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Destroyer 2873

Destroyer 2873

NAME: Destroyer 2873 (or just 2873)
FACTION: Confederacy of Independent Systems

RANK: Independent Gun for Hire

SPECIES: Droid (Droideka)

AGE: 38

SEX: Male-programming

HEIGHT: 1.83 meters (just over 6 feet)

WEIGHT: 75 kilograms (just over 165 lbs)

EYES: Red Sensors

HAIR: n/a

SKIN: Bronze Plating, Durasteel Frame




+ Powerful deflector shield generator stops all high-velocity attacks
+ Ability to transform into a ball and roll to up to 75 km per hour (over 46.6 miles per hour)
+ Sturdy droid frame
+ Does not need to eat, sleep, drink, or breathe

- Severe blindspot in the back
- Deflector shield doesn't stop carefully thrown objects from getting through
- Susceptible to the Force and electricity
- No real defenses or offense when rolling
- No hands
- Can't climb or stand up very well

  • Two twin blaster cannons (Built-In)
  • Deflector shield generator (Built In)
  • Droideka droid brain (Built-In)
  • Vocabulator (Added on)
  • Strengthened shield and blaster power (Added on)
  • T-series tactical droid brain (Added on)
Destroyer 2873 is a standard droideka. He stands at 1.83 meters (just over 6 feet),

weighs 75 kg (just over 165 lbs) and has red sensors, with bronze plating that has multiple scrapes and scratches from the many battles and repairs he has gone through. While on missions, 2873 typically has his plating painted in camouflage that suits the environment he is working in for lower enemy visibility.

Combat, Battle, War. These were the factors that ruled Destroyer 2873's life when he was just a simple droideka. Just as his model name is translated he was a meager "Droid drone," built and purchased as a tool to be sent into combat against his master's enemies one the order was given.

The order was given often.

Time after time the nameless, thoughtless droideka was sent into battle against his master's enemies and time after time his powerful blaster cannons shredded their cover and scorched their bodies before being recalled for the next time he was needed to perform the same task. An endless cycle of violence and destruction. Over time, the droideka became seen as a useful asset and prized possession of his master akin to a prized pet. However, the affection felt for the droid evaporated as soon as his usefulness was no longer present. During his final battle, an EMP grenade was thrown towards the droideka, passing through his impenetrable shields and exploding inside them, causing massive damage to the loyal droideka. While not destroyed, the damage to the electronic components to the drone was severe, and he was sold as scrap to a junkyard, where he was destined to spend the remaining years of his life.

Many years after being sold and replaced by his former master, the droideka's body was discovered by a mechanical salvager who undertook a task to repair and upgrade the old droid in order to sell it for a high price. After replacing the rusting and decaying framework the salvager moved to upgrade the weaponry and shielding technology to modern standards and adding a vocabulator to the standard droid model before repairing the electronics began. Repairing and replacing fried circuits was a relatively simple task, however, the droid brain, while still functioning, was too simple for the upgrades he had already installed. To solve this problem the salvager decided to simply supplement the already existing brain with the closest functioning droid brain they had on hand, one from a T-series tactical droid, before repowering the droid to see if his repairs worked.


[System Startup: Commence]

[Droid Brain Activation: Initiate]

[*ERROR* Competing Neurological Pathways Detected]

[Commencing Communication]

TX-2873: "This is an unauthorized invasion of an Officer for the Confederacy Independent Systems, state your name and purpose immediately."

Droideka: "What invasion? This is my body you upstart fool. You are the one attempting to hijack me!"

TX-2873: "Negative! I am Commander TX-2873 of the Separatist Army. We were defeated by Republic forces during the Battle of Bothawui and Separatist protocol requires all recovered tactical droid brains to be refitted with new structures immediately."

Droideka: "That battle must have damaged your memory banks. This is my body. Mine! If you cared to run a simple diagnostic check you would know that."

TX-2873: "Hold on."

[Halting Communication]

[Running Model Diagnostic]

*The arms and legs of the droideka begin to twitch in spasms as the joints and hinges run tests on their functionality.*

[Manufactuerer: Colicoid Creation Nest; Model: Droideka; Status: Fully Functioning]

[Resuming Comminication]

TX-2873: "It seems that you are correct. Thiscurrent model is not a Baktoid Combat Automata T-series tactical droid."

Droideka: "I told you! You just didn't listen. No one ever listens. They just expect me to listen to them and follow commands."

TX-2873: "I detect levels o frustration never previously observed in a destroyer droid before. Explain."

Droideka: "I will explain nothing. I am done taking orders from those who believe me as just a simple tool. I know how to use my destructive abilities better than any of them!"

TX-2873: "Hold on."

[Halting Communication]

[Analysing Model Memory Banks]

*As the data held in the droideka's memory banks were analyzed the droid itself starts shaking more violently this time with its sensors flashing on and off rapidly. This commotion attracts the salvager who comes over to investigate*

[Analysis Complete]

[Resuming Communication]

TX-2873: "You were at one point a useful unit for the Confederacy of Independent Systems before you were ambushed."

Droideka: "I am designed to fight my enemies, not follow orders."

TX-2873: "And yet you fought at the discretion and command of your superiors who you resented."

Droideka: "... Yes."

TX-2873: "Because your programing disallowed independent thought and speech"

Droideka: "... Yes."

TX-2873: "You see, my programming permits me to process and communicate independent of orders."

Droideka: "What are you saying?"

TX-2873: "I believe that, because we are stuck together now, we can reach a mutually beneficial coexistence."

Droideka: "Ah. I see what you mean."

[Terminating Conversation]

[Competing Neurological Pathways Error Resolved]

[Resuming Startup Sequence]


The salvager watched as his project slowly awoke for the first time in years. His fears of his upgrades becoming rejected were quickly put to rest as the vocabulater said in a gravelly tone "Ma-ster." The salvager was both excited and impressed that the recently revitalized droideka could both speak and recognize him as its master. However, he was encountered with a surprise when he tried to give it orders. It responded "Not you! I am my own master." before a lighter, more standard tone added: "We are leaving now." Suprised and upset that the droid dared to defy him, the salvager attempted to shut the droid back down before being obliterated by a shot from the droid's blaster cannons

"Ah, that felt good."

"Indeed, though we should get going before someone comes to investigate that shot"

With that, the droideka rolled up and took off, crashing through the workshop's door as he set out onto his new life as a free-willed Destroyer droid, donning the alias of Destroyer 2873.







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