Hi would actually like to put this unit into the codex, never done this before. Any help would be appricated
1: it is part of a bigger force, that opperates on tattoine, and is sent elsewhere if the tu feel it is nessary
2: Captain Roscoe (freanne) is head of it
3: It is a mix company
Elite sniper
Good recon assult troops
Also if active on tattoine, it rank are swolen by a milita forces, based in the near by settlements.
The unit excells in desert and artic warfare, or anywhere where their is sparse cover.
Also it has some urban training, though tis would normally consist of get high and shoot them through the window
1: it is part of a bigger force, that opperates on tattoine, and is sent elsewhere if the tu feel it is nessary
2: Captain Roscoe (freanne) is head of it
3: It is a mix company
Elite sniper
Good recon assult troops
Also if active on tattoine, it rank are swolen by a milita forces, based in the near by settlements.
The unit excells in desert and artic warfare, or anywhere where their is sparse cover.
Also it has some urban training, though tis would normally consist of get high and shoot them through the window