Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Destiny defied (Jedi Master Ben Watts)

The day had finally come and A'donari could hardly keep himself calm as he sat patiently waiting for his knew Master, Jedi Master Ben Watts, to arrive on Tython. Ever since his birth the Jedi had molded the young Twi'leck male through the teachings of the light side of the force and he allowed it to show. He wasn't flat out cocky, instead his arrogance hid underneath his skin resting upon his shoulders proudly. A feeling that had built up after learning who he would be taught and trained under. His heart rate doubled causing him to lose his focus while sitting indian style as he waited for the Jedi. Feeling out with his conscious while meditating A'donari restructured his thoughts. With this focus he felt the tension in his muscles slowly release and a wave of energy from the light side of the force channel through him. The blueish grey flesh that made up his body became meaningless to him while he escaped the limitations of the physical universe.
He continued to push his reach of the force when a incredibly strong wave of the force touched his conscious and A'donari knew instantly who it was. The Master he had been waiting for was approaching. A'donari couldn't help himself from standing and readjusting his padawan robes. Four years went by as he had watched fellow students get selected to become padawans but he went without a single word from his teacher as to when his time would come or if he would be placed in a new path of training. That time of waiting was over. He was going to be training under one of the greats and in his eyes the waiting had all been worth it.
A seemingly nice looking human man came walking up still sending off a powerful aura of light side energy. A'donari did everything he could to look worthy. He pushed out his chin and chest while keeping as much eye contact with the man as he could even though the man was a little bit shorter than himself. Without being able to contain himself any longer he spoke first breaking the two seconds of silence, "Are you the Master I have been waiting for?"
Looking over his holopad he read through the documents that went over the boy he was too train. Apparently he had been passed over many times due to his hotheaded and aggressive attitude. Ben was once a hothead and he knew what it was like to have his abilities looked over because of his hot tempered nature. That did not stop him from going on to become, in his eyes at least, a great Jedi. He was a member of the Jedi Council, a Jedi Master, he helped revive the Jedi Order, and now he was second in charge of all the Jedi. He sometimes could not believe the feats he had accomplished, but if his master had not taken a chance on him, then he never would have gotten to this point.

So Ben decided to take a chance, he wanted to offer the boy his own shot at one day becoming a successful Jedi, just like Ben. Ben was confident in his abilities to train young students, and he knew where the boy would be coming from, he would hopefully be able to connect with him and help him to realize his strengths and weaknesses and how to use them to compliment each other.

Walking into the training area where Ben had told him to meet him, Ben spotted the young Twi'lek, he could feel the respect coming from him, but he could also feel the confidence he was trying to store. Ben admired his attempt at hiding the arrogance, but he would not be able to hide it all, especially with Ben who was an expert at reading emotions. Smiling, Ben responded to him, "Indeed I am. Jedi Master, first Council seat, Ben Watts. Call me Ben, unless we are in a formal area, which you will be required to call me Master. I am not a fan, but it is how things work, so you'll have to deal with it." Smirking, he put his arm on A'donari's shoulders. "I understand you have been passed over a few times in your quest for a Master. Do you know why that may be?" If he was ever going to become great, he would have to realize his faults, the Jedi were not against him and if he thought they were he was mistaken.
The question came as a shock. Why had he been passed over? It was something he himself had asked countless times but he had never thought of the Jedi Master passing him up. I a small delusion of hope A'donari had been holding out on to the idea of his teachers waiting for a great Master to become available. His new Masters question tore through that veal opening his eyes to a new truth.

Pieces of his past fell into place seemingly before his eyes. Scoldings from his teachers during his studies, times when he had excelled far beyond the other students and was happy to let them know it, and the emotions he couldn't fight towards the beautiful female students had been the reasons he was skipped until now. All this time the emotions that he believed had been hiding so well were his true inhibitor.

"I am arrogant, Master. I believe in myself more than the Jedi teachers here in this temple see fit and I have a hard time containing most of all my other emotions. I achieve what I set out for and gain strength from my ability to set out to accomplish what I want to do. The force swells within me when I am able to channel it and understand that it is the reason I am excelling and pushing myself harder and farther than any of my training counterparts. It is the strength that guides my hand through the abundance of darkness and fear trying to take over my heart. For this reason I have been rejected by other masters." he said finishing the thoughts that had rolled out of his mouth without needing thought or effort. Each sentence had been filled with truth but truths that were new to his own ears.

