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Approved Tech Derriphan Kyantuska (Eater of Thoughts)

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  • Intent: Make some interesting artifacts to deepen Cerbera's competence with Alchemy and the Dark Forge.
  • Image Source: MOAI @ DeviantArt
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Name: Derriphan Kyantuska
  • Manufacturer: Cerbera
  • Affiliation: Cerbera
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Alchemized metals, Sea Leviathan Blister Pod.
  • Classification: Artifact
  • Size: Handheld
  • Length: 18cm
  • Width: 6cm
  • Height: 2cm
  • Weight: 5gr
  • The Derriphan Kyantuska allows the wearer to funnel their own intelligence into the bracelet's blister pods, so the wearer can increase their own intelligence at a later moment.
  • You can store your own knowledge and intelligence into the bracelet as a reservoir for later usage.
  • Virtually indestructible.
  • The reservoir has a 1:1 ratio. That means that when you siphon off your intelligence for x amount of minutes, you can only retrieve extra intelligence for x amount of time. Basically, you are sacrificing your knowledge now for a future spur of intelligence.
  • During the funneling your intelligence is decreased severely and you are left vulnerable to a lot of things.
  • Ysalamiri and similar things make the bracelet inert. The longer the bracelet is within the force-null field, the less sustainable the pod is and the stored sentience decays inside of it.


Cerbera figured out early on that Sea Leviathan Blister Pods are special in a lot of ways. Through experimentation, she realized that the Sea Leviathan did not simply drain life out of its victims, but also their very sentience.

She theorized, then, that it was possible to reverse-alchemize the process to allow for other functionalities.

One of which was integrating it into a bracelet. The usage? Allowing the wielder to store their own intelligence for later usage. After all, not every moment of the day deserved a person's full capacity, while other moments deserved it far more.

The Derriphan Kyantuska was the natural result of these experiments.

Forged amidst the heat and power of the Dark Forge, the most powerful alchemical apparatus in the Galaxy, the bracelet is virtually indestructible and imbued with Cerbera's power.
[member="Cerbera"] - So, while the rest of the submission is good, there is one small issue I have with this ring that I’d like to point out. It’s the Sea Leviathan that’s able to absorb the sentience of its victims, rather than that of the Land variant. Were that not the case, and I was able to find the supporting evidence - I would’ve given you the green stamp already.
[SIZE=11pt]If you don’t mind tossing Sea in front of every mention of Leviathan for me, I’ll stamp it for you.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Please @mention me when you’re done. [/SIZE]

Good question.

The wiki doesn't say one way or another in the Blister Pod article. Do you have a preference? I'd be okay with maybe adding a time-decay to it, something in the way of: "The longer the bracelet is within the force-null field, the less sustainable the pod is and the stored sentience decays inside of it."

How would that be?
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