The Red of Sinner
Battle Sister
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Name: Delva Plants
Designation: From left to right. Semi-Sentient, Non-Sentient, and Non-Sentient
Homeworld: Eclipstica
Language: Its a plant...
Average Heights for Adults: 1 meter
Skin Color: Green stalks, redish to orange buds, pink flowers. Green leaves.
Hair Color: ITS A PLANT!!
Breathes: Type 1
Defensive: These plants are able to defend themselves through thorns, and enzymes that digest small animals, and insects.
Edible: While the first two (Left to Right) bear fruit, the last one's leaves can be cut off, and used for salads.
Large Population:: There are many of these plants lying about the planet.
Deadly Harvest: Harvesting these plants can be harmful, though not fatal.
It's a Plant: Because its a plant, where it is is where it will stay, it can not be uprooted to be moved, or it will die, they need to stay in soil 24/7, though their seeds can be moved around.
Distinctions: Apart from their thorns, and teeth, and gaping holes, these plants are colorful, somewhat large, about the size of a human child, and seem to be able to move their stalks to turn about.
Average Lifespan: About 5-10 years.
Races: From Left to Right
Delvas Trapper: Pretty much looks like a Fly Trap, only with two sets of "Teeth" and fruit in the middle of its "Mouth".
Delvas Thorns: This plan is a vine type, with many large thorns, and fruit bearing at the tips of its vines, and pink buds.
Delvas Abyss: This plant looks like a large hole to somewhere, the leaves are the only edible thing on it, great for salads.
Estimated Population: Found only on Eclipstica with a number rounding to large to count.
Diet: Small animals, and insects.
Communication: None
Culture: This is the plants that are general harvested for the planet's export to other planets, the fruit are sweet, and very healthy for one. The people of the planet also have this in their own daily diet.
Tech Level: Well if plants could use tech, there would be none of us left would there?
General Behavior:
It's a plant so it doesnt do much, but sit, and lie in wait for something stupid enough to try and mess with it so it can eat the animal. The Trapper is known to sway on its own, and "Look" around on its own, while the Thorns grown on everything, and the Abyss truly is a idle plant.
During the reign of the first king of Eclipstica, these plants have always been the primary of vegetables, and fruit for the Shadows. Because they grow everywhere, and are in a tremendous number, food as not been a problem for the people on the planet. Many people have been poked by the Delvas Thorns, and the Delvas Trapper but no one has ever died from the plants. These plants grow fast, and produce seeds in their second year of blossoming.
Notable Character Players: None
Intent: To give a firm foundation on the fruit export of the planet Eclipstica