Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Last Son


  • Full name: Delsin Varis Shaw
  • Preferred Name: Delsin Shaw
  • Alias: N/A
  • Titles: The Last Son
  • Species: Near Human
  • Race: Echani/Atoan
  • Birthworld: Eshan
  • Homeworld: Eshan
  • Faction(s): The Sith Order
  • Rank(s): Sith Acolyte
  • Class:
    • Lightsaber Duelist
    • Swordsman
    • Spellsword
  • Master(s):
  • Padawan(s): N/A
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Alignment: True Neutral
  • Gender:
    • Masculine
    • Answers to He, Him, They, Them.
  • Age: Mid Twenties
  • Height: Six Foot, Two Inches
  • Weight: Approx. One-Hundred Sixty Pounds
  • Complexion: Pale
  • Eye Color: Dark Green
  • Hair Color: Silver/Pure White
  • Distinguishing Marks: No known Marks.
  • Voice Sample: N/A

Delsin is the last remaining family member of the Shaw Family. As the last member, all of their possessions are his. Being the last inheritor of all that the Shaw's have. Secondarily, this means that Delsin is attributed to his family's sins. With this in mind, Delsin does everything he can to further his study of his family and their heritage. An extremely adept swordsman for his age, and an innate connection to the Dark side of the force. The Dark side flows through his veins due to having a powerful Sith Alchemist of a father, and a mother who was a devout Sorceress of the Sith Magic. Due to this, Delsin has a handling on powers that any Acolyte level force user, should not have. However, to a severe detriment, he has no real control over such abilities. In some cases, causing himself to fatigue rapidly unless using a very small amount of his strength.

His mental aptitude is severely mismanaged. Having Dark sided family members for years, subjecting him to rigorous tests and trials. only to then throw him into a Cryo-stasis pod. At first, meant to just travel to the far reaches of the galaxy, has then essentially transported him into the future when the rest of his family has perished. No real friends, or allies on his side. This causes mental problems such as self doubt, extreme brooding, depression, and an extremely dark sense of humor that borders on just intrusive thoughts being spoken.




Gonna write this later. Sue me.
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