After hearing himself he realized there was something he wanted to know, "Master, with this being known by my teachers and other Jedi then why did you select me?"
Well, at least he was admitting it, that was a step in the right direction. Ben nodded his head and he smiled, trying to offer a bit of hope through the force, he would be trained as long as he could follow Ben's tutelage. It would not be an easy process for him, rejecting the arrogance one felt, and the power that came with his confidence was hard to reject. Ben knew firsthand how powerful the dark side of the force could be, and confidence and arrogance were some of the quickest ways to tap into it.

"I am sure you are aware, but arrogance is a trait of the dark side. While it seems a very minute detail, you must be aware of it, and you must also realize that we Jedi do not do this for accolades or rewards. The Jedi use their gift, the force, to help those who were not given the same thing we were. We are warriors for peace and prosperity, while the Sith, they are agents of their own selfish desires." Patting him softly on the back, Ben marched over to a cabinet that held a few tools that the Jedi used for training. A'donari would know the basics of the force but Ben wanted him to demonstrate his abilities.

"I chose you because I was also arrogant like you once. Everything I did was for my own selfish purposes and I flirted with the darkside for years. It was not until everyone who I considered close to me was dead that I realized that I had been living in the dark for years. I chose you because I do not want to see you travel down the same path that I once did. It is bleak, it is dark, and it is lonely. No one should have to live it, and I wish to ensure that you do not make the same mistakes that I did." Pulling out a small orb Ben tossed it back and forth in his hands for a moment before he latched onto it with the force and shot it in A'donari's direction. It was relatively fast, but he should be able to stop it, if not Ben would get a good laugh from it.
Ben's words hit home. A'donari hadn't considered himself a Sith or someone who wanted to turn to the dark side but now it made sense as to why he was able to surpass his fellow students almost effortlessly ever time they trained. They were growing stronger in ways he had never considered. His teachers had stressed to him that power was not everything but he had never fully grasped the idea of which type of power they were referring to.

A churn of his stomach took him from his thoughts. Following the commands given to him by his subconscious was second nature at this point. A'donari stepped to the right in the blink of an eye and grabbed the object out of the air with his right hand thanks to his reflexes. He tossed it back and forth from his right to left hand while looking at the round ball that his new Master had thrown at him.

Looking up at his master he couldn't hide the confusion he was experiencing, "Master I have no idea which side of the force I used to move out of the way. Something just told me what to do and I have learned to listen. So how am I supposed to stop myself from using the Dark side of the Force when I don't know if I am using it?"
Ben was impressed by his reaction time, but he was hoping he would catch the ball with the force, none the less the lesson was learned and Ben approached him slowly. He was full of self doubt and his confidence was misplaced, a common trait among newer Padawans, Ben himself included. There was a lot of pressure on a Padawan when he was first taken on. Whether or not he would live up to expectation, would he be able to represent the Jedi Order the way he was supposed to, was his belief in the Jedi right or wrong? So many questions, but no real answer, it was a difficult life and Ben never tried to hide that fact.

"You must learn to distinguish which side is which. Some claim that there is no light or dark side, that there is merely the force, and that how you use it is when you decide whether or not it is good or bad. I do not believe that, I have heard the calling from the darkside myself, I know it exists. It is a separate entity, a very powerful tool, and its draw is much stronger than that of the lightside." Ben stopped when he was in front of A'Donari and he dropped down into an Indian style position on the ground. He pulled his lightsaber out and sat it in front of him, it was his concentration device, the thing he used to gather his concentration to meditate. "Have a seat."

