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Approved Species Der'vergeben - The Buried Ones

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  • Intent: This will be the species of my character Vergessen Contii
  • Image Credit: N/A (description below)
  • Canon: No.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: T.B.A
  • Name: Der'vergeben
  • Designation: Sentient - Human equivalent intelligence.
  • Origins: (Non-canon) Gefängnis - A terrestrial planet that is in a constant state of burning across the surface, as the planet is located near a sun. The fauna of the planet survives by burrowing into and excavating deep systems of caves underground. Paradoxically, the closer to the core of the planet one goes, the more moisture and adapted life is found within.

    The inside of the planet is practically an oversized terrarium. Nutritious plant matter that grows between the tight cracks of the caves is harvested by burrowing life forms, producing loose and now newly fertilized soil. This adaptation to the cyclical nature of the planet does not end with the smaller creatures, but with the larger, sentient burrowers themselves, who have their own method of recycling matter to maintain strict resources.
  • Estimated Population: Planetary - A steady population of 3 billion are nested now deeper within the planet. Due to the discovery of a new, strange ecosystem deeper within the planets near core, the planet's population have tripled due to the new sources of food and material, allowing the oppressed species to enter a new age of technology.
  • Description: The Der'vergeben are branded with a tan leather skin upon birth due to the near boiling depths of the planet turning the surrounding dirt hot to the touch. Their species are born with "birthmarks" that appear as marble white sheets of plating disproportionately layered across the body. These keratin plates grow in a certain way on a Der'vergeben's body for the rest of their life. These keratin growths can "sprout" in many ways, such as pointy shoulder pads, or a half-plated mask, or even a ghoulish set of bone-like ribs across the torso or more. While these plates were theorized to help the species by minimizing the damage from loose rocks during burrowing, they can grow on a Der'vergeben in a way that can potentially obscure things like their vision, hearing or even breathing if the keratin sheet grows in an invasive way. It is also possible for these growths to form in a way that they can puncture the Der'vergeben's vitals.

    The Der'vergeben have no nose, except for two sharp nostril holes, and peeled back lips that expose their gums and sharpened teeth. Their overall appearance is generally humanoid, with the addition of an extra arm underneath the existing right arm, and the species' general height ranges from 200cm to 226cm after maturity. The Der'vergeben also have hair growing from both arms - from the bottom of the elbow to the joint of the wrist, as well as on top of their head like other species. Most instances of the race suffer from keratin growth-related injuries that persist most of their life, leaving them with potentially a myriad of medical problems just by existing. Their fingers are clubbed (thicker fingers to dig more surface area, with powerful grip strength to supplement) and their bodies are unable to pack on any meaningful body mass, leaving them thin and skeletal.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average Height of Adults: 200 - 226 centimeters.
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Brown/Tan
  • Hair color: Black (species-wide color trait)
  • Distinctions: Tan leather skin, sheets of keratin that grows on the body in varying ways that can also appear cosmetic. Long hair like a mane that grows from the elbows, up the forearms and to the wrist. Tall, thin body with sunken features. An additional limb below the right arm, no nose, and eyes with the colors of the pupils and the sclera inverted in contrast to a human set of eyes. Their lips are peeled back to expose their purple gums.

