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Character Derix Tirall | The Return




  • Name: Derix Tirall
  • Alias(es): [CLASSIFIED]
  • Species: Human [Augmented]
  • Race: Anaxsi
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Age: Early 70s
  • Force Sensitive: Non Force User [Force Dead]

  • Faction:
    • Sith Order (900 ABY - Present)
    • Final Dawn (860 ABY - 880A ABY)
  • Rank: High Regent (formerly)
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Birth World: Anaxes
  • Homeworld: Polis Massa Asteroid Belt


  • Cunning:
    • Tirall possesses an uncanny ability to anticipate and exploit his adversaries' weaknesses. His strategic brilliance enables him to navigate treacherous landscapes with meticulous precision, ensuring his own ascent and survival amidst the shifting tides of power.
  • Intelligence:
    • With a strategic acumen honed through years of military and political maneuvering, Tirall possesses an uncanny ability to anticipate and exploit his adversaries' weaknesses.
  • Fanaticism:
    • Tirall's fanaticism, while driving him forward, can blind him to alternative perspectives and foster a dogmatic rigidity that leaves little room for compromise or adaptation. This unwavering devotion to his cause can lead him down paths that others might view as extreme, risking isolation and potentially alienating potential allies.
  • Emotional Instability:
    • While his heightened intelligence and cunning are undeniable, the turmoil within his own psyche can at times cloud his judgment and compromise his decision-making abilities. This emotional volatility, when unleashed, has the potential to undermine his carefully crafted plans and render him vulnerable to manipulation by those who understand the delicate intricacies of his psyche.


  • Children:
    • Intertwined within the enigmatic tapestry of Derix Tirall's life are the intricate threads of his relationships with his three children. Among them, his bond with his daughter Iris stands as a testament to paternal devotion and shared ambition. Recognizing her potential, Tirall played a pivotal role in elevating Iris within the ranks of the Final Dawn. Their shared commitment to the cause forged an unbreakable connection, cementing their place as allies in the pursuit of their radical vision.

      However, the ties that bind a family can also be fraught with conflict. Tirall's relationship with his son, Kawahi, bears the weight of betrayal. Born with the gift of the Force, Kawahi chose a divergent path, aligning himself with the Galactic Alliance upon the revelation of his father's role as High Regent of the Final Dawn during the Second Great Hyperspace War. The chasm that now separates them is deepened by the betrayal Tirall perceives, leaving him to grapple with conflicting emotions of fatherly love and the sting of a perceived act of treachery.

      In the midst of this complex familial tapestry lies Ixen, Tirall's youngest child. Under his careful tutelage, she navigates a world shrouded in intrigue and ambiguity. Born of a union with a powerful and influential businesswoman in the Core, her origins bear a complexity that mirrors the tangled webs of politics and personal history. Her mother hails from a species that carries the scars of her father's prominent role in the destruction of the Chiss home planet of Cssila. As Ixen grows under the watchful eye of her father, the intricate interplay of loyalties and heritage shapes her path in ways yet to be fully revealed.

In the annals of galactic history, a figure emerges from the shadows, weaving an intricate tapestry of influence and intrigue. Derix Tirall, born on the hallowed world of Anaxes to staunch Imperial loyalist parents, embarked on a journey that traversed the corridors of military might, the halls of bureaucracy, and the enigmatic realm of the Dark Side.

From his early years in the crucible of Anaxes, Tirall imbibed the principles of discipline and loyalty, shaping his unwavering dedication to causes he believed in. His ascendance began at the Pols Anaxsi Naval War College, where his passion for military strategy and leadership took root. Serving as a junior officer aboard the fearsome One Sith Star Destroyer Tyrant, Tirall honed his skills, rising to the rank of Commander.

Yet, driven by relentless ambition, Tirall's path diverged from the military realm, leading him into the treacherous domain of political intrigue within the One Sith bureaucracy. With calculated finesse, he navigated the shifting power dynamics and subsequently found a place within the First Order. His influence grew, his presence becoming a formidable force behind the scenes.

After the collapse of the First Order, Tirall returned to his ancestral home on Anaxes, aligning himself with the Core Imperial Confederation. As a reclusive Governor, he skillfully maneuvered, forging alliances and wielding his influence from the shadows. His shrewdness and strategic acumen allowed him to seize control of a significant military faction after the collapse of the Confederation, proclaiming himself Regent of the Greater Imperial Remnant.

However, fate had other plans in store. The rise of the Grayson Imperium forced Tirall to abandon his cherished homeworld, drifting in the deep core until the whispers of the Maw beckoned him. Drawn by promises of power, he joined forces with Darth Solipsis, the enigmatic Voice of the Maw, and became a key architect of the Final Dawn, serving as its inaugural High Regent. Leading the faithful as the fervent leader of the Church of the Dark Side, Tirall's radicalization grew as he wielded his influence.

Yet, as the Final Dawn faced internal strife, Tirall's survival instincts took hold. He deftly retreated from the clutches of his former ally, Marlon Sularen, understanding the looming threat of dethronement and execution. In the shadows, he continued to manipulate the strings of the Church of the Dark Side, biding his time for the perfect moment to reclaim his position.

Emerging from obscurity, Tirall forged a pact with darkness, aligning himself with the Sith Order and pledging loyalty to Darth Empyrean, the Dark Lord of the Sith. This unholy alliance marked a pivotal turning point in Tirall's journey as he sought to unleash his calculated brilliance and align his ambitions with the forces of the Dark Side. In this volatile galactic landscape, his enigmatic presence promised to reshape the destiny of the galaxy itself.

Derix Tirall, a figure shrouded in mystery and ambition, dances along the precipice of power, leaving an indelible mark upon the stars. Only time will reveal the true depths of his aspirations and the far-reaching consequences of his choices. In this cosmic ballet, the fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance, guided by the calculated steps of a man determined to leave his mark upon the annals of history.
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