Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Demitry Draskovits

((going to flesh out over time, i know it l looks lackluster atm))​
NAME: Demitry Draskovits
RANK: Free
AGE: 14
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 120lbs
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Short temper
+ Quick learner
- Stubborn
- Clumsy.
= Strange morale compass
= Honorable to a degree.
+ Passionate about learning
+ Military minded.

BIOGRAPHY: Demitry was born to a well off family with connections within the Jen'Ari. His father died when he was two, leaving a coat and a hunting knife to his son, which were the only things he took to the Jen'ari planets after it was discovered that he was force senstive when he was 3. His parents instructed his new carers to cut off all contact with his real family so he did not grow home sick, so he has not spoke to his mother in many years. Recentely he left the Jen'ari after feeling he could acheive more without them.

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