Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Reyn Skirata
RANK: Goran bal Verd (Smith and Warrior)
AGE: 45
SEX: male
HEIGHT: 6'8"
WEIGHT: 240 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Grey


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
He is brave and resilient as all mandalorian warriors, but he is something of a womanizer and given to drinking. He is also a man out of his time, and sometimes forgets that things are not as they were.

Reyn Skirata is a large Taung, grey skinned with rare green eyes and black hair. His body is well toned and heavily muscled from work as a smith and the craft of war.

Born the second child in the highlands of Northern Mandalore to Jerahd and Liika Skirata, Reyn had a normal mandalorian childhood. His father was a beskar smith, as his father was before him, and chieftain of his small clan. Reyn learned the arts of the forge, the hunt, the axe and the gun as befit a mandalorian child of his station. Reyn went through the verd'goten as all children, and when he became a man he married Karta, who bore him a son named Kot.

It was not long after this that Te Kandosii called the clans to war, and Reyn along with his sister Jira marched under his banner. He fought through the war, including the assault on Coruscant, where Jira was killed in battle. With the defeat of the clans, Reyn returned home bearing his sister's armor. For the next two decades he lived in relative peace, working as a smith and fighting small battles as necessary, eventually taking his father's place as chieftain. As it always did, the call to arms came once again, this time from Te Ani'la and Reyn led the warriors of his clan into battle for the honor of Mandalore.

Te Ani'la was a different breed than Te Kandosii, and it showed in the sweeping changes he made to the their traditional ways of battle. Reyn did not care for the changes to the crusade, but his sense of respect for the helm and loyalty kept him silent. Reyn frequently disagreed, however, with Cassus Fett whom he once referred to as a "twisted little haemonculus", and after the atrocities committed at his order Reyn vowed that after the war was over he would call Fett out and slay him in single combat.

Alas, he would never get the chance. In battle over Dxun, Reyn was shot down in his basilisk war droid. He crashed into the remains of a Sith temple, losing consciousness as he passed through the swirling eddies of the darkside.

He has awoken.




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