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Approved NPC Desert Winds

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: Give Semiramis some elite mooks. Expand on Qadiri.
Image Credit: Here.
Role: Qadiri elite troops. Before Firemane's coming, the Qadiri's tech level was roughly Renaissance period. The Desert Winds perform the function of an elemental artillery unit, using Force powers for long-range bombardment purposes. They serve Shahbânu Semiramis, who is a Firemane ally and has been developed in several rps.
Permission: ARGH gear available per this thread. Permission for all ArmaTech gear and all other subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here and here.
Links: Firemane Industries, First Contact, Twilight of the Goddess, The Sin of Pride, Qadiri.

Unit Name
: Desert Winds.
Affiliation: Semiramis. Indirectly: Firemane Industries due to Semiramis' alliance with them. They are loyal to Semiramis above all though.
Classification: Infantry, Force support unit.
Description: War for the Qadiri has always been a daily part of life and politics. The most powerful component of any Qadiri army has been its Force-using soldiers. Under Qadiri law, all Force-users must be trained. Some go to the Temple, others to the army. For the Qadiri, the Force, or Zari as they call it, is a gift from the goddesses, but also a tool. Many noble families prefer to pass on their inheritance to Force-sensitive children, a rare case when a male or younger female child can jump ahead of the pack.

The Desert Winds serve the Amikarese Empire, the most powerful Qadiri nation. They are a highly prestigious unit. The Desert Winds claim that they were established by Amira I, the first Shahbânu of the Amikarese Empire. Whether this is true is another question, but they have long been a vital component of the Empire's forces. The Desert Winds perform the function of an elite support unit. They can be classified as elemental artillery. While the Qadiri are catching up on the tech front due to being uplifted by Firemane, the elemental warriors are still a powerful force. From afar they manipulate the elements to their own ends.

The Desert Winds are commanded by Zahar Jal Kamas. A low class soldier who was able to rise on merit due to his strength in the Force, he served Semiramis' mother and later the usurper Jaamini. Although he had taken up arms against her, Semiramis pardoned him. At the time Jaamini had been the heir and Zahar impressed her by remaining loyal to her cousin instead of betraying her. So she allowed him to keep his life and rank. In return he gave her his loyalty and has been true to his word since her ascent to power, even when some Qadiri leaders opposed her deals with the sky-people.

Zahar is an accomplished Alter Environment specialist and skilled marksman. He leads by example, but understands that he must be willing to sacrifice a piece if needed. He's also seen first-hand how quickly power can shift. He has shown a willingness to integrate outsider methods into the tactical repertoire of his soldiers. He has been gifted a
Force-imbued blade as an award for his valour. It has the usual qualities of this type of weapon, namely resistance to lightsabres, greater cutting power than a normal sword and the ability to harm dark spirits, demons and similar Force constructs.

The Desert Winds have a bit of a rivalry with the Sistren of the Eternal Flame. While the former serve the Shahbânu, the latter are an independent martial order of pyromancers dedicated to Azali, the Qadiri fire goddess. Said rivalry has manifested in extreme competitiveness, but also in bloodshed since the sect has opposed the ambitions of Shahbânu Semiramis. The Desert Winds are quite insistent that they are the best at their craft. In other words, very prideful. Other Qadiri Mirzas and petty chieftains have established their own duplicates. The Winds take great pleasure in disparaging these 'inferior copies'.

One privilege reserved for the members of the unit is their ability to express their disconcent freely. Indeed, somewhat irreverent Amikarese soldiers have nicknamed them the 'Grumblers', because they openly complain about the petty troubles of military life. They are also paid better than regular soldiers. Members of the unit are selected for their elemental abilities, physical fitness and loyalty to the Crown. Above average height is considered a desirable trait, as their imposing stature is meant to impress friend and foe alike.

Unsurprisingly, their training is very gruelling. Cowardly tendencies or otherwise inappropriate habits are to be thoroughly purged to intense training, which includes exposing them to the scorching heat and blazing flame. Due to their elite nature and low numbers, they are reserved for the most crucial engagements. Whenever the Shahbânu leads her soldiers into battle, the Desert Winds are not far. The elemental warriors have a high morale and seeing them on the battlefield is a morale boost for soldiers of the Qadiri queen. Conversely, it would be a huge blow to morale if they were to flee from the battlefield.

Unit Size: Medium
Unit Availability: Unique
Unit Experience: Elite


Attached Weapons:
Combat Function: The Desert Winds are a Qadiri unit of Force-Sensitive warriors. They perform a role akin to that of elemental artillery. From afar they manipulate the elements and harness them to attack their enemies. To be precise, their focus lies in the following areas: elemental fire abilities and lightning/air manipulation. They are also skilled in heat and energy absorption as well as Force Weapon. True to their origins, they excel at desert warfare, though they are unused to fighting in extremely cold environments. If properly positioned and utilised, they can inflict severe damage on enemy forces through withering blasts of fire and lightning or by summoning powerful whirlwinds.

