Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Delayed Rest for the Not-So-Wicked

[This thread occurs directly after this thread!]
Jedi Temple
To some degree, it felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, but in reality not all of that weight had been removed. No, there was much to do, and as he walked out of the fairly empty council chamber perhaps a little dazed due to being accorded the rank of Knight, it became much more apparent what he needed to do next. An amendment to his plans that would keep him here on Ossus a little longer, for the sake of efficiency. He'd accomplish everything he could within these walls before going anywhere, and as he'd learned to do over the past many months since donning the robes that hung from his as-of-late thinner frame, the Force would continue to be consulted and searched for its guidance. Doubtless, there were many amendments to come for the simplistic, linear plan his head had cooked up; it would likely be unrecognizable by the time all was said and done.

Life and the Force had their funny ways of putting a wrench in even the best-laid plans.

Standing outside the chambers, he looked left, and looked right, as if he was uncertain which way to go. A fallacy to be sure, for he knew this temple like the back of his hand, but it looked and felt unfamiliar for all the time he had been a 'guest' on Byss. It felt as if he'd been gone much, much longer than he had, and the absence of the most familiar faces did nothing to help that. He looked back in the general direction of the living quarters, and let out a slow sigh while his stomach gave a slow rumble. His body was remembering every part of itself that had been largely ignored or suppressed over the past week aside from the minimum of sustenance and rest, but... it would have to wait a little longer.

Raking a hand through his presently untamed, softly curled hair, he turned heel and went in approximately the opposite direction from the living quarters, in search of the Archives, his gait something of a determined shuffle.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]​
Kian had a bad habit of reading while he walked. It wasn't the worst of habits to have, but it usually lead to some clumsiness on his part. This time he was reading a series of case files. Kian had recently begun working as a Jedi Shadow and, as such, was constantly cyphering through lead after lead after lead after lead.... These latest files were a series of reports issued by Republic Intelligence relating to a woman who was calling herself Rebecca Morris....but who Kian suspected was Darth Sevena....a Sith Lord who had recently escape Kian's clutches. He had sworn to find her and was scouring the reports for any indication of where she might be now.

It was these reports he was reading when he stumbled directly into the path of [member="Jannik Morlandt"], the recently appointed Jedi Knight. Kian stopped at the last moment, stopping himself from colliding with the young man and nearly dropped the datapad in his hand.

"My apologies, Knight Morlandt." Kian said, emphasizing the title as a way of congratulating him.

"Where are you off too in such a hurry?" Kian asked, knowing full well that it was he who was in the hurry and who almost collided with Jannik.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]​
For the most part, he looked ahead, but at moments found himself watching his feet as each step tapped mutedly upon the temple floor; it was mesmerizing to a small extent, symbolic somehow in his mind. The shift in his way of thinking had occurred in subtle ways over the initial months, and in a more stark manner most recently. All in all, it was hard not to see symbols, meaning, portents in the world around him. It was hard not to look into something more than was necessary. It was because of this that he nearly smacked into the Kel Dor, and would have, if not for breaking his unwitting trance a mere half a foot from doing so. If anything, the near-collision snapped him out of it, forcing him to look at just who it was he'd nearly taken out in his own rush.

"Knight Karr," he began, blinking in moderate disbelief, surprise, "Knight Karr!"

Relief bloomed on a face that until moments ago was marred with the lines of worry and deep contemplation, but it was hardly jovial. A marked twinge of emotion faintly warmed his eyes, as he focused on the face of the Kel Dor, the first face he had seen in the week-ish since his return that bore any familiarity. A thin smile took over his lips, and he slipped his hands into the pockets of his robes.

"Th'Archives..." he gave in reply, "...but ah 'ave t'say it's good seeing ye. Ah feel as if it's been so long."

He looked past [member="Kian Karr"], on to the way towards his destination.

"Ah wouldn't mind th'company," he said after half a moment, his voice betraying a negligible plea.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]​
"It has been entirely too long!" Kian said smiling broadly beneath the mask. Kian hadn't seen [member="Jannik Morlandt"] since his days as a padawan, but then again many people hadn't. Kian could feel the initial surprise melt away into positive emotions and Kian was pleased.

