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Approved NPC Dergan Adolphus Twigg

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[SIZE=24pt]Dergan Adolphus Twigg[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Intent: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]To flesh out the members of an NPC commando unit which is in the works. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]​Image Credit: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Role:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Rexus Wenck's best friend, and deputy.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]24.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Force Sensitivity:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] None.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Species:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Human.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Height:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] 7'5"ft. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Eye Colour:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Blue.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Hair Colour:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Brown. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Skin Colour:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Chocolate Brown. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Appearance: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Dergan Twigg is a tall fellow, standing at six foot, seven inches. His skin his a deep, chocolate brown, and his body rippled with muscle. He has a strong jaw, and his nose is slightly skewed to the right thanks to years of it being broken in fist fights. His body without the armour is blemished. Muscles carry scars from training accidents, and small burns from blasts he’s been caught in.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Twigg’s hair is worn in long, shaggy dreadlocks. At one point, it was conservatively cut into a short, sharp crew cut. However, since being discharged from the stormtrooper corps, he’s grown it out. His hair now sits in thick, black tendrils which hang around the back and sides of his head.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Dergan Adolphus Twigg[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Nicknames/Callsign:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Alpha 4, Twigg.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Theme: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Loser, by Beck. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Loyalties: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The First Order, [member="Rexus"] Wenck. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Wealth:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Several thousand credits, saved from years of slaving away as a stormtrooper. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Notable Possessions:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] A holoprojector filled with lewd pictures of female Gamorreans, a Z-6 Riot Baton, an MPL-32 Missile Launcher, FWMB-10 Blaster Rifle and a DL-44 Blaster Pistol. Project AFTERLIFE Augmentation.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Skills:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Infantry combat, and closed combat. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Personality: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Dergan Twigg is many things, but most of all, unintelligent. Despite coming from a family of academics, and intellectuals, he comes from the shallow end of the gene pool when it comes to intellect. He’s often a little slow when it comes to comprehending more complex orders, but makes up for it in his loyalty and earnest nature. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Twigg is not an easily impressed figure, and is often brash and abrasive to new comrades. Once his loyalty is learned however, then he will be more than willing to lay down his life for you, and try hard to impress others.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt] This doubles with his brutality. Although Twigg doesn’t realise it, he is something of a war criminal, and during his brief time in the stormtroopers, he personally executed twelve people for assailing his comrades in particularly violent and intimate ways. Twigg shrugs his actions off out of [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Weapon of Choice: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]FWMB Blaster Rifle[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]· [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Combat Function: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Twigg is a veteran combatant, having served extensively in the First Imperial Stormtrooper Corps, in a squad leadership position. Years of training has honed his skills, so he is able to perform with competence, any military procedure. From demolition work, to marksman position. Twigg is most at home performing suppressive actions, and performing area of denial[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]This is colloquially known as spraying and praying, and is a tactic he enjoys with is heavy repeater. Twigg, when able to, is often found out of cover, tanking damage with his armour, and firing wildly for hits. He isn’t accurate, but the aim of the tactic has never been the precise destruction of targets, and more so the denial of cover, and hard points. When combined with reinforcements, Twigg is able to force the enemy to ground, and have other troopers root them out, bit by bit. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]An extension of this, is his skill as a grenadier. Before launching into combat, Twigg uses his strong throwing arm to lob grenades into cover, in order to scatter enemies who would otherwise try to pick him off from separate angles. Preferring the use of the classical thermal detonators, Twigg is training to sue smoke grenades, VX grenades and other weaponry to dislodge hardpoints and soften targets. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]When attacked up close, Twigg’s weapon of choice is always the Z-1 Riot Baton, a powerful tool primarily used for crowd suppression and to take enemies out. However, when put on a higher voltage output, it can be deadly. Twigg has his baton set on a higher setting constantly. The baton’s applicability as a weapon, along with his skill as a melee combatant, mean Twigg can nearly match any Jedi or Sith with a lightsabre. If caught without a weapon, Dergan will use his fist, and brute strength to break those who come at him. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Dergan Adolphous Twigg was born to Doctor Wenefried Ducaine and Professor Marcus Twigg, two members of Avalonia’s intellectual elite. The former working as an orthopaedic surgeon and working to improve surgical routines for medical droids, and his father an engineering researcher. Twigg was born the last of several children, and at the time of his birth, two of whom were working on their PHD’s in xenobiology and applied mechanical sciences.

