Corruck Kazen
Time is the Essence
Image Source: http://fc04.devianta...iam-d6aghen.jpg
Affiliation: Personal and Rebel Alliance
Manufacturer: Rendili Stardrive
Model: N/A
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel, Starship components
Classification: Assault
Length: 193 Meters
Width: 56 Meters
Height: 37 Meters
Armament: Four Laser Batteries for space combat
One Bombardment Missile Launch Tube
Hangar: Not capable of carrying any sort of vehicle or fighter
Special Features: The Destiny carries a number of fission bombs intended for planetary bombardment. These missiles are launched from the tubes that are set along the bottom of the craft, aimed at a planet's surface if it is oriented with the gravitational pull of the planet. The ship must be within the atmosphere of the planet so as to avoid premature detonation of the bombs due to the heat of re-entry. If the bombs are fired from orbit the bombs will explode leading to radiation being cast into the atmosphere, causing slight changes in the environment and leaving large amounts of radiation that will eventually fall to the planet.
Maneuverability Rating: 9
Speed Rating: 11
Hyperdrive Class: 2
Strengths: Very dangerous in planetary bombardments due to its payload.
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to most types of attacks from enemy space units.
Description: The Destiny is built for the sole purpose of bombardment. It has adequate defenses in case of an attack from enemy ships, however it will not be difficult to overpower. It uses the experimental, to Corruck's men, nuclear weapons as its main source of attack. While the nuclear missiles can be aimed spaceward and would be useful with the EMPs that would be emitted, the overall affected area is small enough that such a use is considered highly wasteful unless it is being fired at close range. Due to most ships being fitted with protection against different types of radiation waves, normally from stars and other such, the radioactivity from one of this missiles is wasted in space combat.
The ship was the culmination of Corruck's scientists wishing to put the new found technology to work in a way that Corruck demanded. They people could not produce a ship that could safely launch missiles onto the targets so Corruck turned to Rendili Stardrive for a suitable ship.
For security reasons and to avoid accidental launches, the missiles require a duel code to be entered at the same time from two separate terminals that are across the bridge from one another. The only way to bypass this process is an override code that is only known by Corruck. When the codes are entered, the missile that it prepared to be launched is armed and locked into the firing tube. There is a five second wait between the codes being entered and the missile is launched. Once launched, it take approximately fifteen seconds for another missile to be loaded, however the computer system has a cool down period of thirty seconds between firing sequences.
The missiles themselves are capable of destroying anything within 3 kilometers. Beyond that, structures are damaged, the shock wave will affect another 0.4 kilometers. The explosion will leave nuclear fallout that, depending on the winds, will be blown around affecting other areas. Shielded facilities and buildings built with starship intended metals are completely safe from the nuclear radiation. If the bomb is detonated in the upper atmosphere, such as it strikes a ray shield, then the radiation will become a part of the planet environment. This radiation can be cleaned, however the effort behind such a task would be long term.
Because the bombs would detonate if dropped from orbit, thanks to the heat of re-entry causing the bomb to activate, the ship must be within the atmosphere before the bombs are dropped. That is, if the intention is to hit a specific target, if instead a general radiation blast was the intent then a premature detonation would be preferable.
The ship is armed for basic defense against small fighters and light patrol craft. If it encounters stern resistance then retreat is the only viable option.
Development Thread: Star on Earth
Intent: I wanted to make a unique bombardment ship that would be used only in the worst possible situations or as an intimidation tactic, though the latter is something that I would have to do sparringly as the effect would lose it potency if I kept doing it so on the rare occasion I may use it as a supposed intimidation technique.
Who Can Use This: Corruck, leaders of the Rebel Alliance at Corruck's discretion.