Another day in the slve camps of Sriluur. Onas, the gypsy boy, had been here for three days. It was a horrible way to live. Not that he'd come here by choice. Unless you were one of the handlers it was a safe bet that no one did. The tightly pact sleeping areas. The horrible food. The disgusting living conditions. Onas did not evny this type of life or work. Being a slave was as one would think, a living hell of life. Even if he was chosen today, what good would it be? Just to be brought up by some high strung upstart or even some digusting Hutt to be a peice of amusement. The only thing that drove him was trying to escape for the sake of finding his family.
Even here in the slave camps Onas dreamed of his family. Not only his mother and father but the entire band of mistfits and merhcants they travled with. The fun times spent together and the many places they visited while always on the move from place to place. He hated being stuck in one place for too long. But even an hour in these camps was considered too long; even for anyone else.
The door to the cabin he and other slaves were forced into opened with one of the handlers arriving. A tall brutish chiss with a club in hand. He ordered for everyone to get up and move outside immedalty. Some of the slaves had stil been sleeping or eating, so being forced out like this caught the off-guard. Onas, however, only gave the blue man a defiant look. He'd tried escape once already which did no good. As punishent he had a motion collar strapped around his left ankle. No way he was going to move without them knowing where and when.
The chiss walked up to him and plced the end of his club under his chin while threatining "Get moving, boy. Unless you want another beating."
At least for now Onas complied. He still kept a defiant gaze on him before walking outside. The sunlight blinded him for a moment before he adjusted. Once he did he could see a few other slaves already dressed up and ready for whoever was here to come and buy today. A few people had already shown, the same type of scum or criminals who wanted another lovely peice of meat for their amusement, or hard laborers for work. Given his thin, small muscluar build he knew no one would want him for that. But that also added to the fear Onas had that he'd never be bought and, by extension, never freed of this place. He only stood there while in his mind trying to think of more means of escape.
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