It soon became apparent to his parents, that Dergan wouldn’t amount to much. This was assessed through his lack of learning progress. While his siblings had been walking and talking by a year old, Twigg was still rolling on the floor gargling, and because of that he was discarded to an extent. Although he would receive the best education money could buy, his parents would pay more attention to his gifted older siblings.

[SIZE=9pt]Dergan would always lag in education, and was bullied and ostracized by his peers. He would be relentlessly teased, called “slow”, “poodoo for brains”, and assailed with other derisive monikers. It shattered his self -confidence, and although Twigg would try to take the high road, he found it difficult. Eventually, something had to give, and as he grew up, Twigg began to use his fists rather than his head to sort out problems. Because of this, he would become something of a menace at school, using his larger size, and muscle mass to beat the kids who had at one point mentally messed with him. As he grew older, he began to become more violent, and as school became harder, Twigg became a truant, and soon began to mix with the wrong type of people. Particularly the gang known as the Fangers, an outfit comprising of members from the wealthier suburbs of Avalonia.

Twigg became something of an infamous figure within the Fangers, gaining a reputation as a bruiser, who would enforce the will of the gang. His leading role would be to run backup, and enforcement of the Fanger’s will, whether it be upon other gangs like the Riffs, or extorting business owner. Because of his muscle, he would become a protagonist of the running war between the Riffs and Fangers. Through this, Twigg would make several close friends in the gangland conflict including Zamel Gerda.

[SIZE=9pt]Twigg would spend years with the Fangers, managing to make himself very real enemies in the Riffs. There were several occasions in which blades and blasters were pulled on the boy, but a mixture of dumb luck, and superior numbers on his pat meant his life was never truly in danger. The war saw Twigg rise through the ranks of the Fangers, and become one of the senior members of the group thanks to his impressive record as a brawler.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The gangland conflict saw its climax at the Brodley, a local diner. Twigg had been dining there with close friends, when Riffs found out he was dining there, it sparked a brief and violent brawl. Twigg copped a chair to the head, but gave as good as he got, kicking the ever living hell out of his attackers. But the arrival of First Order forces, and their subsequent intervention in the brawl lead to a premature end to the action.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]In the wake of the Brodley Incident, Twigg was arrested. However unlike many who were charged during the incident, his parents clout saw him spared the full retribution of the law. But even his parents wrath would be severe. After having taken a more libertarian view to their sons antics, the Twigg’s decided it was high time he grew up. Realising a life of academia would be beyond him, Marcus pulled strings and had his son conscripted into the military, hoping they’d be able to keep him out of trouble.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Twigg’s assessment results would be poor to say the least. He didn’t reach the intelligence levels to join the Navy, or the reflexes to join the Starfighter Corps. Twigg was pressed into the army, where he was put to the bottom of the pile, and sorted into the 6th platoon of the 253rd Garrison Battalion. His lack of intellect, and propensity to cash cheques with his mouth, he couldn’t pay meant he was lumped in with the beginnings of the Gundark Gunners, a soon to be infamous punishment platoon.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Twigg’s early tenure with the Gundark Gunners was quiet. It was a posting which primarily saw the soldier guarding urban, and rural weapons caches, and doing patrols. Although training had been a brutal affair, Dergan found the routines involved in his work as relatively luxurious. He was paid well, given regular time off, and the uniform attracted company of the opposite sex all the time. For Twigg, he was having the time of his life.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]As the Gundark Gunners continued to be segregated from the stormtrooper corps, and sent out to more distant postings to save the armies face, they became more tribalized. As apart of that, the platoons CO, Lieutenant Gorbets saw new techniques to haze members, and get some fun out of abusing them. Twigg’s ideas on hazing new members, and general unpleasant veneer put the Gunners on the map. He’d regularly involve himself in the affairs of new troopers, bullying them out of their rations, reading their mail from home aloud and pulling cruel and unusual pranks on them.

This culture became more toxic as Zamel Gerda, Twigg’s partner in crime from his days in the Fangers arrived. The two, with much gusto continued elaborating on the culture and creating new and unique trials. Because of their genius work, Twigg and Gerda, were promoted by Lieutenant Gorbets, and because of their seniority, when Rexus Wenck, their mutual enemy from Twigg and Gerda’s days in the Fangers and Riffs saw old rivalries crop up.

