See with eyes unclouded by hate

Making his way through the bustling neighborhood, A'Runda was no stranger to the desert city of Mos Eisley. Once he was, being one of the first places he visited after being exiled from his clan. He was little more then a young adult then. Fortunately his previously gained knowledge on Galactic Basic made the transition a lot more easy. Instead of running around speaking his native language he could communicate and find work.
Even though the city didn't seem like much, it was always a hotbed for opportunity. Especially for one determined to make a quick buck. As of recent events however, the city was still in some ways recovering from a battle between two of the galaxy's super powers. He honestly didn't know which ones, but he was fortunately off world during the conflict. But he tried to gather as much information as he could after he found out. Worried that his clan as stuck in between the crossfire. From what he could tell it wasn't a battle spanning across the entire planet. Instead it was more localized. Meaning that his people were probably quite safe and out of harms way.
Nonetheless the adventures was once again on his home world. The planet he surely spent the most time on even now. Probably because it was just simply home for him. However, after the conflict a small time Hutt mobster started to seize power during the chaos. Effectively acting out a hostile take over of the city, and having a small, but comfortable criminal monopoly of Mos Eisley. A'Runda felt that with the gift he had he should do something about it. But he was just one person. How could he take on a criminal organization all on his own? The answer's simple, he cant, unless he had help.
While he was walking through the busy streets he saw a rather small business being harassed by some thugs. They seemed to be collecting their extortion money from the poor Toydarian who was just trying to get by. Perhaps he should step in and do something. If he wasn't gonna take on the Hutt on his own, he could at least stop a couple of thugs.
[member=Scherezade deWinter]