Ben waited for him to sit across from him before he continued. "What is the purpose of the Jedi? Are we guardians of the galaxy? Or are we tools for the republic? Maybe we are messengers of the force? Not many people know the truth, but the truth is, we are harbingers or peace. We strive to spread the influence of the lightside through peacekeeping and the elimination of the dark side of the force. So what makes a good Jedi? If you were asking me that question I would tell you that a good Jedi is someone who never relents when faced with difficult decisions. We always do what is right, even in the face of death, or when everyone is doubting us, we do what we believe to be right. What gives us the ability to distinguish between right and wrong? The force, it is everything, it knows everything, and if you trust it long enough, it will give you the answers you seek. You keep questioning yourself when you already know the answer. The dark side of the force is powerful, it will corrupt you, and it will do it faster than you can imagine. What separates you from every other darksider is your determination to do what is right. You asked me how you know? Sometimes you may not know, sometimes it may seem like you are doing what is right, but really you are not. Close your eyes, focus deep, become one with the force and then you will discover the answers you seek. Discover the difference between the light and the dark and maybe then you will know the difference."
[SIZE=10pt]The words were true, maybe it was because Ben made it sound so simple. Mimicking his master, who was now sitting indian style on the floor, A'donari took a seat in front of him and closed his eyes allowing the force to fill his heart. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The energy of the Force that had been a mist of energy seemed to wash through A’donari’s body as a wave. It moved quickly and effortlessly throughout his body. Keep calm and focus, he thought to himself as he tried to stabilize the energy that was growing inside of him. No matter how hard he tried his thoughts began to wander irrationally as he thought about former Jedi passing on him or the students they might have chosen in his place. All he wanted was to show them how wrong they had been. Someday he would show them the by becoming the Jedi he knew he could become. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Where the thoughts were leading A’donari caught him by surprise and he pushed them out of his head by expanding his himself from his body. He felt throughout the training grounds reaching out to those around him. Soon to be chosen padawans, teachers, and the energy of the force that engulfed them all was all that he needed to feel before becoming disgusted with his surrounding and returning within his mind. The thoughts that he had tried to rid himself of came back double feeding off of his emotions. Breathing steadily and focusing had always led him deeper where the power of the force sat within. Each new thought seemed to double the amount of energy he felt resting within his heart giving him the courage and strength to accomplish his goals. He felt his Master’s steady and powerful life force sitting before him which made A’donari question why the Jedi had truly chosen him as a student. ‘Is this my last chance? If so then what happens if he can’t fix me? How could they just overlook that I ‘m a user of the Force who was brought up and raised by Jedi. Do they let people like me go freely to wander the Universe?’ The questions were all A’donari was now focused on while the fear that seemed to sit patiently at the cusp of his conscious thoughts took over. [/SIZE]
Closing his own eyes, Ben reached out with the force and grasped his lightsaber, bringing it floating up in front of him. It was his concentration tool, the thing that brought him to meditation easier, it forced him to focus solely on one thing instead of letting his mind wander. Before long he could see the ripples in the force, the questions and answers to everything, he could feel and touch every living being that was around him, but he was not interested in that. Clutching onto A'donari's mind, Ben easily let himself in, he was a young Padawan and would not be able to sense Ben hearing his thoughts, feeling his emotions, and living through him in those moments.

What he saw was shocking, but pure. A'donari had a good heart, he wanted to accomplish things, but he was going about it in all the wrong ways. He questioned himself, he doubted himself, and he believed that he was less than he really was. Belief in one's self was key, and though Ben did, at times, question himself, he stayed true to what he believed in. He believed in the code, he believed in the Jedi, and most of all he believed in A'donari. The brief glimpse allowed him to see that, while misguided, he wanted nothing more than to help those around him. Though he had selfish reasons for it, it did not change the fact that he was a Jedi.

"Every chance is your last chance," Ben's voice echoed inside of A'donari's. It would be loud, but he would know it was Ben, and he latched onto his mind so that he would not be sucked out of his own meditation. "When given opportunity, you must capitalize on it, for you may never be given the same chance again. This is not about first or last chances, this is about you becoming what you were meant to be, and I wish for you to tell me now. Are you meant to be a Jedi? Or are you meant to be something else? This life is not easy, not now, not ever. If you think you will find glory, find awards, if you think you will do anything besides living a full and true life then you must reconsider everything. This life is about serving, not about ruling."
Awards and Glory were things he had always wanted. The idea of being noticed, recognized, even loved were what drove him to be everything he had up until this point. But the words that Ben spoke about the life of the force were true; A'donari could not deny that. If that was what being a Jedi meant then that was what he was going to do. When he looked to his Master he saw a man who lived a life worth living and for the first time it was what he wanted as well.

"I am a Jedi. I am ready to walk the path of peace. I don't have the wisdom to guide myself out of the Darkness I have allowed to cloud my thoughts and judgement. It's resting beneath the surface but I will not use that as an excuse any longer. The light side of the force will move through me solely from this day forward. I will become a Jedi of the Force and protect life throughout this galaxy Master." he spoke within his mind. Each word streaming from true emotion. A'donari knew what he wanted now and saw what it would take to become the man he envisioned himself becoming. A new passion filled with light rested in his heart. He would become a Jedi knight wrapped in the peace and love of the Light side of the force like his Master who sat before him.

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