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Approved Starship Desolation-class Battlecruiser

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Manufacturer: Bryn'adul Empire | Rakvul
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: Very High
Width: Very High
Height: Very Large
Size: Very Large






  • Draelvasier Countermeasures
  • Draelvasier Engine Unit
  • Draelvasier Guidance Systems
  • Draelvasier Hyperdrive System
  • Draelvasier Life Support Systems
  • Draelvasier Shielding System
  • Draelvasier Targeting Systems


  • Powerful Battlecruiser. The Scourge was designed to be the one of the most heavily armed, and armored battleships in the arsenal of the Bryn'adul Empire. A ship formed from a hardy, ancient Errindak outfitted with extensive layers of armor, and multi layered shielding system. It is a crowning achievement of biological and technological creation, a true living alien monstrosity unlike anything ever seen.
  • Stealth Systems. The Scourge was designed as the mobile headquarters of the Zealot Order. It possesses cutting edge stealth systems that allow the massive ship to quite literally vanish. It is the only ship ever created by the Draelvasier with such gifts.
  • Mobility. Despite its mammoth size the sheer power of the Errindak, combined with its unique blend of technology has increased the speed of this ship far beyond what was normally possible. It is surprisingly mobile.
  • Draelvasier Biotech Enhancement. The Scourge is a true testament to the superior biotech skill of the Draelvasier. It is truly a living ship woven through with a heavily degree of biotechnology and adapted cutting edge tech pilfered from the galaxy.

  • Large Profile. This ship is one of the largest targets whenever it enters battle.
  • Stealth Technology. While the stealth system is active, the ship cannot fire its weaponry.
  • Main Cannon. The primary superlaser cannot fire at anything on the side of, or behind the ship.

Beyond the reaches of known space a species was reborn. Underneath the watchful eye of Tathra Khaeus, Precursor and Chieftain of the Draelvasier tirelessly worked to bring alive a species consigned to extinction. It was a labor of over thirty four years before his tireless efforts bore fruit. It was the Year 824 when the very first successful Draelvasier specimens were hatched on the colony of Kardun. Out of this whole batch came one who clearly stood head and shoulders above the others. This individual was born of the Baedurin sub-species and would later become known as the single largest specimen ever hatched in the history of the reborn Draelvasier. A legend that would carve his name into the annals of history, a figure that would become known forever.

Rakvul the Darkener.

The rise of this Draelvasier was swift and brutal, within eleven short years he carved a bloody path to the very top of Draelvasier society. A Colossus who was molded by the hand of the Titan, trained and forged into a brutal warrior, a killing machine. It was clear early on that Rakvul had inherited the brlliant mind of his creator. In only eleven short years when the Drael of Kardun were ordered to return home to Draemidus Prime, to witness the labors of their creator to make Draemidus Prime ready for them once more. Rakvul knelt before Tathra in an event witnessed by all Drael and he rose as Warlord of the Draelvasier & Wrath of the Chieftain. The very same year a brand-new shipyard was completed, while the Drael worked to master Draemidus Prime.

Rakvul unlike many others possessed a loyalty to the Titan that delved into the fanatical, he idolized his creator. In an effort to emulate the tireless work that brought a species back from extinction and total failure, he too felt the desire to create, to innovate and create something truly special for his Chieftain and his people. To begin this grand journey, he walked down the same footsteps that the Titan had walked when he began the creation of a new species. The story of what would become known as the iconic Scourge begins with the story of a particular Errindak known as Daoloth.

The Errindak were a species native to space surrounding Draemidus Prime. They were a vicious, powerful space faring species of worms native to the area known as the Shatter Field. The Drael had already turned to these creatures as riding beasts, rigging hunting barges to these herd creatures. Out of this great species Daoloth was by far one of the largest specimens ever seen, roughly five thousand meters in length. Daoloth was an ancient, stubborn, aggressive, powerful beast out of all of its kind, it refused to be tamed by any Drael. In fact, it killed so many of the Draelvasier, and Errindak that it became an almost sacred beast to them. It was said no one could bring Daoloth to heel.

