OOC Account

Social Information
Name: Deianeira Vale
Alias(es): Diane Vale
Title(s): Princess of Lysatra
Homeworld: Lysatra
Current Locale: TBD
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Feminine
Marital Status: Single
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Rank: N/A
Force Alignment: Light
Physical Information
Species: Appears Human
Sex: Female
Year of Birth: Unknown
Age: Young Adult
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 128 lbs
Eye Colour: Dark Brown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Skin Pigmentation: Olive
Thalestris Vale [Mother, Sovereign]
Astrea Vale [Aunt]
Multilingual - Able to read, write, and fluently speak several languages.
Focused On Stimuli - Diane has developed her instinctual skills and has quicker than average reflexes.
Indomitable Will - Tremendous determination, she refuses to ever hunker down and give up even when faced with insurmountable odds.
Combat Trained - Diane was trained by Astrea from a very young age (who she later surpassed) in combat tactics, and she is tremendously skilled and formidable in hand-to-hand combat. Diane knows Teräs Käsi as well as how to use a variety of weapons, including the quarterstaff.
Inexperienced- While she is intelligent and grew up well-read, Diane lacks in worldy wisdom. So much so, that she innocently believes her conception was immaculately and virtuously designed by the Goddess her people worship.
Zealous - While her strong beliefs are honorable and well meaning, her black and white views can make her unreasonable, to the point where she will not keep her opinions to herself, even when harsh.
Diane is a leggy, athletically built young woman, with dark hair that cascades down her shoulders. Her brown eyes are so dark they are almost black, and illuminate with curiosity and keen intelligence. Her complexion is clear and smooth, but does bare some small scars from years of arduous combat training. The colour of her skin is described as being pale-olive, but will tan to a golden brown in long sun exposure.
Being raised on an incredibly isolated planet in the unknown regions of space, Diane is something of a naive idealist about the state of the Galaxy. Her viewpoints are often black and white, rather than allowing for shades of grey, not fully understanding the complexities of humanity and the compacity for them to have both good and evil intentions. These ideas come from growing up being taught about their people's history, and how they used to fight alongside the Jedi in times of great peril to keep the darkside at bay. Thus, she believes it is part of her sacred calling to help keep the Galaxy in the spectrum of the lightside, strongly believing in the idea that this can be achieved, in simple terms, by 'purging' the Sith.
The year of Diane’s birth is not determined and much of how she has come to be is shrouded in secret and mystery. What is known, is that she is the first and only heir of her mother and sovereign, Thalestris Vale, and that she was born sometime shortly after the war that saw her people lose their homeworld and forced them to relocate to Lysatra, an uncharted planet in the wild space. Since children in her culture are only born out of necessity, Diane was one, of very few, among her people.
The result of this was that she did not enjoy as many of the typical activities as most children of similar age would. Instead, she took an active interest in learning the warrior ways of her people, often skipping other lessons to observe them. This was something her Mother quickly took notice of.
Thalestris understood that, in the event they should ever be found again Diane would need to be ready to face any future or potential danger, and granted her daughters wish in allowing her to be trained.
Thus, the monarch charged her general to begin training the young Princess, who subsequently grew up to become an exceptionally skilled and fierce warrior. For several years her life on Lysatra continued like this, as it had since she was a child: training, preparing, becoming better every day and looking forward to the time she would be called to fight for a greater purpose and join the lightside against the struggle against the darkside.
Then her summoning came.
[more to be added later, as her story progresses]