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Private Delivery and Captivity




Outfit (No Gloves)

Upon the Vagrant's Pride, Kayden Lind shifted anxiously in his seat, waiting. Wouldn't be too much longer before they arrived on Korriban.

As he shifted, his hands gripped tighter onto the small package he held in his hands. An iron box sealed shut, with no mechanism of any kind on the outside to denote a way to unlock it. On the top in bold lettering was engraved into the metal, a message. Or rather, a recipient. "Lirka Ka." Underneath this moniker was a set of coordinates, which Kayden had punched into the Vagrant's navigational system. The Sith Order had given this delivery task to his master, Quinn, who had subsequently given the task to her second apprentice. Him.

The newest Sith on the block.

It was a relatively easy task, Kayden knew this well. So why did he have an anxious pit in his stomach? Was something wrong?

"Second Apprentice Lind, we are arriving on Korriban momentarily, near the coordinates requested."

Kayden jolted in his seat, startled at the sudden voice.

The ships current pilot, Polsk Tukrin had made his way out of the control center and into the common room, standing at attention. They held awkward eye contact for a moment, before Kayden realized he was likely waiting for a response.

"Thanks Polsk, I'll get ready to go."

Polsk, nodded, leaving him alone once more. Kayden sighed, and stood up.

Time to make a delivery.

Upon a smooth and successful landing, Kayden stepped down off the landing pad of the Vagrant, and took a deep breath of the cold, dry Korriban air. Travelling to new planets was still a fresh feeling for him, and the rocky, frigid climate of this ancient Sith planet was certainly a change of pace from Coruscant's lower levels.

He took in the horizon for a moment, before a quick turn behind him immediately revealed the destination of his coordinates. A large dull colored mountain sat behind his masters ship, casting a heavy shadow down upon it. At the mountains base sat a large, man made, cave opening. As Kayden moved closer, he could hear the distant sounds of work inside. Must be a Sith mining corporation of some sort, who had painted their emblem on the mountain out front. Kayden had no idea the Sith were in the business of hiring employees to do their monotonous, low skill jobs, but the sounds of hard work inside the cave suggested exactly that.

He supposed they had to make revenue one way or another.

He cautiously stepped forward through the mouth of the cave, package in hand. He found himself at a makeshift pulley elevator station, where the sounds of men and women on the job could be heard below. Sounds of rock breaking against metal filled the cave. At the top where he currently stood, sat doors to the left and right. One, opened, seemed to lead into a supply closet of some sort, with mining tools stacked on the walls.

The other, a much nicer entrance, but shut, had red lettering on the front.

General Lirka Ka.

He had found her.

Gathering himself, he raised his hand to the door and knocked three times in rapid succession.

Lirka did not like Korriban very much. Well…she actually didn’t like it at all. She hated history, and this planet was steeped in the ancient lore of the Sith: ancient lore that she found dreadfully uninteresting, and had been forced into dealing with many-a-Sith’s obsession with the days of yore. In fact, it was that very reason why she had ended up in “her” current operation. Slaves toiled away through rock and stone to hopefully unearth something of value lost to time.

Admittedly, Lirka didn’t particularly care if they did. The weak could toil and die till the stars grew cold for all she cared, there were more pressing things at hand. Politicking.

Slavery was a contentious issue in the Galaxy, and the Sith Order. The emperor had banned the practice, much to Lirka’s chagrin, though thankfully by the will of her dark master Carnifex had allowed Lirka to continue in the profession she had deemed to be of holy significance under the shadow of the Kainate. A shadow Lirka intended to grow, draw faces into the fold and mold who or what she could into forms most suitable for her continued existence.

A simple package had been requested to help fulfill that purpose. A lesson. Something for Lirka to curate her way through the order in the guise of service to the Eternal Father. Such was the grim deception of politics, after all. Hearing the knock on the door, Lirka quickly reattached her blank-faced helmet over her head with the hiss of pressurization. Letting her thunderous, distorted, voice ring out through the earth around them - casual, with that hint of anticipation in it.


Kayden Lind Kayden Lind would be met with the hulking metallic form of Lirka Ka once he entered. A massive…something…clad in a powersuit that shined with glimmering dark iron and plundered Beskar from tasks most cruel. Lirka was thankful her helmet hid her face, for the disappointment that flashed across it would have made for a rather awkward meeting. She had expected the master, not the apprentice.

But disappointment quickly transformed to glee. A fresh Sithling. Unburdened by the biases that plagued the Order, unburdened by the weight of long and arduous duty. Something she deemed…moldable. She quickly spoke, letting the distortion from her helm lower so that the thick alien accent of her words could shine.

“Ah, welcome Acolyte. I see you have brought what I requested. The Eternal Father will be pleased.”

Well. It was time for Lirka to wear that veneer of a good Sith-Imperial for now. No point revealing all her cards to the boy just yet.

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