"I hope you've been well." Kian said. He didn't know much about Jannik's absence as of late....though he had heard rumors and whisperings throughout the temple. Kian never paid much attention to the gossip and talk, but if any of it had been true, Kian couldn't help but feel sorry for Jannik. It had sounded like a truly harrowing experience.

"The Archives...." Kian said, considering the information he had been perusing prior to meeting with Jannik. "I could use a trip to the Archives." Kian said and fell into step with Jannik.

"What are we looking for?" Kian asked tucking away his datapad and clasping his hands behind his back.
Corvus was in two minds. Spend another hour researching the Army of the Light or swich subjects and found out more about Darth Bane's work on holocrons. Same era, different perspectives. Both equally as exciting.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds - wondering if the Force would help her decide. She laughed at her own folly and quickly opened her eyes, wondering who might have seen her. Fortunately this part of the archives was completely empty.

Deciding to instead stretch her legs - she had been here for a few hours - she wandered about, wondering if an entirely different topic might present itself to her. Perhaps she should ask the Librarian?

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Jannik Morlandt"]
"Hm... better, now that ah'm home."

He glanced sidelong at Kian as they walked, covering the remaining distance to the Archives, and considered the answer he would give to what should be a very simple question to give an answer to, but nothing seemed so simple for the freshly-minted knight anymore. The only thing that seemed certain was that this was where he was supposed to be.

"Guidance, o'sorts," he responded, finally, after another minute, "an' tools."

They turned a corner, bringing the entrance to the Archives in view, which was when Jannik asked a question of his own.

"How hae things... been? What hae th'Force been 'aving ye do as o'late?"

He was so out of touch.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]​
As the two of them walked, Kian considered [member="Jannik Morlandt"] as they walked. The two had met as padawans, years before, but their duties as Jedi had not often caused them to cross paths. It was a shame really, and Kian was glad to have the opportunity to talk with the man. Guidance? Who didn't need that as of late, Kian couldn't help but think when he heard the man's answer. There was so much work to be done, so many battles to be fought. Somedays Kian missed his quiet, peaceful time on Dorin amongst the sages. Then he remembered why he fought and it helped him forget that idea.

Jannik's question pulled Kian from his thoughts. What had he been doing lately? What was the force having him do as of late? Those were good questions.

"I've taken on a few students....taught a few classes.......I was on Alderaan, both times." Kian said and his voice trailed off a bit. Alderaan hadn't been a pleasant experience for Kian. He'd failed to protect the medical facility.....and he'd watched innocent people die because of it. "I've also begun work on resurrecting the Shadows." Kian said in a lower voice. Among the Jedi, Kian wasn't as secretive about the Shadows, but he still didn't want it common knowledge.....the Sith had had eyes and ears amongst the Jedi before.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus thought she heard Kian's voice - coming closer to the library. He was learned and wise but not someone she associated with the review of holocrons - although she had seen him show a great interest in the history of the Jedi around the time of Order 66 - and one Master in particular.

And he was with someone. The voice was distinctive but she couldn't place it. But she was sure all would be revealed soon enough.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Jannik Morlandt"]
They were clearly further away from the door than she remembered, so she remained patient. If the Force willed they would enter the Library, then it would happen. Eventually...

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Jannik Morlandt"]

ooc: My apologies! I've been sick, amongst other likely excuses...

He had heard rumour of such a group sometime over the past many... time was blurred. It was still so blurry... but he would consider the Kel Dor a friend, insomuch as this life of the Jedi allowed friendships to grow. So few his friends had been, his own path so fraught with many things stacked against him. As Kian's voice dropped to a more subtle hush, so would Jannik's in reply.

"Oh, aye? Tha' does sound interesting, Knight Karr..." he vaguely pursed his lips in momentary thought as their strides covered the remaining distance towards the entrance to the archives, placing his hand on the door and slipping it over the handle, "...if thar's anything ah ken do tae help..."