Their pyromancy can also be used to blind opponents by generating bright light or to create barriers by summoning walls of flame. They specialise in long-range attacks. The same skill set also gives them the ability to act as improvised anti-air troopers, using lightning strikes and strong winds to bring down aircraft. This would obviously also affect allied aircraft. Careless use of their abilities can have devastating consequences for allies. Thus their deployment and power use must be planned carefully. Like all Qadiri, they have inherent navigational skills. This is helpful when they say have to make their way through a storm. They can use Force Meld to draw strength from one another and improve unit coordination.

However, the Desert Winds are also vulnerable to skirmishers, sharpshooters and heavy weapons. Up close, they only have limited conventional options to defend themselves. They are a support unit, not frontline combatants, and thus require protection. In modern times, they utilise Yazgid IFVs to enhance their mobility and evade possible enemy counterfire. Of course, ill-advised use of their abilities can sabotage any retreat option. The Desert Winds are focused on long range combat and thus not assault troops. Hence the Yazgids are useful to keep them out of danger and give them some firepower on the move.


  • Elemental artillery. Using their skill in Alter Environment and elemental powers, they can bombard enemy forces at range. Thus they can throw enemy troops into disarray, sow confusion and inflict severe casualties, allowing allied assault troops to move in and gain the edge. Can also damage enemy aircraft.
  • Use of IFVs grants them mobility. Their vehicles are fast and strong against infantry and light vehicles.
  • IFVs are fast, good against light vehicles and strong against light vehicles, but their armour cannot stand up to the main weapon of a tank. Shooting from the vehicle ports is possible for infantry, but not very practical, meaning they will have to leave the vehicle's safe confines if they want to engage the enemy.
  • Lose their biggest advantage if exposed to Voidstone and Ysalamiri.
  • Armed as light infantry and lack heavy weapons outside of vehicles. Their primary function is support.

Though Tygara's isolation from the rest of the Galaxy kept the Qadiri's tech level primitive, they became highly skilled at the pursuit of warfare, viewing it as an art. Yazgid were utilised as lizard mounts to harass enemies or break through ranks of enemy infantry. Professional soldiers and mercenaries were favoured above the use of levies. Battle plans were based on a complex interplay between cavalry, infantry, archers and Force-using elite soldiers. In recent decades, primitive cannons, a secret taken from the Xioquo, were introduced. However, handheld gunpowder weapons proved unpopular. One innovation the Qadiri pioneered was the use of a type of napalm liquid firie.

Perhaps one of the most noteworthy Force-based military units are the Desert Winds. These warriors serve the Amikarese Empire, the most powerful Qadiri nation on Tygara. Given the fractious nature of the Qadiri, they have never been lacking in opportunities to demonstrate their valour on the battlefield. They are a highly prestigious unit. The loose federated empire they serve was founded about a thousand years ago by the brilliant general and warlord Amira I.

She was the first to assume the title of Shahbânu, though many regions declared independence after her death. It would take many wars before the empire acquired its current form and it became clear to the petty Mirzas that it was here to stay. The Desert Winds' official history claims that it was Amira who established them. This is probably an embellishment. While units of this type were probably employed by the legendary warlord, it is likely that they only became an integral, formal part of the empire's armies under one of her successors. They would serve the Empire in many batles against foes both within and without. They developed a rivalry with the Sistren of the Eternal Flame and the Celestial Dragons. Both were knightly orders of elemental mages that refused to recognise the suzerainty of the Shahs and Shahbânus of Amikaron.

The Desert Winds have been a key instrument in the military campaigns of Semiramis, current Shahbânu of the Amikarese Empire. Ironically, they started out on opposing sides. For Semiramis' mother Adira IV fell ill and eventually died. As the only living daughter, Semiramis was the heir. However, a significant section of the court and military favoured her cousin Jaamini. At the time, Semiramis had been on the way to the city of Mansura to oversee tax collection. While she was away from the capital, certain nobles with Jaamini launched a coup and sent assassins after her. Semiramis and her slave/lover Bashirya managed to evade them, but were shipwrecked. Eventually, after hiding with some peasants, the deposed heir managed to muster an army after securing the allegiance of the local Satrap Ardashir.

Both armies clashed when Semiramis marched on Zeheb, capital of the Amikarese Empire, fighting Jaamini’s army halfway. The Desert Winds had been stationed in the capital and so they happened to be serving Jaamini. Semiramis was the legal ruler, but she'd been accused of treason and stripped of all titles. By contrast, Jaamini had been crowned. So they fought on the side of their sovereign. True to their name, they generated powerful winds to raise columns of sand and dust, significantly reducing visibility and sowing confusion among the enemy troops.

Again and again Semiramis' army was bombarded as fire and lightning rained down upon them. It seemed like her army would break, but at the climactic moment Semiramis took charge, wading into the fray herself to rally her soldiers. Her example proved inspirational and gave them heart. Combined with a well-timed charge by Ardarashir's cavalry, this turned a rout into a great victory.

