men are from Kashyyyk, Women are from Chandrilla
Who Moved My Byss Cheese?
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Bothans

Nautilus Media Consortium (NMC)
Luc-Remi Bloom III inherited Nautilus Media in his 30s when it was a small but profitable Core Worlds streaming media provider. Ever the keen capitalist, Luc Remi used his inheritance to buy out competing companies. In addition, he used his company’s ever-increasing influence to broker deals and usher even more holonet providers under the umbrella of Nautilus Media Consortium (NMC). NMC obtains licenses for several popular programs but also produces original content. Since Luc-Remi took the helm, Nautilus Media has been frequently slammed for the nature of the shows it streams. Despite the objections of critics, however, NMC ratings remain high.

Nautilus Media Consortium Notable Hit Shows:
The Real Housewives of Coruscant
Naked and Afraid on Tattoine
Karkarodon Tank

Combat Function
Dehlia and Luc-Remi have never participated in a combat scenario and do not intend to enter one any time soon. Threats to their persons would likely be handled to their security detail. If left without their bodyguards, the pair would be reasonable helpless apart from some rudimentary pistol training. If they were involved in bloodshed, it would likely be from affair, overseeing the services of a bounty hunter or hired assassin.

Notable Possessions
Access to a Horizon-class Star Yacht
Penthouse Residence, Coruscant
Palatial Estate, Naboo

Dr. Dehlia Bloom, Ph.D [Taken from the Bio of Deja Bloom]
Celebrity psychologist Dr. Bloom is a self-help guru who sells quick fixes for complicated problems. Her warm and affable nature on her program, The Dr. Bloom Show, is a façade that hides a callous and calculating nature. She married Luc-Remi Bloom III when she was in her early 20s for his money, the prestige of his name and the boost he could provide to her career. Shortly after they wed, Dehlia Bloom had one child to legally bind him to their marriage contract.

Luc-Remi Bloom III, Chairman of Nautilus Media Consortium (NMC) [Taken from the Bio of Deja Bloom]
Luc-Remi Bloom, third of his name, is a man born of a long line of enterprising capitalists. Luc-Remi inherited a fortune upon his late father’s passing and promptly began buying out small media companies, absorbing them and crafting what he referred to as a “superior, streamlined holonet”. Presently, Nautilus Media Consortium controls enough influence in keystone sectors to keep ad revenue and service fees artificially high. The sensationalistic content Luc-Remi streams is so sordidly addictive, though, that few planets have opted out of NMC access.

First Order Sympathizers
The Blooms rarely discuss politics in public, but some are aware in their interest in the First Order. Dehlia and Luc-Remi’s finances are private, but it is suspected that they have acted as benefactors for Imperial research in the past. It is possible that the Blooms are merely opportunists, ever-aware of fresh markets, but the authoritarian essence of the First Order resonates uncannily with Dehlia and Luc-Remi’s true nature.

To and depth to Deja’s backstory, provide her with character motivations, justify her wealth and faction affiliation. Also, a bit of comic relief (see Dr. Bloom’s bestsellers and NMC’s hit shows).
[member="Deja Bloom"] Thank you for saying that!

Well, after looking over this, I gotta say I see nothing wrong with it. It's formatted very nicely, is written well, and is a nice read all around. There is nothing I see that could be utilized against our site rules or anything like that. One thing I will ask is that you lighten up the dark cyan text, the color is fine but it is a bit hard to read in contrast to the forum's dark theme. That is optional though, merely pointing it out.

Also, those jokes were very clever, these two are well done and fleshed out Deja.

I give this Pending Approval, however due to my being on probation as a newbie judge, I will need another codex judge to review this first. [member="Werah Unon"]
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