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Approved NPC Deploy Group 9

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Atsushi Ono



  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]To produce an NPC Mercenary team to deploy on long missions for other factions. This is meant to be a basic template for several units that will be deployed individually.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Image Credit: [/SIZE]"Knock Knock" By pixelcharlie
  • Role: [SIZE=9pt]Deploy Group 9's main role is to move from [/SIZE]theater[SIZE=9pt] to theater following faction contracts and staying within their borders for whatever the contract time is or until the job is done.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Links: [/SIZE]Shriek-Hawk Mercenary Company

  • [SIZE=9pt]Unit Name: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Deploy Group 9[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Affiliation: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Shriek-Hawk Mercenaries[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Classification: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Mixed Infantry[/SIZE]
  • Equipment:
    ​Various Mandalorian, Mandalorian Empire, and Mando'ade weaponry
  • [SIZE=9pt]​Weapons and [/SIZE]vehicles[SIZE=9pt] provided by host faction in combat situations[/SIZE]
  • Ori'ramikade Eukgar'gam

  • [SIZE=9pt]Availability: Common[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Deployment: Minor[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
    [SIZE=9pt]​+Mandalorian Training: It is almost [/SIZE]indisputable[SIZE=9pt] that Mandalorian training produces some of the best soldiers in the Galaxy. For thousands of years governments have come to them to train special forces and armies. Deploy Group is one of the few Deploy Groups that is fully Mandalorian in composition creating a very effective fighting force.[/SIZE]
  • +Powerful Arsenal: [SIZE=9pt]Between the unusually powerful Mandalorian weapons at their disposal at home for discounted rates and the various "legal" weapons they are [/SIZE]sometimes[SIZE=9pt] forced to use depending on the faction they are serving at the time their ordinance is almost [/SIZE]completely[SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]unpredictable outside of the iconic armor they wear.\
  • [SIZE=9pt]-The Call: Though they are mercenaries and are obligated by contract to stay where they are, they are also obligated to return to Mandalore when the Mand'alor calls and Ra is not one to ignore. Thus they can sometimes unexpectedly leave as they are honor bound to respond to His call.[/SIZE]
  • -Brutal: Mandalorian training isn't the only thing that makes them deadly. Their seeming disregard for their enemies and their tendency to kill rather than take prisoners unless explicitly ordered to do so makes some smaller governments wary of working with them.

[*]Description: Deploy Group 9 is a an all Mandalorian group of Mandalorians that are employed by Shriekk-Hawk Mercenaries. Most of them fought for Ra in the recent Civil War and consider themselves firmly with the Death Watch in terms of ideology. Equipped with state of the art weaponry and with the resources of the ever growing Shriek-Hawk Mercenary Company Deploy Group 9 aims to make credits wherever they are available, doing whatever job available. Deploy Group 9 as a whole however is not simply one large group of Mercenaries. Several smaller groups exist within it, which often get split up depending on the sort of job. The name Deploy Group 9 is more of an organizational tool for the re-organized Shriek-Hawk Company.


Well-Known Member
[member="Dorn Skirata"]

Dorn Skirata said:
Ori'ramikade Eukgar'gam
  • Apparently there are some issues with this armor – staff's currently looking it over, so I can't stamp this sub so long as its referenced.
  • Please replace it with a different submission or remove it.


Well-Known Member
[member="Dorn Skirata"]

Disregard. Armor's been fixed, but it's now Minor production.

Your troops are set at Mass deployment, so you can't use it as-is. Either lower the Deployment of the submission, or pick another armor.
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