Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dentrox Wendoi

Force sensitive:Yes
Weight:200 pounds
Wepon:Lightsaber,Blaster Pistol
Bio:Born on a unkown planet by a family on the run he had to work hard his parents eventually noticed things floating and then dropping eventually they left the planet on a small freighter but then a sith ship jumped and captured his parents he escaped and got a comm message where a sith executed bothu of his parents infront of him he was horrified and promised on his family thay he would never be like the sith however later he encountered a sith who fought a jedi and he saw sith battle forms
Weakness:Has great fear of sith masters,Has sudden flashes in head of his family
Strength:Has powerful forms of the lightsaber arts
Lightsaber forms known:Makashi,Soresu,Shii-Cho,Ataru,Shiak
Fact:Allies with others and is brave
Ship:Jedi Cruiser


Nobody has turned me on yet.
Not to take away the job from admins. . .but you need a minium of two weaknesses. . .though I'm not sure how strict this rule is. . .but just so you know.

And yes. . .there are MANY forms of light-saber arts. . .maybe specify a bit more ?
[member="Dentrox Wendoi"] - Aye, we require characters to have at least two weaknesses. This is to balance things against the usually large copious amount of strength most characters have. Now in your case, your strength of possessing great skills in lightsaber forms (which is very fuzzy, since there are many of them) is not really palpable seeing how you start out as an apprentice/padawan. So please, put at least one more weakness on your sheet and you'll be fine. :)

No harm done, so don't worry about it too much. Everyone is green at first. :)

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