The two began to repeatedly abuse Rexus, spiking his food with laxatives, forcing him to do sixteen hour shifts with no breaks, waking him up by dunking freezing cold water on him, and finally docking his pay cheques. That was the final straw for Rexus, who lashed out while the three were on duty, beating Gerda to within an inch of his life, and managing to best Twigg in single combat. Twigg saw his adversary in a whole different light, and attempted to make peace once the situation cleared up.

[SIZE=9pt]Rexus denied the two rapproachment initially, but accepted it soon after, with the trio growing close. This would prove crucial, particularly after the Effekt Incident. While deployed to Effekt for a training exercise, the Gunners became agitated and bored. Seeking some way to enjoy themselves, they turned to pranks. In an act of skulduggery and foolishness, the Gunners decided to play a prank on their senior commanding officer, by pumping his room full of the bases septic tanks contents. However, they made a tactical error, and pumped the sewerage into the wrong room. They managed to pump the sewerage into the room of Marshal Cortez.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The Marshal Cortez was livid, and ordered the Gunners deployment to Zarnathea, where they were to fight in the civil war there, and attempt to calm a planet ravaged by war. The Zarnathean campaign changed the nature of the Gundark Gunners forever, and in particular Twigg. It was their first outing into a live fire combat scenario, so for the unit it shaped them. Twigg, who had too often thought of his sergeant rank as a means to pay for more alcohol and women, now had to step up to the plate.

In particular, his squad was sent to the front in an attempt to drive hostile forces from the market district of the capital Nar’Tan under the watchful gaze of then General [member="Asharad Graush"]. Twigg, under the cool and steady hand of Rexus, his once sworn enemy managed to liberate the capital of insurgents, but not before taking heavy casualties. Twigg may have been stupid, and tough, but he wasn’t immune to the pain those losses had brought. He’d lost comrades, and friends alike. It was a lasting experience.

Twigg evolved somewhat from that day. Whenever the Gundark Gunners were dispatched to a new conflict zone, Twigg would be up in front, barking orders and commanding troops, trying to mitigate casualties. As he began to throw himself more and more at the frontlines, he earned the respect of Rexus, and became his de-facto second in command. If there were partisans needing to be dealt with, Twigg would get second crack, after Rexus had had his fun executing the traitorous scum.

This sort of relationship continued, even towards the end of the Gundark Gunners reign as an elite fighting force. During the Battle of Kaeshana where he lead a valiant defence in the face of protracted attack presented by the automatons of HK-36, and during sustained Galactic Alliance bombing runs during the Battle for Mustafar. Twigg was well on his way to becoming CO of a platoon in his own right. Until Skor.

The failed intervention at Skor saw many facets of the military blamed. Poor planning, a lack of warning of incoming enemy vessels, but most devastatingly was the war crimes committed. When the VX gas grenades were implemented into the First Order’s arsenal, Dergan Twigg did not receive proper training as to what the grenades effects were. Twigg, under Rexus’ orders saw the extensive use of the weapons, which caused the mass deaths of hundreds of squib, Skor’s inhabitants.

[SIZE=9pt]Although he wouldn’t know it, until it was too late, Twigg’s role in the engagement had infuriated Central Command to no end. When the Gundark Gunners returned, war weary, and beaten, they were greeted not as heroes, as had been expected. But instead, as war criminals. Supreme Commander Graush took great pleasure in the Gunners dissolution and mass execution.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Twigg, along with Rexus, and a few others survived the Sith lords wrath. They were then stripped of their ranks, and thrown into the auxiliary. A unit filled with criminals, alien species and other undesirables. Although they had been stripped of their dignity. Their pay grade and their moral killed, the survivors formed around Rexus, where they stayed together, fighting during the Galactic Alliance’s invasion of the Anoat sector. However, without the stormtrooper armour, Twigg felt naked, and alone without the voices of his comrades running into battle with him. [/SIZE]
[member="Rexus Wenck"]

That is certainly a thorough and detailed background.

Have to admit, after having read all of this I haven't found anything to point out. It's a rather straightforward bruiser from a rich family that has been dealt a bad card along with your character. I can dig it.

Approved, pending secondary.
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