BIG Z1776
Baboon with a MAAWS
A kind and welcoming people, the Delfinos are a quizzical bunch with a biological aversion to violence and conflict. Throughout almost the entirety of their ten thousand year recorded history war has been an incredibly rare occurrence because of their world's ability to provide for all. This has ironically slowed their rate of development and this contentment has slowed it further, meaning that when the Republic made formal contact with the Delfinos they were only in a state of development that mirrors Earth in the 1950's. The Delfinos never developed their own spacecraft or advanced weapons, preferring instead to trade and purchase small shuttles and transports and rarely do they ever leave the orbit of their homeworld or the moon Pianta. They didn't partake actively in the Crossroads-Eriadu War, being smart enough not to get into a fight with modern soldiers and vehicles. The war never really effected them, due to how brief it was. Since then, the world has been a magnet for refugees seeking peaceful lives from the conflicts closer to the Core.
- Intent: A peaceful species and inhabitants of the moon Delfino/Crossroads-2
- Image Credit: From Super Mario Sunshine
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: Crossroads, Crossroads Republic Armed Forces
- Name: Delfino
- Designation: Sentient
- Origins: Delfino
- Average Lifespan: 150
- Estimated Population: Planetary
- Description:
- Portly, round, and with smooth mammalian skin.
- No real visible neck, with a bald head with the head having a protrusion that appears like a miniature palm tree. This "palm tree" gets darker "wood" and more "leaves" as they age. The health of the individual can be ascertained by their tree's condition.
- Have two beady black eyes.
- Small mouth hidden behind a large and sensitive nose.
- Have two long arms and two shorter legs.
- They have hands with highly opposable palms and no fingers, meaning they can use tools with similar dexterity to beings with fingers.
- Their feet are not very opposable, being more like solid pads which absorb impacts and make taking their weight easier on their knees.
- Reproduce in a mammalian method of one infant at a time per birth with twins and triplets being very rare.
- Fairly strong arms and hands.
- Biologically inclined to be peaceful thanks to the hormones that encourage aggressive behavior being present in mere fractions of Humans.
- Breathes: Normal atmosphere that humans can breathe.
- Average Height of Adults: 1.75 Meters
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: Light Blue, Light Green, Orange, Yellow, Pink, Brown, Light Gray
- Hair color: Brown (Only males have hair which is purely in mustaches)
- Distinctions:
- No fingers, have an opposable palm
- Palm Tree-like growth out of the top of their heads.
- Almost universally semi-obese by galactic standards.
- Large noses which cover their mouths.
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: Rare
- Peaceful and understanding, a very welcoming race. (Depends on your point of view)
- Can eat and digest any sort of food.
- Smart, have the same capability to be as smart as a human if they have access to the same educational resources.
- Very tough.
- Peaceful and understanding, a very welcoming race. (Depends on your point of view)
- Almost care-free to the point of ignorance.
- Not very combative, will only fight in necessary self-defense.
- Have no warrior culture.
- Diet: Omnivore
- Communication: A unique verbal language with very expressive body language.
- Technology level: Below Galactic Standard:
- Have their own artificial lighting systems.
- Can build and operate radios, phonographs, and television sets.
- Can build complex telescopes and other glassware.
- Can build and operate boats with motors, and wheeled cars with motors.
- Have their own electric power grids, adapted from solar, tidal, and wind power sources.
- Have attained the power of flight, prefer the use of dirigibles with helium blimps and zeppelins.
- Weapons technology is obsolete and behind the times, only have breach-loading cannons (Used as a saluting gun) with exploding shells and spears and halberds for guards on ceremonial duties.
- Have their own complex but rustic-looking architecture which includes air conditioning and refrigeration-type technology.
- Religion/Beliefs: They have a religion which sees the moon of Pianta as a deity, but this religion is no longer in practice.
- General behavior: Behavior is almost entirely peaceful and nearly-carefree. They have little in the way of power-grabbing type of aspirations as a species, and prefer to live day by day and enjoy life. They will welcome those who come in peace to their communities as members and can be so welcoming that they can stray into annoying and intrusive. However, those who come with ill intentions will be immediately shunned and they will be very passive-aggressive in letting these kinds of people know it immediately. However, their lax behavior can turn quickly if they determine that they have to defend themselves with force, in which case they are very willing to fight, but are probably too eager to lay down their weapons (For what they're worth) if they see the opportunity to return to the status quo.
A kind and welcoming people, the Delfinos are a quizzical bunch with a biological aversion to violence and conflict. Throughout almost the entirety of their ten thousand year recorded history war has been an incredibly rare occurrence because of their world's ability to provide for all. This has ironically slowed their rate of development and this contentment has slowed it further, meaning that when the Republic made formal contact with the Delfinos they were only in a state of development that mirrors Earth in the 1950's. The Delfinos never developed their own spacecraft or advanced weapons, preferring instead to trade and purchase small shuttles and transports and rarely do they ever leave the orbit of their homeworld or the moon Pianta. They didn't partake actively in the Crossroads-Eriadu War, being smart enough not to get into a fight with modern soldiers and vehicles. The war never really effected them, due to how brief it was. Since then, the world has been a magnet for refugees seeking peaceful lives from the conflicts closer to the Core.
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