Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Demon in Waiting

On Melida/Daan, a young Jedi was on the run in the capital city, Zehava. They were on the run from something... someone. Above, a hunter was following, flying building to building before he saw them run into a building, a hotel, and smiled. As if that'd stop his hunt. He flew down and landed hard on the roof, and began to walk down. He stuck to the stairs before hearing someone walking up. Odium smiled, quickly tucking in a corner and watching before.... Yes! The Jedi stopped, feeling the chill of the Dark Side before the mad hunter jumped them! He'd practically growl as the first lunge missed, and a lightsaber ignited.

"Foolish Lightsider." Was all he said as he quickly moved in, dodging the strikes at near superhuman speed, and using his tail to knock them of balance before digging his claws in. "That... is for my family...." And with his self given job done, the Vanr simply left. Whether any more would come for him would only be known in time, but he didn't really care if more came. If anything, he wanted them to come. He was a hunter of Jedi after all.
There was an animalistic growl as it looked onward towards the strange creature that had consumed...killed or done whatever it has done towards the lightsider. The head of the strange snake like creature would pull back and return towards Mithara Cohen, looking towards it as they had a silent communication between them. Giving a small nod, he would stand straight up and leaned back to envelop itself into the shadows, becoming one with the Dark Side.

To hunt Hunters was indeed...a prize in of itself. He was going to find what he wanted and the creature will want to consume what it cannot possibly have. The strange sickness, this curse inflicted onto Mithara has all but consumed only now requires feeding, it gives him great power...but almost no will.
Odium Ira Odium Ira
Odium continued to walk along, seeming to purposely try and leave some blood on a chair in the lobby as he walked by. He wanted people to find them. He just wanted to find more of them. Make them feel like he did. Something was off though. He never understood this feeling, but he couldn't help it. With that, he'd spread his wings to take off and leave the area, hoping to find yet another lightsider.

Mithara Cohen Mithara Cohen

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