Many of Jaamini's soldiers ran, though the Desert Winds and her elite guard held out. Pursued, Jaamini fled but was betrayed and murdered by some of her supporters to try and curry favour with Semiramis. As the full force of Semiramis' army was unleashed upon them, the Desert Winds took heavy casualties as they were not equipped for close quarter fighting. Using lizard mounts they retreated to a better defensive position in form of a few ruins, but surrendered after receiving word of Jaamini's death.

When brought before Semiramis, their commander Zahar Jal Kamas explained his reasons for fighting against her even though she was the legal heir. Refusing to grovel or plead for his life, he placed his fate in Semiramis' hands. Impressed by his honesty, the Shahbânu pardoned him and his men. Semiramis gave Jaamini a decent burial and had her murderers beheaded, as their betrayal disgusted her. The Winds repaid their mistress' clemency with unwavering loyalty.

The Desert Winds played an important role when Semiramis was confronted by alien raiders. These slavers were a small-time off-shoot of the Corsairs in the galaxy at large. However, when their leader learned of Tygara he immediately moved there, hoping to snap up a quick collection of slaves. Despite having only three ships and less than 100 men he was confident of routing the primitives. And so, landing near the city of Mansura in Amikarese territory, he plundered and enslaved several villages. When troops from the resident Satrap attempted to stop him the blasers and terrifying machines proved irresistible and the army was routed. Semiramis heard of these incursions and marched with an army to Mansura personally to confront this new threat.

Attempts to negotiate were met with the Qadiri ambassadors being seized and enslaved themselves. With little option, Semiramis attacked, trying to use open order tactics and multiple fronts. However, their weapons were ineffective and the terrifying space ships and advanced weapons mowed down 700 Qadiri warriors in less than an hour. Even the Desert Winds had to retreat, since they lacked the means to defend themselves effectively against blaster cannons and turbolasers. After all, even Force Barriers had their limits, especially with so much firepower being directed their way. They were also harried by speeders that far outpaced their lizard mounts.

Semiramis barely escaped and withdrew to watch whilst summoning more reinforcements. It was at this stage that she received a piece of luck. The Corsairs greedily had not left yet. Rather they celebrated their victory and tormented their captives, thinking the Qadiri stood no chance against them. Seizing her chance, the Shahbânu led a stealthy night attack, overwhelmed the sentries and attacked the Corsairs whilst they were unprepared.

The Desert Winds aided her in the assault by summoning a thick sandstorm that not only reduced visibility, but helped keep the enemy vessels grounded and made communication difficult. Meanwhile, the Anusiya attacked in melee, adapting the enemy's blasters for their own use. This, combined with arrows and knives against unarmoured enemies led to a slaughter. Only one Corsair ship escaped and eighty of the slavers were killed or captured.

However, the star people soon returned. This time a slaver fleet was destroyed in Tygara's orbit by Firemane and Eldorai warships. Firemane's arrival on Tygara came as a great shock to the native cultures there. Some saw threats, others opportunities or a mix of both. Semiramis chose to pursue a policy of accommodation, in the hope that she could use the offworlders to her nation's advantage. She did her best to present herself as a flexible, pragmatic ruler and was able to establish a connection with Firemane's leader, Siobhan Kerrigan. This came at a price, as Firemane insisted on the abolition of slavery, though practicality would make this a gradual process to avoid the economy collapsing and millions being left destitue. Conveniently, both groups soon discovered they possessed a common foe: the Xioquo. Great battles were fought, until the Drows' subterranean lair was stormed and their dark 'goddess' Mystra defeated.

The alliance between the two powers was advantageous for the Desert Winds. They received better guns, vehicles and armour. The Qadiri's primitive armour was replaced with modern body armour. They also received training from adepts of the Order of Firemane, Firemane's Force-using branch, so that they would be better able to cope on a modern battlefield. They played a notable role during the early stages of the assault on the Xioquo capital, when they aided Eldorai and Qadiri forces in destroying the war machines the Xioquo unleashed in the plains ahead of the Underealm. They also played an important role in the Krolis War, where they fought against their rivals, the Sistren of the Eternal Flame. This was an internal Qadiri conflict brought about by Semiramis attempting to get a compliant cleric elected as Saoshyant, the religious head of the Qadiri. Her enemies, the League of Krolis, saw this as a power play and rallied around their own Saoshyant, who excommunicated the candidate of Semiramis.

As a result, war ensued, and Firemane was drawn into the conflict due to their alliance with Semiramis. The conflict was a brutal one, as the League used guerilla tactics, wearing down the allied forces. Eventually the alliance managed to defeat them, though Firemane ensured a compromise candidate was elected Saoshyant. Recently, the leaders of Tygara convened a summit to discuss the future of their people. It was hosted by Firemane aboard the Arx Aeternae. There it was decided that the elves would move into the stars, expand and found colonies. Thus the Amikarese Empire has taken to the stars. In the light of Semiramis' desire to unite all Qadiri under her rule and expand her influence, it is likely the Desert Winds will see action in the future.
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