And he left it at that, pulling the door open, admitting them both into the relative silence of the archives. Once inside, he looked about. He hadn't set foot in this place in so long, that it almost felt as if he had never been in the first place. It all looked so unfamiliar yet familiar at the same time. He realized he hadn't considered where he should start and wandering into the archives a few more steps didn't seem to reveal that answer to him, either.

"Ah... hm. Mayhaps ah'd better find a librarian, or..." no, that was the pause, a no, somehow asking felt... ill-advised, given the basis of why, and he just looked back to the Kel Dor, his face a little apologetic, "...well, why don't we find ourselves a table, hm?"

That would be a place to start.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]​
Kian nodded his head along to [member="Jannik Morlandt"]'s offer of aid. He made not to take him up on that offer, knowing that the Jedi was skilled in many arts that would help a Shadow.

"I'll keep that in mind." Kian said smiling and walking into the Archives. He hadn't been here in some time, and he had to feel a twinge of guilt about it. Kian often preferred to do his research alone, in his room where he could take off his mask and goggles, but in truth Kian hadn't been learning as much lately as he should be, his mind focused on other things. As a Jedi he should always be expanding his mind, as well as his skills, and Kian silently chastised himself for this slip in his diligence.

"Sounds good." Kian said, turning to scan the area and find a good place to sit. As he looked about, he caught a glimpse of a Jedi not far away, and Kian smiled knowing who it was.

"[member="Corvus Raaf"]......what a surprise...." Kian said, his tone joking and good natured, but dripping with sarcasm. Corvus was well known to be the bookworm of the Jedi Order. She was perhaps one of the most well read and knowledgeable Jedi Kian had ever come across.

"Well, she would certainly be able to help." Kian said turning back to Jannik.
Corvus bowed to both as they acknowledged her. “I know, I know, I’m rarely ever here.” She smiled at Kian and his dry sense of humour. She didn’t just come here often, she effectively had her own table and newcomers to the library were typically informed to leave the seat free. Part of her appreciated this effort on her behalf as the table was just right for her – but another part was a little guilty. She vowed to change her seating arrangements soon. Just not now, eh?

She recognised the Jedi with him but wasn’t entirely sure if they’d actually met formally. Regardless she smiled and loitered. No knowing when you might be needed.

[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Jannik Morlandt"]
At the sight of the brown-haired lass, he managed to scrounge up something resembling a smile, bowing to her in greeting and in respect. He was uncertain as to her rank, but he didn't doubt that it was at least the same as his. Rising from the bow, he took a short breath, shooting a glance at Kian before introducing himself.

"Ah'm Knight Jannik Morlandt," he said, some strangeness crossing his face at pronouncing the freshly-given rank, "S'a pleasure tae meet ye, lass."

How he hadn't met her before now was of little surprise. Doubtless there were countless Jedi in the Order, and... in honesty, he was unsure exactly how long his absence had been. Time blurred. It was going to take a good long while to sort out, if he ever managed to do so. His brow creased as he moved on to the point of why he was making a point of visiting the Archives in the first place.

"So, ah'm told ye might be able tae help," he continued, "normally ah'dve asked another seer, but it'd appear tha' ah might be th'only one, now."

He had no clue where the cerulean-skinned seer he'd known as a Padawan had gotten off to, nor any of the others.

"Seems a lot happens when ye disappear for..." he pursed his lips, not really knowing how he could quantify his time away to any specific number or range, "...a while. At any rate, ah'm looking tae continue me training wi'respect tae th'area of abilities pertinent tae farsight an' vision, which as we know delves intae the intersection of th'Force an' th'flow of time itself."

Well, that was an assumption if there ever was one. He knew, but it didn't mean that the average Jedi not trained in farsight would.

"Ah admit, ah feel prompted tae do so for reasons outside'f th'simple continuation of me training, though that is still a part."

And with that, his mouth clapped shut. There was some truth to one's troubles becoming easier to talk about, once one started to do so, but he was uncertain that everybody needed to know the particulars.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Kian Karr"]

ooc: My apologies for not posting to this in so long! The motivation to post has been hard to come by (yay, depression!), despite the desire to do so being there - except when I've stayed up all night, it seems...

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