Delethon Madrith
Delethon Madrith
A relative new comer to the 'antiquities' scene, Delethon mostly deals in petty antiques and artifacts of force related nature, everything from lightsabers to holocrons. But in truth, he doesn't get much business. Whether it is his discreet ways or his brusque manner, something about him does no sit well with potential customers. Then again, he has a knack for acquiring things that others can't and getting into places that don't seem possible that he could. This attracts higher up costumers then then the antique dealers and the collectors, some even among the Sith hierarchy reportedly.
Physical specsHuman
2.5 meters tall.
Weight unknown
Two stun blasters
Stun grenades
Vocabulator, (To hide voice)
Character traits
Mysterious: Keeps his past shrouded and acts differently then his colleagues. Known to hang around mercenaries and the like.
Untrustworthy: It isn't per-say that he has betrayed anyone, but he doesn't exactly radiate trust. Maybe its the clothing, the vocabulator, or just his nature, but something doesn't sit right with him...
Fast-thinker: It's odd, because he seems as if he wishes to deliberately hide his intelligence, but occasionally it shows through.
Limits: Whenever he's doing something illicit, it almost seems as if he's in pain in side. Like he really doesn't want to do it. Needless to say, there are some things he won't do.
Hokey religions...: Doesn't trust force users one inch and refuses to deal with them. This cuts out most of his business.