Until Rakvul.

It was said the battle between Rakvul and Daoloth was legendary, waged across the entirety of the Shatter Field lasting days. But on the very last day Daoloth finally relented and submitted to the will of his new master. Together they were a fearsome duo, with the Drael riding the Errindak using its terrible might against those who would stand against him, hunting other great beast. It wasn't until a few short years later that the concept of turning Errindak beasts into space faring ships emerged. Out of this project came the very first Conquesters. Rakvul quickly turned Daoloth into a truly monstrous Conquester, a living destroyer capable of terrible destruction and one of the very first ships of its kind by the year 843 ABY.

Everything changed after the Drael emerged and began its assault on the galaxy in 852 ABY. It was following the Battle of Commenor and the introduction of modern technology to the Drael that Rakvul once more began to transform Daoloth. Rakvul was one of the first to begin adapting this new technology, seeing the benefits it could bring to the species. However, those who did not heed the warnings of the past were doomed to repeat it. The Kad'Maera, the culture of the Draelvasier established as one of its tenets a balance between nature and technology. The fate of the Precursor Draelvasier was taught to them. After heeding these dire warnings, Rakvul began to realize the dream that began almost twenty years prior.

Rakvul took Daoloth into the shipyards of Draemidus Prime once more and dismantled the Conquester, extracting the biotech utilized in its creation and turned to his scientists for the answers. He extensively poured over the flood of technology available from raided battlefields, destroyed worlds and amassed an immense collection of this technology. Alongside his scientists, they worked to master the ways of these new discoveries. They improved upon them an began to adapt them for use, improving upon them and combining them with Draelvasier technology. Together, they laid the foundations for the creation of a brand-new flagship for the Warlord.

Once more Daoloth would be transformed into something greater, it was given the classification of Desolation-class Battlecruiser christened by Rakvul the Scourge. It would become the last thing the weak willed, the xenos species ever saw over their worlds. In its wake all life would die in righteous fire, scoured from the world by its fury. It was a one-of-a-kind creation and the only ship of its time in the arsenal of the rising Bryn'adul Empire that possessed cutting edge technology. In addition, it was fully equipped with a complex stealth system, the only one possessed by the Draelvasier. For its unique ability the ship became designated as the mobile headquarters of the Zealot Order, elite commandos and special forces responsible for taking on the most difficult missions, taking out the highest value targets for the empire.

The main weapon system of the Scourge was the Khaeon Purification Superlaser positioned in the prow of the ship. It was designated as an anti-capital ship and a bombardment weapon designed to glass worlds. A secondary bridge and fire control system controlled operation of the Khaeon closer to the front of the ship. This bridge was crewed by handpicked members of the Stonesingers, elite naval crewmen uniquely trained to work Draelvasier technology, and Ungulloi Artificers. The ships primary bridge was further crewed by an assortment of Stonesingers, Ungulloi Artificers and other capable officers. Every single member was specially trained to work both Draelvasier technology, and modern galactic technology.

The Scourge was defended by a vast array of handpicked forces that served Rakvul the Darkener directly. Out of this force a vast number came from the Zealot Order, Juggernaut Corps, and Drone Swarms underneath the leadership of Risen Sraelvun, and Drone Commanders. Over time a combination of members of the Ashaka Order, Warlocks, Shamans, Syphons, and Ravager Brutes were added as well as the Vaydralen and Amariatu Saviors. Every single element was personally handpicked, chosen by the Darkener as hardened veterans decorated for valor. Despite the addition of many other species, the force overwhelmingly consisted of Draelvasier. In addition, the entire ship was guarded by a combination of monsters including Decapi Spiderling Nests and an entire Draeyde Hive cultivated by Rakvul himself.