    Males and Females are similar in appearance. They also both share masculine features such as deep voices and skeletons with squared jaws and prominently wide shoulders. The only thing differentiating the two is genitalia.
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard
  • Incredible dexterity in all three arms.
  • Superb vision in low-light areas.
  • Incredible arm and grip strength.
  • Capable of burrowing through the ground like a fish swimming through water.
  • Illnesses induced by invasive keratin growths (damaging potentially lung function, stomach lining, blood, et cetera).
  • Susceptible to light. Eyes need to be shaded on planet surfaces.
  • Incompatibility with high-oxygenated atmospheres. As the lungs have adapted to strict oxygen areas, the sudden inhalation of "pure" air and the small lung capacity causes them to collapse without technology made to regulate breathing.
  • Height related growing pains.
  • Diet: Omnivores - opportunistic feeders. This species can produce sizable litters, saving a percentage of the infants to be consumed. Otherwise, the species feasts on moisture thick mold and incredibly small or "flat" fauna that have adapted to the tight spaces.
  • Communication: The species primarily communicates by touch, as the words are articulated by the species "feeling" each other in patterned ways, like finger taps on the skull, or a grooming fingernail against someone's neck, or even a nudge to the shoulder. This linguistic alternative developed as survival necessitated that the species stay physically as close as possible to each other in order to not lose one another underground in the vast system of caves.
  • Technology level: The general population of the species has transitioned into a sort of feudal era. The infrastructure is crafted with precision stone masonry talent, with sanded down quartz minerals, marble-like structures and intricate carvings that mold into chairs, tables, doors, whatever necessary. Fabrics are made from plants and animal hides. Interior design is purposefully tight and claustrophobic to emulate the tight warm caves surrounding civilization. War is fought via "tunnel warfare", and most of the technology is designed with the claustrophobic battleground in mind. Pitfalls with bottoms filled with broken glass, traps made to collapse narrow tunnels, thin, long and flexible metal skewers made to funnel deep into the earth and pierce the heads of enemies crawling from the other side of the hole.
  • Religion/Beliefs: Religion on Der'vergeben surrounds the scorching sun moments near their planet. The perception is that the sun is a predator animal that wishes to eat them, or a hateful god or similarly powerful tormentor come to consume them. The species believes the sun is attempting to burn through the planet's surface to get to them. The religion captures the eternal "eat or be eaten" outlook most of the race maintains.
  • General behavior: The Der'vergeben are a species of very blunt creatures. They talk to other races without tact, and with incredible curiosity. This need to invade the privacy of others usually colors the species as a strange or unnerving group that must be avoided or even abused. While they are capable of civility and adapting to new cultures they interact with, a Der'vergeben attempting to share their culture with others can be a terrifying situation.

    Der'vergeben eat a small percentage of their litter upon birth - methods of cooking their own young are normal on their own planet, and relative cookbooks DO exist out in the intergalactic market. They also prefer to be nude (but are usually forced to put on clothes on other planets).
The Der'vergeben are a race of creatures that persist on a decaying world. Despite the accelerating entropy of their planet and habitable living spaces, the species constantly sacrifices things in order to live on in their dying world. The young and old are consumed for nutrition, bodies are used for fertile soil, and yet the ones that live cling close to one another. Their language revolves around touch, and their culture insists on the togetherness of family and broader community. They live humble lives, with what is perceived to be an angry flaming god clawing at the protective crust of their planet, they make the most of the seconds spent together and live to eventually die for others. Their history is unnoteworthy in the pages of the universe, but the ones that eventually crawl out of the hell that is their planet usually end up making a name for themselves.
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Vergessen Contii Vergessen Contii

There are a few things needed to get this approved:

1. I am not requiring this, but I would love to see you sub the planet you mention for this species! It seems cool.

2. Breathes: Please use the list from the template: Type I, II, III, IV. You may expand and say they breath oxygen but please add the appropriate designation.

3. Technology level: The general population of the species has transitioned into a sort of feudal era. Infrastructure is reminiscent of Greek temples, with sanded down stone, marble-like structures and intricate carvings that mold into chairs, tables, doors, whatever necessary.

per codex guidelines:

Don't use specific Earth references as shorthand instead of explaining something. Ex. 'Japanese culture,' 'Medieval Europe', etc.

Maybe use the word ancient, iconic, mythological…

4. Historical Information seems to have been removed from the template. It is a required field for the submission and needs to be added back in and expanded on.

Thanks! Tag me when you’re ready for me to look at it again.
Vergessen Contii Vergessen Contii

You actually need to use the planet creation template not location.

For the purposes of this submission everything looks great! I can approve it as is while you work on the planet if it is something you want to pursue!

If you rather I leave this open so you can link the planet in the template here when it’s submitted I can do that to.

Your call!
If you could approve this species I can get started on the planet. I'll have more time to flesh it out in the meantime.
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