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Work In Progress Derumic Android Scribe


  • Manufacturer: Akhuul Sautra
  • Affiliation: Akhuul Sautra
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Scribe
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Derumium
  • Classification: Third Degree in intellect and cognition, but specializes for tasks in a similar manner to First Degree.
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Height: Average
  • ]Movement: Bipedal
  • Armaments: No built in armaments
  • Misc. Equipment: Derumic Android Integrated Armor (primarilly in cloak form)
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • Other: Sonic-High, EMP/ION-Average, Elemental-High

  • Former Biologicals- originally the Scribes were scientists employed by Akhuul Sautra to study the properties of Derumium and develop Derumium based technology for the Sith Lord's estate.
    • The Red glow from the eye lense, and inner torso is the soul manifesting.
  • Cycloptic Appearance- a distinguishing trait of the scribes are their singlular eyes. In order to create more space for the android brain to contain more mechanisms to store memory and have mechanical cognition, they reduced the occular mechanisms and have the Scribes see through a large, single eye lense.
  • Dark Side Radiance- due to the Sith Alchemy used in the making of the Derumic Android bodies they possess, the Scribes radiate a sensation of Dark Side energy to force sensitives in the area.
  • Speech Ability- Like their militant counterparts, the Officers, the Scribes are able to speak and understand words spoken to them, however can only speak in or understand ancient Sith language.
  • Extreme Intellect (within bounds)- Despite their middle standing in the Derumic Android heirarchy, they have an incredible level of intellect that enables them to do the complex tasks they routinely perform for thier higherups on Sautra Vokh.
    • Still middle in the heirarchy, causing them to take less initiative with their activity, but excercise much intelligence when fulfilling their given routines.
  • Mechanical Expertise- their job is to oversee the maintainence of all technology on Sautra Vokh, including the station itself. As a result, their memories on how the technology works is flawless, and they show a capacity to learn other technology's workings effectively as well if they ever encounter outside technology from the greater galaxy.
  • Sith Alchemy Expertise- many of the Scribes also were experts in Sith Alchemy before the transferrance, making them useful for such rituals when required by the Lords and-or Akhuul with their memories on that subject remaining flawless over the milennia.
  • Irreplaceable- due to a lack of more Derumium to use, if any are destroyed beyond repair, there is no possibility of replacing them.
  • Thinkers not Fighters- despite being armed with the war staffs of higher ranking androids, their skillsets are more directed towards more intellectual duties rather than fighting. As a result they may be capable enough to defend themselves a little bit when attacked, they are not as skilled warriors as the other ranks Soldiers, Officers, Lords, and Akhuul.
  • Middle of the Heirarchy- due to their middle stance in the Derumic Android heirarchy, they have some level of independence when fulfilling their routine tasks, however do not show much initiative into changing their routines.
    • This lack of initiatve has influenced their desire to innovate the technology on Sautra Vokh alongside the lack of Derumium to use to make any new technologies.
Before the Great Hyperspace War erupted, and before the great Dark Lord of the Sith, Marka Ragnos, died, Akhuul Sautra employed many scientists and experts in Sith Alchemy to develop more technology for his project at Sautra Vokh. First it was to develop better weapons, and other armaments than his rivals, but then after the scientists and alchemists studied more of the properties of the unique substance Derumium they found on Sautra Vokh, Akhuul's plan to cheat death seemed to be more achievable than he thought. These researchers worked near tirelessly to produce an arsenal of Derumium based weapons, Derumium based ships, and the mechanisms for the station of Sautra Vokh as well that were all Derumium based technologies. However, the crown achievement from this time of innovation overseen by Akhuul Sautra was the creation of the Derumic Android bodies that all on Akhuul's estate would transfer their minds and souls into. They were the ones who designed them, and orchestrated their construction.

When the transferrance was completed, and the new station of Sautra Vokh escaped the Stygian Caldera, the new Scribes were then put in charge of maintaining the technology on the station due to their expertise in the design of all that is on Sautra Vokh, including the station itself. With less resources to develop more technology, and hardly a need to develop more technology in hiding, the Scribes started assuming an advisor-like role to the Lords and even Akhuul himself when not performing maintenance duties on Sautra Vokh. They are easily distinguishable by their integrated armor made completely into the cloak form, the war staffs they are armed with that serve as weapons of their own defense as well as a distinguishing badge of office at court, and their large single eyes. They either skulk in the maintanence tunnels on Sautra Vokh, patrol the machine rooms, spend time in their ancient laboratories, or stick themselves at the side of their Lord or at Akhuul's side giving advice to their superiors. Their intellect is not as independent as the higher ranking androids, but their intellect is incredibly high to allow them to maintain and operate the ancient and somewhat mystical technologies on Sautra Vokh.

Like the Officers, which they hold equal standing with on the heirarchy, they will keep to a routine of tasks until ordered to change their routine by higher ranking androids. However, because of their higher standing than Soldiers and Slaves, they exercise much independent thought into how to fulfill the tasks of their given routine. Slaves are most often employed by them as a manual workforce when maintaining Sautra Vokh. However, when something needs to be repaired in a more delicate manner, the Slaves stay back and let the Scribe handle the job personally.
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