Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dejah Sterling



• Name: Dejah Rose Sterling
• Gender: Female
• Species: Human
• Age: 24
• Height: 5' 8"
• Weight: 130 Ibs
• Hair: Black
• Eyes: Blue
• Skin: Tan
• Sexuality: Heterosexual
• Marital Status: Single
• Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa
• Alignment: Neutral
• Aliases: Vigilante, The Huntress


• Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Dejah is very much a street fighter, before honing her skills in martial arts she spent many years getting into intentional fights just to prove and test her mettle. She has since fine-tuned her skills, enhancing her fighting style.

- Staff Fighting
- K'thri
- Stava
- Teräs Käsi
- Minlohku

• Investigation/Criminology: Dejah grew up in a criminal environment and spent years surrounded by gangs and criminals. She regularly spends free-time solving cold cases, especially when her friendly local Crime Lord, or gang is involved.

• Kinetic Communication: Dejah can communicate with others using subtle gestures, facial expressions, and body postures. She has developed the ability to read other people's body language so precisely, that she can determine a person's mood and intentions from even the most subtle cues.

• Peak Human Condition: Dejah works hard to keep her body in peak physical condition. She engages in intensive regular exercise and combat training, and is capable of pressing up to twice her own weight.


• Versatile
• Independent
• Straightforward

• Blunt
• Independent
• Reckless
• Stubborn


• Repeating Crossbow
• DC-17 Hand Blaster
• Glass Darts
• Retractable Plasteel Quarterstaff
• Fibercord Grappling hook​


Dejah was born on Nar Shaddaa. Her father was a drug dealer, and upcoming gang leader. Her father would subject his wife to physical and verbal abuse. Her mother began an affair with one of her fathers men, and soon became pregnant. Knowing the unborn child wasn't his, Her father continued to beat his wife throughout her pregnancy. During the first eight years of Dejah's life, she lived in the criminal household without ever being aware of the criminal dealings of her father.

Tragedy struck when a man barged into their home during dinner and shot Her father, mother, and his two henchmen sparring Dejah. The hit came from Dejah's biological father who passed the order along with a modification that the girls mother be spared. But the gunman confused Dejah with her mother and so Dejah was the one spared, though she wasn't supposed to be.

The little girl struggled to survive in the harsh underworld of Nar Shaddaa. She was finally taken in by a AWOL agent, whom had found her lying near a trash can, weak from dehydration. She spent most of her teens living under him, and he raising her, taught her numerous skills. She eventually parted ways with her caretaker, and has began to hire herself out as a mercenary. During her free time she briefly serves as a vigilante, busting local crime bosses just for the hell of it.
My only thing is why would the government (And security) of Nar Shaddaa, which was still under Sun control at the time you would be an investigator. Be busting local criminals. Or were you some vigilante private eye with a moral mission to hurt the Syndicate itself or its allies?
[member="Dejah Sterling"]

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