Death Before Dishonor
Delilah Solus
NAME: Delilah Solus
FACTION: The Enclave
RANK: Mandalorian Fleet Master
SPECIES: Human (Echani)
AGE: 34
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 130 lbs.
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: White
SKIN: Lightly tanned
SHIP: Acclimation (Bara-Class Star Destroyer)
Credit: This template Created by Pluperfect
Formerly, Captain Delilah Brujav has always served with determination and fervor. Her track record is rather impressive, with not even a demerit brought against her, though it cost her dearly in the friend department. Born into a poor family on the world Bespin, Delilah's father was a rather abusive drunk, who had little shame in taking out his frustrations upon his daughter and wife. Young Delilah was taken away by her mother at the age of ten, and the pair made for Bastion in the middle of the night. It was on Bastion that the young woman took a love to flying, as she had to work in the spaceport, helping unload cargo just to help her mother make ends meet. As she grew, Delilah turned out to be rather tall, and the work from the spaceport turned her into a rather lean and fit woman; though it earned her mockery from her peers in school. She managed to get into the flight academy through a Hutt Ball Scholarship surprisingly enough, and coupled together with her rather remarkable grades, she seemed to be on the fast track for success. The bullying however, still followed her, and Delilah took comfort in her work, as she shut the rest of her peers out and focused purely on her academics.
She would rise through the ranks of the Sith military, ruthlessly working her way through the ranks. She was top of her class in flight academy, and graduated as a Squadron Leader by the time she was in service. Her temperament made her into a woman not to be crossed, and a 'by any means necessary' sort of leader. She gained status as an Ace Pilot, as well as accommodations for her leadership and effectiveness, leading her to command her own Destroyer. Despite all the success, Delilah feels rather alone at times on her bridge. Her abnormal height and rank intimidate any of her crew that might think of trying to communicate with her, and she often founds herself taking refuge in her office, pondering how far away she is from her next promotion. Because that's all this is to Delilah now, a game to see how far up the ranks she can push herself, hoping that there might be something worth claiming at the end.
Delilah however, had a falling out with the Sith Empire following the restructuring of it's ranks. The Captain had been tasked with aiding a faction of Mandalorians still willing to cooperate with the Sith during the fall of Mandalore by Mandalorian extremists, and it was there that she had been convinced to change sides by oneStardust Solus Skirae . Now a Mandalorian warrior, and assisting in the operation of Mandalorian ships, Delilah stands ready to ensure her clan survives above all else.
Delilah is a physically imposing woman. Standing at six feet four inches, she is a bulk of muscle and combat experience. When clad in her Mandalorian armor, she is even more imposing, though she rarely finds herself in the midsts of close quaters combat now a days. Still a skilled star ship stratagist, she prefers to keep and direct control on her bridge, though force helps whatever boarding team finds it's way onto her command bridge.
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PROS & CONS (Required: 2 Cons Minimum) :
Tactically Sound: As a Captain within the Imperial Military, Delilah knows her tactics inside and out.
Bright as Binary Suns: Delilah is rather cunning and intelligent, having forced her way through the Military academy as top of her class, she is not one to be underestimated.
Physically Dominating: Delilah is rather strong for one of her species and gender, and paired with her height, it is easy to be intimidated by the former Captain.
Ace Pilot: Delilah started off as a squadron leader and worked her way up into commanding her own ship. While she might not be as good as she was five years ago, she is far better than most.
Cold Shoulder: Delilah does not get along well with most people, either you are there to work, or get out of her way; she won't make time for idle chatter usually.
Don't Tell Me How To Do My Job: Delilah does not do well with people trying to advise her on how to handle a situation, especially in battle.
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