Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deisa Vesz


Name: Deisa Vesz
Faction: Mandalorians
Rank: Initiate
Species: Human
Age: Twenty-one years old.
Sex: Female
Height: 1,69 meters
Weight: 52 kilograms
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dark Blonde
Skin: Fair
Force-sensitive: Negative


Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Combat skills: As all the Mando'ade and following the Ara'nov, Deisa was trained in the art of battle since a young age and is perfectly capable of defending herself. She is a skillful combatant either with firearms, blades or bare handed. Deisa is a great sniper or fighter specialized in long and short ranged combat. She has a vast knowledge of the anatomies of most species, being this a great advantage when fighting.
+Physical traits: Deisa has has privileged physical traits not only because of the training but for her natural build, that allow her to make her way through almost any terrain and precision when she battles. She is agile, fast and resistant and, although she relies more on her swiftness and precision, an average strength for a woman her age and size being neither strong nor weak.
+Loyal: She can suffer the most horrible tortures and it wouldn't be enough to make her betray her loved ones or the Mando'ade. Deisa would gladly choose death over betraying anyone who has gained her loyalty and respect.
+Hard-working: She has never been lazy and shows a great predisposition towards work. She can shoulder great responsibilities and always does her best.
+Determined: Deisa has a strong will and never gives up.

-Left side: She fell from a tree when little and broke most of her left side's ribs. Although they melded back together with time it always remained a weak and sensitive area of which she takes great care. She designed her beskar'gam to specially protect this area.
-Stubborn: Deisa is hard-headed and is difficult to get her to admit when she is wrong. She dislikes it when things don't turn out her way.
-Vengeful: She is corrupted by the need of revenge and this can easily make her loose focus on the tasks at hand.
-Suffer in silence: Since the death of her father she has put a barrier in between her and the rest of the universe. She never speaks about what happened and denies that something is wrong when it clearly is. She suffers in silence and does not accept help from others, unconsciously making things worse for her.
-Instinctive: Although she is very intelligent and always thinks before acting she sometimes acts on pure instinct, putting herself in danger. She only does this if the situation is serious or if someone is in danger.


She was born to a Mandalorian couple and her mother died weeks after her birth due to an illness so she was raised by her father, Vilaz. Vilaz was devastated by the loss of his spouse but loved his daughter dearly and took good care of her.
Deisa was brought up with the Mandalorian ways and has always been proud of being a Mando'ade. She had a strong, close relationship with her father and spent most of the time with him training or simply bonding. Vilaz taught her everything he knew and she learned everything he taught her. He always seemed to teach her something, he was her guide and she looked over to him. For Deisa he was the greatest man in the world.
When Deisa came of age he helped her build her beskar'gam, which was made using many parts of her mother's armor. She decided to paint it black, for justice and red to honor Vilaz and her mother. Her training continued for some years after that until her father did not have anything more to teach.
When Deisa was seventeen his father was killed in a battle, protecting his daughter. Ever since she has blamed herself for her fathers death and swore to take revenge on the murderers of her father, promise she sealed by adding the golden color to her beskar'gam.


Known Languages:
Mando'a - Fluent
Galactic Basic Standard - Fluent
Huttese - Intermediate

Combat Skills:
- Blade wielding
- Firearm wielding
- Explosives
- Poisonous darts

Other Skills:
- Survival skills
- Basic medical knowledge
- Basic mechanics knowledge
- Weapon/armor maintenance
- Hunting


Kills: None

Bounties Collected: None

Thank you

[member="Shiro De'Vol"]

Vor'e, vor :)


Thank you! I hope I can flesh it out some more during the weekend, it is not finished yet.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

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