Jannik Morlandt
[This thread occurs directly after this thread!]
Jedi Temple
To some degree, it felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, but in reality not all of that weight had been removed. No, there was much to do, and as he walked out of the fairly empty council chamber perhaps a little dazed due to being accorded the rank of Knight, it became much more apparent what he needed to do next. An amendment to his plans that would keep him here on Ossus a little longer, for the sake of efficiency. He'd accomplish everything he could within these walls before going anywhere, and as he'd learned to do over the past many months since donning the robes that hung from his as-of-late thinner frame, the Force would continue to be consulted and searched for its guidance. Doubtless, there were many amendments to come for the simplistic, linear plan his head had cooked up; it would likely be unrecognizable by the time all was said and done.Life and the Force had their funny ways of putting a wrench in even the best-laid plans.
Standing outside the chambers, he looked left, and looked right, as if he was uncertain which way to go. A fallacy to be sure, for he knew this temple like the back of his hand, but it looked and felt unfamiliar for all the time he had been a 'guest' on Byss. It felt as if he'd been gone much, much longer than he had, and the absence of the most familiar faces did nothing to help that. He looked back in the general direction of the living quarters, and let out a slow sigh while his stomach gave a slow rumble. His body was remembering every part of itself that had been largely ignored or suppressed over the past week aside from the minimum of sustenance and rest, but... it would have to wait a little longer.
Raking a hand through his presently untamed, softly curled hair, he turned heel and went in approximately the opposite direction from the living quarters, in search of the Archives, his gait something of a determined shuffle.
[member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]