Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Desert... Dessert... It's all the same! I think.

Alexander Thenveer


Alexander had finally found a somewhat general direction in life. Which was a major step for someone who'd just lost 18 years of their life in a blink of an eye. Though the path he was leading down was a darker one to his prior life (not that he knew or could prove that). A path down a dark road is slightly better then no path at all. He walked along the desert of Tatooine and looked about the various areas. Pulling out the hilt of the lightsaber he had. He reached his hand away from himself and hit the activation switch watching the jade green blade come to life. As he smiled warmly and studied it. He then deactivated the saber and hid the hilt back into his robe. As he returned to walking and looked about for anything of interest.

Eventually his attention lead him to an oasis ahead. One which had a nice bunch of trees and a fairly decent sized pool of water. He sensed something there and narrowing his eyes. He proceeded forwards and towards it. Not necessarily cautiously as much as curiously. Alexander had come to realize that even in the desert his speed, agility, and endurance made a good combination should someone prove to be hostile. He had met few people who could rival him, and that was without adding any force techniques to boost him. Some people back at the local village he stayed in were starting to joke that he could win a pod race, by just running through the course. Of course that was an over exaggeration. Though it none the less brought him a chuckle.

Upon entering the oasis Alexander did something that he was not quite sure, why he even bothered doing it. He closed his eyes and focused his mind. As he began to try and find himself a clam state of mind. The sound of the waves in the water helped him in his cause, and the warmth from the sun, slightly masked by the shade of the trees. Offered him a perfect setting to do so. However despite having a feeling of something familiar near by. He wasn't quite aware he wasn't alone in this area.
[member="Alexander Thenveer"]

The oasis was a peaceful place and she had found it a welcomed change to many things. There was the chaotic nature of working with some of the jedi but they liked working with each other, some barely liked interacting with humans. It made them different and stuck up as she preferred this going out into the galaxy and helping but also finding places in the galaxy she could meditate and recharge. For now though the petite jedi knight was letting her attention drift when she felt something in her senses. The sounds of water lapping at the rock she was on as her eyes opened and the silver pupils shrank while her rainbow hair was around her in a curtain of multicolored hair before she rose up clasping her hands in front of her body. "Now who is here."

Alexander Thenveer

Alexander was starting to finally find clarity of his mind. It was peaceful, he was calm, he was content... and... Well that's where the luck ended really. As a voice broke through his concentration. Drawing him back from his meditation and into the focus of his surroundings. As he looked around to see who spoke the question. "I'm Alexander." He replied calmly as he didn't know what else to really say. They asked who was there and he felt like trying to reply with it's only me, to a person who he didn't know, wouldn't get him very far. "Am I intruding?" he asked calmly as he sighed a little. Had he known another would be at this oasis. He would of stayed clear of the place. Not because he didn't like company. As much as he didn't like attention being focused on him, especially when he felt like he was interrupting something, or someone.

Alexander knelt down as he waited patiently. Softly he began to hum as he moved his hand near the opening of his robe. Where he could access that lightsaber. Not that he could wield it against an experienced user. Though he wanted to feel he had a little level of protection, should this lady, as that was what the voice sounded like. Should she prove to be hostile in any manner. Even if he knew he probably had little chance of survival. That and by some innate ability he managed to remain mostly calm. So he could think things through opposed to jumping to conclusions and swinging it around instinctively.

[member="Alexander Thenveer"]

Looking up at him and tilting her head there was a look, from the curtain of rainbow hair she was looking out with tri-colored eyes as the pinwheels of gold glowed for a moment within the silver and she spoke. The tiny jedi knight not letting her eyes leave his face while she seemingly refused to blink. "It is alright." She didn't move letting her energies dance around a little bit while in the nexus of force energy motioning with her hand for him to join her. "This is an open place, all are welcomed here. What is your name?"

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