Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Derrek Fisto

[SIZE=18pt]Derrek Fisto/Zykhan[/SIZE]

NAME: Derrek Fisto/Zykhan
RANK: Dark Jedi Master
SPECIES: Nautolan
AGE: 800+ but was preserved
EYES: Very dark brown
HAIR: None
SKIN: Grey due to use of the Dark Side.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strenghts: Derrek is a skilled lightsaber duelist above all else, he wields one blade and he has wielded the same blade since he became a Sith Knight and made it. He has learned the ins and outs of his blade very well and when he is in possession of it he feels at home. He can also wield multiple blades but chooses not to unless needed.

He has no ties to anyone in this galaxy and therefore owes no one anything and will stop at nothing to further his own goals, having lost most if not all of his allies years ago after he was put in stasis.

Weaknesses: Derrek's fighting style uses hard attacks and aggressive movements which sometimes leaves him open for counter attacks if he's not fast enough to catch his mistakes.

His strength in having no bonds in this galaxy is also a drawback seeing has he has no allies and is essentially on his own in this new galaxy he's awoken to.


A small ship for personal travel that he likely stole from some poor schmuck.

Born on Glee Anselm shortly after the death of his famed family member, Kit Fisto, Derrek was raised like most Nautolan at the time. There were no concerns in his upbringing for many years until he entered school. Derrek started causing trouble and picking on people which eventually escalated into him punching a girl in the face for taking a piece of his food which got him promptly expelled and he was taught by his mother for the rest of his childhood.

He eventually felt the effects of limited social interaction and started acting out more at home, around the age of fifteen he left the planet in search of a higher calling, something telling him to leave the watery planet. That was how he found himself on Korriban, home of the Sith, and cradle of his destiny. Here was where he met his Sith Master, Darth Terace, a feared Sith Knight in a powerful faction of Sith Lords long ago, under Terace he learned much of the Force and how to use it to serve his own purposes.

After being knighted, Derrek quickly took on apprentices and started placing his foot in the galaxy's doorway, his power growing quickly, and tales of the horrors he wrought in the galaxy under the banner of the Sith haunted his homeworld for years before he ever returned. He knew before he went back there he had to be ready if he was going to realize his destiny and take control of his homeworld as he felt was his birthright.

It was near this time that he was kidnapped by Jedi Masters and his mind was wiped clean with the Force and he awoke a Jedi Knight on Naboo, this lasted a few years until his Sith brethren rescued and restored his memory.

It was ten more years before he had enough influence and help, mostly in part by then Sith Master Maize Wayne and his vast fortunes, but Derrek took control of his homeworld and sat on the throne as the ruler of Glee Anselm. He ruled with an iron fist for a few more decades, taking the people's freedoms and instilling fear in their place. The Sith Master had finally taken control of his destiny and done what he was born to do...or so he thought. Little did he know that there was trouble brewing.

After decades of abuse and subjugation, the people of Glee Anselm were planning to kill Derrek and take their planet back, however being the Dark Sider he was, he foresaw this attack and spent much of his fortune on technology to keep him alive until after his double was assassinated and the coast was clear for him to execute his revenge and take the world for once and all, however the rebels had already heard of his plan and convinced his closest allies to betray him and bury his stasis pod at the bottom of a cave to sit for the rest of eternity.

The cave sat for nearly a millennia as a ward for all Nautolans, they never dared venture into 'The Tomb of the Zykhan' as it was referred, hushed tales of brave children entering and never leaving were told to kids by parents when they wanted to scare them into staying out, little did they know the body of a powerful Sith Master lay deep within the cave, until a crew was hired to explore the cave for possible mining and resources. It was then that they came across the stasis pod and Derrek Fisto, still preserved as he was the day he got in there. They released the button and the Dark lord awoke eight hundred years later un aware of what had happened in the galaxy. He quickly killed his summoners and made his way out into the planet he assumed he still ruled.

It took weeks for the dark one to realize what had happened, he had killed many people for lying to him about what had happened to the throne of Glee Anslem, a new Nautolan was ruling, one who had no claim to the throne, he wanted answers about why. After he realized he was betrayed and why he was betrayed Derrek knew he had to leave the Sith and right the wrong he had done, it had taken 800 years, but the Sith was ready to leave their chains behind and start his own path to salvation and the eventual restoration of his glorious homeworld he so desperately loved but had twisted into a husk of its former self, never really recovering too well from the Gulag Plague.





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