Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Destiny
ALIAS: Jennifer Drew
RANK: none
SPECIES: Human Replica Droid
SEX: Female (technically)
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 200 pounds (I mean, beneath her skin is battle armor soooo.) Edit: thanks to Anja the creators of destiny mystically discovered lighter materials to create the built in battle armor! she still weighs a lot for her size however.
EYES: Hazel with blue tint
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Light
FORCE SENSITIVE: Cannot become force sensitive (robot, duh)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Superhuman strength, speed, endurance, toughness
+Increased learning speed and a large knowledge of combat (especially in relation to fighting Jedi and other force sensitive individuals)
+Able to comprehend complex patterns and information more quickly and accurately than a normal human being
+Can control emotions very well for a time
+Can speak most languages and can learn others quickly
+Is not affected by pain
+Can survive low power or indirect (grazing, deflected, ETC.) blaster fire with little more than cosmetic damage
-Vulnerable to EMP attacks
-Non-biological status can earn her scorn in many circles
-Cannot be force sensitive or otherwise use the force
-Requires assistance to "heal" from wounds sustained in battle
-Can occasionally become highly 'emotional' as a result of her programming

Quite possibly the last and certainly the most secretive Human Replica Droid created by imperial designers Massad Thrumble and Simonelle, Destiny is, simply put, a beautiful killer. She was created with the goal of a machine that looks and acts human but is capable of combat with even trained Jedi. Not only is she programmed with a large database of combat knowledge and equipped with battle armor beneath her 'skin', she is also capable of superhuman strength, speed, and endurance while also being able to learn as any human might but more quickly. Despite being made just as the two planned, they deactivated her soon after the fall of the Empire and hid her away, but this was no simple droid: the human programming was so perfect that the Droid somehow managed to, "wake up" and began to seek escape. She was never fully programmed as an assassin; however, she maintained an innate drive for combat and once she was able to make it into the outside world she assumed the role of a Mercenary who would do whatever work was required of her with inhuman efficiency, for a price.


- After an unknown third party managed to cut access to her bank account and ship; Destiny has found herself stuck on the wheel until she can find the money, or the means, to get off the station and perhaps find out what happened. She managed to make most of the money she required to make her way somewhere; however, something strange has occurred: one of the people she met on the station has somehow piqued her interest and caused her to develop feelings. Unaware of how to deal with this, Destiny quickly stands up, only to realize this emotional glitch has distracted her from the complex calculations she usually makes passively and caused her to fall clumsily on top of the person. Now she waits to see how he reacts to the situation at hand.


-Currently stranded on the surface of Bastion:
The Wanderer (Late model E-Wing)




-The Wheel of Fortune (in progress)
-The battle of midway, invasion of Helska
- lightsaber crystals)
- beskar)

Seems very interesting. I'm aware there's a group of female cyborgs looking to destroy organic kind or something like that... If you're looking for that kind of faction, otherwise I might recommend you to join [member="The Queen"] and her concordant or perhaps the Imperial Remnant if you want her to remain loyal to Imperialism.

Edit: not that you have to, just a suggestion -- I'd also think you don't have to have her weigh so much due to there being quite a few very light-weight materials in existence. But up to you, of course :)

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