The Scourge is a unique construction woven inside, and outside the immense Errindak known as Daoloth. The cavernous ship is a monstrous combination so unique, its impossible to tell where the beast ends, and the ship begins, its virtually unrecognizable. Unlike any other vessel it is a ship that is always changing. The drive to evolve, adapt, and overcome is burned within both the Zealots and the Darkener. It constantly evolved, becoming the centerpiece of new innovations, weapons and other instruments of war pioneered by the Darkener began their trial periods on the Scourge before they were rolled out to the remainder of the fleet.

While a massive ship, the Scourge was not a dedicated carrier vessel. The hangars it possessed were mainly utilized for the launching of support craft n order to disgorge zealots or other ground troops, or receiving other forces, dignitaries and various visitors of the Bryn'adul Empire coming to treat with the Wrath. The Scourge did possess an impressive array of fighters. A vast swarm of Phedrak Fighters complimented by Shriek Interceptors were a permanent fixture aboard. A force of 48 Striker Shards and 32 Brute Gunboats were included to swiftly deploy the elite Zealots, and additional ground troops to any engagement.

As the war turned against the Drael, and culminated in the Fall of the Bryn'adul Empire that saw the presumed death of the Chieftain. It was during this calamity and a breakdown of communication and rank structure across all theaters of war, that the Scourge was rumored to be lost, and its legendary owner dead. This couldn't have been further from the truth. Despite these rumors the ship survived. The interior systems of the Scourge changed significantly during this time. It quickly became clear that it was more than a mere warship. The Drael encountered unimaginable loss and hardship as they were scattered across the known galaxy. The Scourge was no longer a simple ship designed for destruction; it became necessary for the survival of the Draelvasier. Rakvul was one of the few who denied rumors of the Chieftain's fall.

The Darkener was now the ruler of his own fiefdom, the largest of its kind in the galaxy and one that would become known as the Bryn'adul Remnant. The interior systems of the Scouge expanded to include Draelvasier Hatcheries in order to ensure the survival of the species, Molecular Furnaces to break down and synthesize resources for swift use. The ship needed to become completely self-sustaining, ensuring it needed to rely on nothing but itself. Its levels were expanded to include vast stores of war beasts that Rakvul sought to preserve, the largest of the fleet to hold such state-of-the-art facilities where prime specimens were held.

The Scourge became a replacement for the destroyed Divine Brutality, as the Flagship of the Draelvasier. It exemplified the superiority of the Drael and showcased their incredible ability to adapt and evolve no matter what hardships were thrown at them. In this current era it would become the vessel of a resurgence of Drael dominance, it would herald a reckoning for all who thought they saw the last of the Bryn'adul.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a flagship for Rakvul.
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Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn’adul
Model: Desolation-class Battlecruiser "Scourge"
Starship Class: Battlecruiser (2000m-5000m)
Starship Role: Command
Modular: Yes
Material: Ancient Errindak Body Ceraglass Viewports Draelvasier Security Measure Systems Draelvasier Technology Hardware Draemidus Finis Crystal Energy Sources Heavily Reinforced Triple Layered Black Verikast Armor Plating Kraelmundr Blast Doors, Shields & Structural Liner Kraemonen Hive Network Malabast Hull Liner & Anti-Ion Mesh Matrix-Trimantium-impregnated Impervium Skeletal Frame Mind Stone System
Armaments: Crusader Ballistae
Draelvasier Mass Driver Cannons
Draemidus Defense Turrets
Khaeon Purification Superlaser
Sylok Pattern Biocannon
Tetrarch Assault Cannons
Defense Rating: Extreme
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: Extreme
Kinetic Resist: Extreme
Radiation Resist: Extreme
Minimum Crew: 37500
Optimal Crew: 150000
Cargo Capacity: Extreme
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Rakvul Rakvul

Very cool sub! However I found some issues.
  • Individuals cannot own/field/produce more than 500 metres warships. Because of this, I would like to ask you to add the Design or similar after your character in the the Manufacturer field.
  • And I have to ask you to remove your character from the Affiliation. You need to write here a faction or a company. But, please remember, you can always use your own subs.
  • You need a permission from Onrai to the Diatium Capacitance Array, because your character isn't part of the Sith Empire.
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