Sanya Val Lerium
Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
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Affiliation: [member="Teresa Shan"] [member="San-Ji-Yan"]
Manufacturer: Inquisition Industries™
Model: VCX-100 light freighter II
Modularity: The whole ship is modular except the frame due to been an unfinished product.
Production: unique
alusteel hull
Quadranium frame
Classification: Transport Freighter
Length: 43.9m
Width: 34.2m
Height: 14.5m
Armament: 0
Defence: 6
Squadron count: 0
Special Features:
Living quaters
Standard Life Support Systems
Standard Navigational Systems
Medical bay
Droid compatibility
Galaxy map terminal
Docking clamp
Escape Pods
Industrial magnet
Shuttle fighter FTII
Maneuverability Rating: 5
Speed Rating: 5
Hyperdrive Class: 1
Strengths: (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
Modular - been an empty shell it has lots of room to be upgraded and modified.
Weaknesses: (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
Lack of equipment - been an unfinished product that has been bought like such due to financial situations. It has no shields or weapons relying on the shuttle fighter.
Description: the VCX-100 light freighter II is going to be a new line on the Inquisition Industries. The buyer had requested something easy to use along with the ability for the two people to be able to go different ways at times of need. But she had problems covering the full package. When a conclusion was made they settled on the basics of a ship that could be upgraded over time. The ships currently has no shields or weapons aboard apart from the shuttle fighter FTII that has it's own shield and weapons. Since the ship itself has no weapons it doesn't need any targeting systems. The ship also comes with a medical bay and a single bedroom. The other room that was to be furbished to be a crew bedroom has been left empty for cargo or what the occupants need it to be.
The craft has room to fit a speeder car inside or two speeder bikes. As for the cockpit it has navigational systems and an automatically updating galaxy map. To aid in piloting the ship is also droid compatible letting a droid to connect to ship systems. The occupants can also do small cargo transportation with the industrial magnet underneath the ship.
Development Thread: N/A
Intent: to make a unfinished ship to be built up through story.
Who Can Use This: [member="Teresa Shan"] [member="San-Ji-Yan"]
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